The 578th chapter is awesome

A gleam of light flashed in the man’s eyes, and he didn’t have a hint of affection for Ye Yun, who would inevitably die in this imaginary world if he loves the limelight!

Ye Yun looked at the scene in front of him and shook his head.

He actually didn’t want to squeeze into the crowd before jumping up, and then Ye Yun let go and jumped off the pillar.

At this time Wu Ping also sneaked over from the side.

“Does your kid offend people again?”

Ye Yun shook his head with a wry smile, and said, “No.”

“You still don’t?” Wu Ping said with his eyes widened; “That guy is the straight of the Lingqizong, and his body of Vajra cultivation is impermeable. It is not comparable to ordinary people in the physical battle, even if Being the master in Sect also praises him much. Here, people with stronger physical bodies are generally popular. Don’t be impulsive.”

“I said no, no, hurry up.” He looked at Wu Ping and said with a smile, and then quickly walked towards the side passage.

Wu Ping watched Ye Yun walking towards the passage recklessly, and immediately stopped Ye Yun with his eyes wide open.

“You really can’t rush here, and you’ve seen this corpse before, and it was turned into a stone statue, but the outside of the stone statue is sprayed with pus and blood.”

“I heard that there are bat stone statues here, and there are creatures transformed by evil spirits. We can be more careful.”

Ye Yun looked at Wu Ping cautiously, and immediately smiled and shook his head.

“Okay, come with me. I’ll go ahead and you can go behind. If you dare not, then you can stand here with the people in the hall.”

Wu Ping listened to Ye Yun going his own way, and immediately pulled him urgently. It was better to follow Ye Yun in here. This was his first feeling.

And Ye Yun was originally the biggest black horse this time. If he didn’t hug this thigh well, then I’m afraid there will be no thighs to be hugged by him right away.

“Dage Dage, at least you gave me some Face, okay? I really can’t break through here.”

Ye Yun shook off Wu Ping’s steps, then sighed bitterly.

“If I can’t break through, then no one can break through here. Okay, don’t worry, follow me.”


An abrupt cold snort rang out immediately.

It was the man who had just pulled Yuan Jing straight.

“Your kid doesn’t know how powerful this is, and is still ranting here.”

There was a fierce stern in Ye Yun’s eyes. He was talking to Wu Ping right now, but this guy actually broke in!

If you give him some power at this time, then after entering this tomb gate, I am afraid that there will be more things to find.

“What kind of thing are you, it’s verbose in front of my eyes, or else there will be a fight.”

“Okay, hit it.” Shazhi said coldly. He also squeezed his own fists everywhere, and a pair of golden arms began to slowly spread over his whole body, and then Shazhi was like a golden man, Vajra No leakage!

“Senior brother, don’t fight. If the master knows about it right away, then this matter will be difficult.” The woman wearing a pink dress on the side said anxiously. When she looked at Ye Yun, she seemed to be shy. .


Ye Yun said softly, sometimes women pull and pull here, even if they fight, they may be blocked in many ways.

After speaking, Ye Yun walked in directly toward the entrance of the tomb.

Wu Ping looked at everyone at this time, and then at Ye Yun.

Then he stomped his foot and walked in directly behind Ye Yun.


When everyone saw this scene in front of them, they laughed immediately.

They all laughed at the stupidity of these two people. The lesson for the future is already here. This person died in this cave. When he rushed out, the whole person was still fine, but it changed in an instant. It became a stone statue, and there were two cracks in the neck spurting blood!

“The guy who took the lead is called Ye Yun. It’s really arrogant. It’s just that he’s going to die here. It’s a dark horse that’s dead.”

“A dead enemy is a good enemy, and it saves me from doing it!”

Listening to everyone’s words straightforwardly, he also sneered immediately.

If that guy turned out to die on his own right now, then there is no need to do it himself.

Ye Yun also walked into this cave at this moment.

He found that a lot of people were petrified here, and the ground was full of sand.

When a boundless hot wind blew, he directly took Wu Ping and hid on a lush tree next to him.

Seeing that there shouldn’t be this kind of better-growing big tree here, and the branches are fresh, but it does exist in this vast desert!

Wu Ping saw this scene in front of him, and his eyes widened immediately.

“This is the legendary Death Desert!” He said excitedly, “If it weren’t for someone with absolute magic power, they would definitely not be able to escape here, even though people like me already have the battle of the creation period. Strength, but I’m afraid it’s not worth mentioning here.”

Ye Yun immediately smiled and shook his head when listening to Wu Ping’s words. The current wind seemed to be alive and decayed. He couldn’t decide what the law was, so now it’s better not to try it lightly.

He still needs to find the source of this wind, until he sees what can make the scene in front of him, maybe it will be good for him!

However, the surrounding trees have a breath of life, but he has just tried it, can’t absorb it, and it’s useless.

“Let’s go, we must not stop here.”

He looked at Wu Ping and said calmly, and then looked around and found that there was no such hot wind blowing, and he also walked out from the tree.

“But didn’t these guys say that there are some bats here? Why can’t I see them all the time.”

Wu Ping looked around nervously and said.

“People say it’s terrible, and the realm of the person just now is not high. He should have followed people in. There are people in front of us. If there is time, we can catch up with them.” Ye Yun said with a smile, if this secret realm If there are no good things in it, then the three heads are crazy to let them come in and die?

“There is anyone else?” Wu Ping’s eyes widened immediately.

He couldn’t believe that ghosts were willing to come to places like this.

Someone had already come in early. Could it be that any lunatic was the same as Ye Yun who sent him to death?

No matter what Wu Ping thought, Ye Yun took the lead and walked forward.

Anyway, this guy Wu Ping is already clever, he knows to be behind own, and he doesn’t even want to show his hair.

They walked through a few small sand dunes and found a few stone-like people sitting on a stone palace in front.

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