Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1481: You just want to attack Daozu!

Chapter 1476 You Just Want To Shock The Dao Ancestor! (Two more)



In an instant!

All the people who came here did not see it clearly!

The figure coming out of that fairy palace has already appeared on the platform!

"See your grandfather!"

The side of the blue sky holy land, headed by the old man in the blue robe, all bowed to the figure at the moment!

"This... will Brother Chen be in danger..."

Middle-aged fat man shivered!

The rest are silent!

In this case, it’s better not to speak out. It’s not good if it causes trouble to you. After all, the Patriarch of Mount Biluo Holy Land is a half-walking ancestor, and today it will also impact the realm of Dao. The Taoist ancestors are at this level. This kind of person is not something that others and others can provoke!

"Head of the Nine Tribulation..." The figure raised his head, and his long hair scattered randomly turned a little, revealing a face like a stone carving.


Everyone was surprised when they looked at it!

The Patriarch of the Blue Mountain Holy Land Kaishan is not a human race!

It seems to be a stone family!

Didn’t the Shi people die long ago!


"The grandfather is actually..."

"How could Grandpa Master become..."

Xuanyi Shengzi, Zhanlu Shengzi and others on the high platform raised their heads at this moment, and saw the stone-like face, and also showed a look of surprise! Because they have all seen the portrait of Grandpa Grandpa, Grandpa Grandpa is clearly a human race, but at this moment, Grandpa Grandpa appeared, how could he become a Stone Race!

"Grandpa Master, Holy Mirror said that this son is the head of the Nine Tribulation, then there must be no mistake, this son must be the head of the Nine Tribulation! Grandpa Master, do you remember, your only blood descendant is to die in the Nine Tribulation II In my hand, the head of the Nine Tribulation appeared today, just beheading this child to avenge your only blood descendant!"

The old man in blue robe shouted!


The only blood descendant of Kaishan Patriarch of the Biluo Holy Land died in the hands of Jiu Jie Er!

Is there still such a thing!

Everyone was surprised, but they were surprised. They were still silent one by one, and did not want to be implicated!

"Then you are really damn."

The figure looked at Chen Zheng indifferently at the moment.

"Just you want to impact Dao Zu Realm?"

On the top of the ladder, Chen Zheng said lightly.


In a word!

Cultivation in public!

This tone!

This gesture!

This did not take the ancestral master of Mount Biluo Sacred Mountain at all!

This child!

Is it really the head of the Nine Tribulation!

Is this kid deliberately hiding Xiu Wei from doing things!

All kinds of guesses for a time.

"..." Xuanyi Shengzi was stunned, and the scene that Tianchu City saw appeared again in his eyes, a flash of fear flashed in his eyes, but soon that fear was soon replaced by a cold color!


This guy really pinched the ethereal ancestor in the early days of the city!

But the grandfather is not an ethereal ancestor!

The ancestor is better than the ethereal ancestor!

No matter how strong this kid is, he will be defeated today!

"It's hard to die until you die, you will die without a doubt!"

Zhanlu Shengzi cold drink!

"You're just a stepping stone on the road where the ancestors are attacking the Taoist ancestral realm!" The old man in blue robe disdainfully smiled: "The ancestor who came here this time will be the stepping stone for the ancestor and the prince's impacting the ancestral realm of the master. Also climbed to the top of the ladder, you are a perfect stepping stone!"


The ancestor who came this time is a stepping stone!

On this vast platform, all the coming people heard this sentence, and their faces changed, especially those of the ancestors who came, all looked down one by one!



Now that I understand the teachings of the Biluo Holy Land, why did it suddenly make trouble for the young man, this is simply a game! At first it was not aimed at the young man, at the beginning it was aimed at the coming ancestor, but that young man perfectly replaced the coming ancestor!

"Even if the people of Huitian Dao impacted their ancestors successfully, they would also be expelled from Heavenly World by Xuanhuang, but Biluo Holy Land is still in Xuanhuang Great World. Isn't Biluo Holy Land afraid of revenge? Our Tianzi Academy has always been low-key , But you can’t bully if you want to bully!"

The ancestor of Gaoxianshu of the Tianzi Academy opened his mouth at the moment!

"Huh! Do you not understand Gao Xianshu? Once Grandpa Patriarch succeeded in attacking the Dao ancestral realm, then the Blue Heaven Holy Land will also follow the ascension and leave the world, so do you think this seat will be afraid of your revenge?" The old man in blue robe looked disdainful Scanning over, there is no disguise at this moment: "You should be glad that Gao Xianshu, this kid has replaced you as the stepping stone to become the grandfather, otherwise you will be dead! You can also rest assured that when the grandfather becomes the ancestor, this seat I won’t ask Grandpa Master to kill you, because the Blessed Holy Land and your denominations are no longer on the same level. The Blessed Holy Land will override the world of thousands! And it doesn’t matter whether this kid is the head of the Nine Tribulation , As long as he can serve as a perfect stepping stone for Grandpa!"


Gao Xianshu was stunned, and then he was full of indignation. He wanted to say something about the disciples of the Tianzi Academy around him, and he could only sigh! The rest of the ancestors were silent at the moment and did not want to be involved!

As for the other disciples of each sect, this moment is also boring. The original saying that the young man is the head of the Nine Tribulation is really just an excuse for the casual teaching of the Blue Land Holy Land!

Blue sky holy land!

Still want to soar!

Still want to break free from the big world!

"Brother Chen... is not the head of the Nine Tribulation, just because he was regarded as a stepping stone to the Patriarch of the Blue Mountain Holy Land, so he was arranged for an inexplicable crime..."

The middle-aged fat man was dumbfounded at the moment. Originally the Biluo Holy Land was quite tall in his mind, but this moment completely collapsed. There was also a blank in his mind for a moment, but some ancient divine vaguely emerged from the deepest point of Yuanshen, but he didn't know it.

"It's almost time to get you on the road, you can climb to the top of the ladder, and it is indeed my best stepping stone."

At this time!

Patriarch of the Biluo Holy Land moved back to heaven!




He stepped out in one step!

Also quickly climb to the top of the ladder!

this moment!

The public repair below held their breath!

That young man can climb to the top of the ladder, certainly not an ordinary tyranny, even if it is just Xuan Xian Xiu Wei, but the combat power is definitely not weak, and definitely stronger than the ancestor! At this moment, I don’t know if there is a chance to win the Taoist people!




On the high platform below, the old man in the blue robe, the son of Zhanlu Sheng, the son of Xuanyi and other sacred places, sneered sneerly!


The top of the ladder!

Chen Zheng smiled When Huitian Daoren turned into a stone man and grabbed him, he lifted his right hand and slapped it out!

Slap on the hands of Shangshiren!


Only the crackling sounded!

A face-to-face!

Shirenhua's Huitian Taoist flesh is broken!


Yuan Shen froze!


The pupils of Zhongxiu swelled to the extreme, shocked to the extreme, and listened to the previous sentence again!

"Just like you, you also want to impact Dao Zu Realm!"

(End of this chapter)

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