Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1491: Tell your master to show his face!

"Fuck things!"

"My mana!"

"My origin!"

"Give it back to me!"

"Do not!"


It didn't last long!

After the interest time!

A figure fell down from above!


This one fell down!

Smash a big pit!


The foreigners glanced into the big pit, and they all showed a terrifying look, because that was the **** hidden adults in their mouths. Although they looked intact, even though there was still good looks in their pupils, they could have their mana and origin. Already gone!

"Master Shenyin, the mana and the source are swallowed up"

An ancestor outside the territory trembling and speaking!

"What is that purple beast? It's so terrible. Is that a real evil **** beast!"

Another ancestor from outside the domain whispered!

"Master, this man's mana is almost the same as that of the original source. This guy has the protection of the heavenly holy throne. This guy can't be destroyed every day. Go back and absorb it every day when you are full!"

At this time, the Dao Biting Beast fell down, touched his belly and said something to Chen Zheng, and it turned into a purple awn and fell into Chen Zheng's eyebrows.


Does it matter if you are full?

Everyone was stunned.


At this time, the phantom behind Shaoyan dissipated, the majestic breath disappeared instantly, and Shaoyan fainted with a groan. The people of the family of God Eyes exclaimed and quickly supported Shaoyan. After a little exploration, it was just too much mana loss, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

"This seat is unwilling, why should Heaven give you face!"

In the big pit, Yin Sheng tried to raise his hand to point at Chen Zheng, but he couldn’t raise his hand anymore, so he lay in the big pit and gritted his teeth!

"The face is given by yourself, not by others. If you are strong enough, others will naturally give you face. As for why Xuanhuang Tiandao gave me face, just now you didn’t see it, it’s not called me face, that If I am threatened, I can only accept it silently."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


The appearance of those ancestors outside the territory has changed again!

Just now!

This guy is indeed threatening heaven!

The sky is gone!

So it’s not heaven to give this guy a face!

Heaven is actually afraid of this guy!

It seems that Lord Shenyin hasn't figured out the key points, or is Lord Shenyin unwilling to admit this, and is he not willing to believe that Heavenly Dao is afraid of this Xuanxian in front of him!

"The ancestral ancestor Shou Yuan of the God Eye Family has reached the limit, and it will fall today, and the Taoist ancestor can't save him, so he will instill the boy today and give him a mana! But the owner of this seat It is God, the owner of this seat has a way to lift the limit of Shouyuan, and has already passed the secret method to this seat. As long as you promise to let this seat go, this seat will say the secret method!"

Hidden holy expression changed for a while, gnashing his teeth and drinking again!

"You're still a saint, how can you be so brainless."

Chen Zheng sighed and lifted his right hand, hitting a pale blue mysterious light at will. I saw that the pale blue mysterious light did not enter the eyebrows of the ancestors of the family of the gods, the body of the ancestors of the family of the eyes shuddered, and a tremendous vitality burst out of their bodies.


"This is magnificent!"

"Has the Shouyuan Great Limit Tribulation been lifted!"

The eyes of the **** family exclaimed!


When the foreigners saw this scene, their pupils shrank violently, and almost the same thoughts came out of their hearts, that is, they immediately fled, immediately left the world of ancestral eyes, and immediately fled this world back to the domain!

This place is too dangerous!


Not that this place is too dangerous!

But that young man is too dangerous!


Yin Sheng opened his mouth and couldn't say anything he wanted to say!

"If it was before, to help people solve the Shouyuan limit, I need some holy fruit, but now it is not necessary." Chen Zheng looked at the hidden holy, and said with a smile: "As for you What secret method is used to make the condition, your mind is really stupid, I will search your primitive spirit, will the secret method not be available? Of course, you don’t need to take the secret method, so it doesn’t matter if you really have the secret method. Isn’t your master a god, he can’t enter the world of thousands, but the incarnation of the will can enter the world of thousands and tell him to show his face."


Yin Sheng opened his mouth again, and then the two pupils swelled to the extreme. The next moment the blood spurted out. Then the next two pupils suddenly dissipated, and the whole person twitched and no longer breathed. !


Hidden in the flesh!

A light mass flew out!

Suddenly flew into the sky dome!



Immediately after, the sky dome of the Xuanhuang Great World was gloomy, between the thunder and lightning, the blood rain was pouring. At this moment, not only the people of the ancestral land of the eyes of the family raised their heads, but all the creatures raised their heads and looked at the sky dome. They knew that a saint fell. Now!

"We are Taixuan Orthodox monks, Taixuan Orthodox is the descendant of Taixuan. We teach us that we are the master of the half-step era. The master we worship is Taixuan God. Pass the name of Tai Xuan God."

After the silence, an ancestor from a foreign field looked at Chen Zheng Shen Sheng said!

"Who among you can call Taixuan Naxi to show up? I will let go, and you can start acting."

Chen Zheng gave the ancestor a friendly smile.


The ancestor's expression instantly stagnate!

Taixuan Naxiu!

Call to show my face!

This young man didn't have any respect for Tai Xuan God!

Not only did this ancestor look stagnant, but also the appearances of other outsiders were stagnant. First of all, no matter whether you respect Taixuan God or call Taixuan God to show a face, they simply can't do it!

Because they are very clear, they don’t have the qualification to invite Taixuan God to come, at most they can only ask Taixuan’s authentic will to come, but Master Zhang is going to retreat!





The eyes of these outsiders instantly communicated, and then they turned into the sky, facing the pouring rain to break away from the world of Xuanhuang, but Chen Zheng only laughed lightly, and wiped out all these outsiders into blood rain. portion!


All gone!

All erased!


In the ancestral land of the God Eye Up and down the God Eye Family, whether it is the ancestor or other children, all are silent at this moment, and they are also shocked! This young man wouldn't do it, it would wipe out the ancestor and even half the trail ancestor!

No wonder!

No wonder the old ancestors sent the young lady to go to Tianyun World to ask for this person!

Master Lianshan!

This young man has a title called Master Lianshan!


This title may not be its true identity!

Even his real identity is afraid of Heaven!

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