Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1492: Sorry, mine is 1 point better than you!

"You guys know what's going on here without coming. Since you know I'm here, since you want the Eye of Chaos, why don't you come by an incarnation of volition to grab it, or you know that you can't grab the Eye of Chaos, so you just keep your face Are you too lazy to reveal?"

Chen Zheng looked at the gloomy sky and asked with a smile.

The eyes of the family of God Eyes listened, and they all showed their doubts, but they soon realized that this question was not asking Heavenly Dao, this question was the master of Stable Hidden Saint, that is, Tai Xuan God mentioned by Hidden Saint.


Will that kind of creature really come!

The so-called God!

What is the difference with Heavenly Dao!

Doesn't God mean heaven?

Is there a big difference between the two!

Suspicious thoughts popped up, and the eyes of the family of God Eyes couldn't help but look at the sky dome, and just when the Miss Eyes Family Miss Xiangyin recovered some mana, and just about to say something to Chen Zheng, that dark sky dome On, in the pouring rain, a figure appeared silently!

In white!

White mask!

Stand in the air!



See you again!

Who is this person!

This person could be the incarnation of Taixuan God!

Xiang Yin and the rest of the family of God Eyes have the same thoughts in their hearts!

"I can't tell whether you are the emperor or the original thing, but you should not be the emperor. The emperor is not as easy-going as you. The emperor has always been overbearing and will not reason with others. The emperor is simple and rude." The man in white spoke lightly, then paused and looked at Chen Zhengshu, then said: "You need something to restore mana, and I need the eye of chaos to enter a place, so I think we can discuss something, no matter you Is it the original thing."


People in white can do anything!

Nine **** fruits emerged in an instant!

"this is!"

"These **** fruits... so scary!"


The eyes of the **** family were stunned for the first time, the next moment was exclaimed, the scary said was not really scary, but under the perception, the power contained in these **** fruits was magnificent as if infinite!

Nine **** fruits!

It's exactly the same!

Each one contains immense power!

So generous!

Even if it is a family of **** eyes, it has never been seen before, and it is difficult to find the second person to come up with such nine **** fruits in the world!

"Too easy Shinto fruit..." Chen Zheng also stunned slightly, and then smiled: "The last time I heard people say, it seems that there is only one such thing in the ancient God Mountain, you guys can actually Take out nine, there are indeed some means."

"Eternal God Mountain? Except for the old thing that claims to be indestructible, the rest are stinky fish and shrimps. What kills the **** master and what the Nine Palace Gods are rubbish. My means, Eternal God Mountain is naturally inferior. You recognize it too easy Shinto fruit, then you should know the preciousness of Taiyi Shinto fruit. I took nine Taiyi Shinto fruit and exchanged chaotic eyes with you, how could you all make money."

The man in white mask said lightly.

"Make it? Isn't this too easy Shinto fruit to belong to me originally?"

Chen Zheng listened and smiled mysteriously at the white masked man.

"Huh? Did you admit it?" The voice of the white-faced mask changed, but the next moment he smiled faintly: "Your mana is so weak that you don't even have the qualification to see me in Taixu, even the first thing, you have to admit it. Clear the reality. Maybe many years ago, I should shout a head, but now it is the era of Hongmeng, your myth at most is only in the first age, and even the first age has not passed, your myth has ended. So...if I were you, I would use the Eye of Chaos to exchange for nine too easy Shinto fruits to restore at least half of the mana. This is the reality. You used to be a supreme myth, but now you have to accept it. reality."


The eyes of the family of the eyes, I was confused, but they all heard it. This white-faced masked man is clearly a master of the tone of Master Lianshan!

"You know my mana is weak, why don't you take advantage of this opportunity to destroy me, and when will I return to the top, when you're not afraid of me going into Taixu and severing you? And how can you learn from your men and wear masks? , Is it too ugly to scare others, or is it afraid that I know what you look like?"

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Ugly? I'm afraid you know what I look like? You think too much." The white mask person hummed: "Innate five great gods, acquired eight great gods, I dare not say that my appearance can be ranked first, and the top three still have nothing. The question. As for why wearing a mask, because this mask is not easy to come by, this thing is a thing outside the universe, do you know something outside the universe? This thing has some special abilities, even the ultimate creation can not be comparable."

Things outside the universe?

The ultimate creation?

The eyes of the family of the gods showed doubt, no matter whether it was a foreign thing or the ultimate creation, they had never heard of it. Perhaps the ancestors had heard of it, but the ancestors were not sober.

"Is the special ability to get eight real illusions out?"

Chen Zheng said lightly.

As soon as this sentence was spoken, the man in white mask was stunned for a while, and just before he continued to speak, he saw Chen Zheng lift his right hand, and casually wiped the nine Taiyi Shinto fruits, except for the middle one, and the other eight. All disillusioned!

"This turned out to be fake!"

"I didn't see it before!"

"Can a creature like God also deceive people?"

The people of God Eye Family were stunned!


It will even deceive people!


Shouldn't God's creatures be forced to be infinitely tall!

Some are hard to believe!

It's really hard to believe!

"Deception? It's normal to deceive people. Before they were detached, they were all in the cage and couldn't jump out of the reincarnation. How could they really override all living beings. Tai Xuan Shang Cang, do you say that?"

Chen Zheng smiled again.

This time the man in white mask did not respond. Then, under the white mask, he stared at Chen Zheng for a moment, and then he sighed: "Maybe I should join forces with the emperor to take the risk of being stared by Hongmeng, and the body will force you to suppress you. But it’s a pity that the Emperor Nao didn’t even care about me. You saw through my means, and it’s the original thing, but I still want to take away the eye of chaos, because I have something outside, even if my will is incarnate in the world. I can't threaten you."


The white mask moved!

Eyes moved!

Staring at Shaoyan!

I saw a seven-color divine light suddenly appearing in the white mask on his face. The face of the family of the **** eye changed greatly. Some ancestors threw out the magical instruments to block the seven-color divine light. Become particles!

The people of God Eye Family are horrified!

"This is the power of things beyond the universe. It is unimaginable to the world, not to mention the world is unimaginable, even my kind of **** is unimaginable!"

The white mask person smiled proudly!

"I agree with you at this point."

Chen Zheng nodded.

"You still have a sense of self-knowledge. I wanted to give you a face and give you a divine fruit. Unfortunately, if you don't appreciate it, then you can blame me."

The white mask chuckles.


And at the next moment!

The seven-color **** light flew out of Chen Zhengmei's It was just one point to the white mask. Only a click appeared, and a crack appeared on the white mask. The light that originally hit Shaoyan was destroyed!

"......." The white mask person froze for a few moments of time, and suddenly screamed: "How come, you guys are so weak in mana, how can there be foreign things, how can you let Yu Things outside recognize the Lord!"

"Sorry, it seems that my magic weapon is a little more powerful than yours."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


The white mask person screamed again and slammed into the sky. However, at this moment, a stone egg in Chen Zheng's pocket flew out. Seeing You Mang flash, the white mask person's will was swallowed up!

"Asshole! Why do you still have this thing!"

The eyes of the family of the eyes heard a scream again, and this scream was so badly destroyed that it was extremely extreme!

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