Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1482: Did everyone learn by mistake?

Chapter 1477: Has Everyone Learned To Make A Clue? (Three more)

Just like you, you want to impact Taoist realm!

At the moment almost all monks on the vast platform echoed this sentence!

After being silent for at least thirty breaths, Zhanlu Shengzi, Xuanyi Shengzi, Green-clothed Youth and others who had seen Chen Zheng's Biluo Holy Land, kneeled as soon as their legs puffed! The ancestors who opened the hills in the Biluo Holy Land to Heavenly Dao were their last reliance, but when the last reliance was slapped, the flesh was exploded. They instantly felt the sky collapse!


The old man in the blue robe, that is, the Blue Land Holy Land taught Lan Xingxuan's body to tremble. He was crying wildly in his heart, how could it be so, how could it be like this, how is it completely different from what he expected! Shouldn’t Grandpa Grandpa step on that kid, step on the perfect stepping stone, break through the situation and become the Taoist ancestor, and then take the ascending holy land to fly!


I just listened to the report of a deacon secretly, saying that the kid broke the Nine Trial Immortal Array with a little girl, so he sacrificed the Holy Mirror and installed the name of the head of the Nine Tribulation on that kid! The first four characters of the Nine Tribulation revealed by the Holy Mirror just now are not secretly controlled by the mysterious method, but the Holy Mirror itself manifests itself!

Do not!


I was secretly using mystery to control the Holy Mirror!

Not a holy mirror at all!

In one thought, countless thoughts flashed, Lan Xingxuan took another deep breath, staring at Chen Zhengyi, and asked, "Are you... the head of the Nine Tribulation!"


Why did Lanzhang suddenly ask?

Didn’t Lanzhang personally admit that it was just an excuse to find casually?

When the monks such as Gao Xianshu heard it, their eyes moved at the moment, and they all looked towards the Blue Palm Religion. The next moment he felt a little, and suddenly thought of a little, and his eyes moved to Chen Zheng again!

Is it!

Could it be that the Blue Palm Sect was self-defeating!

"Friends of Biluo Dao save me!"


The top of the ladder goes back to the heaven Taoist Yuanshen and shouts above the sky dome!


Biluo Daoyou!

Who is calling back to Heaven!

Upon hearing this, the Cultivator revealed a suspicious look, and now looked towards the sky dome, as if there were no signs of the coming of life!

"Shout people."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

"Please Biluo Daoyou save me!"

Huitian Taoist Yuanshen shouted again!


There is no sign of the coming of souls!

"carry on."

Chen Zheng smiled again.

"Tianjin Biluo, did you forget the grace of that bowl of noodles? At the time, you turned into a mortal and almost starved to death. If it were not for me to invite you to eat a bowl of noodles, you would have reincarnate and passed away. I've been a half-walking ancestor, did I really forget me! Tenjin Biluo, I know you can hear my call, and don't show up to save me, do you really want to bear the ungrateful infamy!"

Huitian Taoist Yuan Shen gritted his teeth and shouted!

A bowl of noodles?

What allusion is this?

All the listeners were puzzled.



This time there was a divine light above the sky dome!

The next moment a phantom appeared!


Lan Xingxuan saw that figure, his eyes lit up at this moment!

"Bilu took me out of this world!"

Huitian Taoist Yuanshen showed his joy!

"Huitian Taoist, you have been rewarded more than three times for your bowl of noodles. You can be a true immortal. I made a fairy pill for you with the blood of the gods. Blood has made you a nine-turn golden pill, can you become an ancestor? Or can I use **** blood to make you an ancestor pill, and you can become a half-track ancestor, and still I have made a **** with your original **** blood Dan. It wasn’t a big problem if you asked me to save you. It’s just that you shouldn’t provoke this one this time. This one... is heaven.”

The phantom didn't move, only suspended a few words above the sky dome, and then disillusioned.


"A bowl of noodles has become a half-walking ancestor!"

"The patriarch's path to practice that true..."


The monks of the blue sky holy land are stupid!

Gao Xianshu and all the other comers were dumbfounded!


Huitian Taoist people are arrogant and mysterious in the eyes of the world!

not only that!

Huitian Taoist is still the name of great perseverance!

Since many years ago, there has been a legend of Huitian Taoist people in this world, saying that the talent for cultivation is common, but by virtue of perseverance, he became an ancestor all the way, became a half-track ancestor, and stood on the saint. Above!


But the fact is that it depends on the original blood of the mysterious blue sky god!

It doesn't depend on perseverance at all!

"Do not......"

"How could Grandpa Grandpa be such a person..."

"I do not believe......"

At this moment, almost all the monks of the Biluo Holy Land collapsed. Even if it was Lan Xing Xuan who taught him, after a throat agitation at this moment, his legs were softly kneeling!

Faith collapses!

His faith also collapsed!

"Haha! Hahaha! There is a bowl of noodles, more than one reward! Do you guys think this seat is funny, do you want to read this joke? Huh! This seat is a half-walker , Even if the flesh is destroyed, this seat is still a half-walk ancestor, what qualifications do you wait for the ants to joke this seat! Today, everyone in the Blue Fall Holy Land is trying to escape!"

The top of the ladder!

Huitian Taoist Yuanshen suddenly burst into laughter!


next moment!

A magical instrument in the God of Heaven Daoist is flying out!

In a blink of an eye, it turned into a giant mountain towards the bottom is a town!

"Run away!"

"He's crazy!"

"He's going to kill and kill!"

The public repair below exclaimed!

"Are you when I don't exist?"

It was also at this time that Chen Zheng chuckled and wiped it away, and the giant mountain-like magic weapon shrank into a stone, and then the stone turned into a fairy light, and flew into the middle-aged fat man's eyebrows in the eyes of everyone's consternation!


The middle-aged fat man was stunned!


Zhong Xiu stared at him, and he was also dumbfounded!

"Having become a half-step Taoist ancestor by relying on the blood of the God of Heaven, and wanting to impact the Daozu realm after seizing the relics of the stone clan, you may ask yourself, do you really match the impact of the Daozu realm?"

Chen Zheng said lightly.

"Ah! I'm going to kill you!"

Huitian Daoyuan Yuanshen roared roaringly, such as the same grudge against Chen Zheng, but before he rushed to Chen Zheng, Chen Zheng glanced indifferently, and Huitian Daoren Yuanshen shattered!


Cultivators took a breath!

Although they are still a little confused about the stone holy things mentioned by Chen Zheng, one thing is clear to them, that is, the Huitian Taoist people are completely gone, and there is no Huitian Taoist people in this world!



"Go to God!"

The disciples of the Biluo Holy Land on the high platform suddenly shivered for mercy at this moment!

"You... are you the head of the Nine Tribulation!"

The blue down holy land kneeling on the ground teaches Lan At this moment, he stared at Chen Zheng again, and his voice was deep and he asked extremely!

"There is a word called self-defeating, I don't know if you learned the word today."

Chen Zheng responded lightly.


When Lan Xingxuan and the public listened, it was a stun!

next moment!

Understand instantly!


There is only fear in the eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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