Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1634: The killing was too heavy

"Son...Is it deliberately teasing the little girl...the little girl really just wants to take a bite, never thought of eating the son's meat, but also just want to **** a bit of the son's blood, little girl It’s been chased to death, little girl..."

The woman in white cried and whispered.


"Fairy Yin, where else can you escape!"

"Concubine Yin is still waiting for me to go back and finish the ceremony with the emperor. With the emperor's love for Concubine Yin, even if Concubine Yin hurt the second prince, I believe that the emperor will not pursue it!"

"Well? There is a personal clan monk here, or a Xuanxian. After the world changed, the emperor ordered the expulsion of all the human clan from the ghost and desert. There is still a fish in the net here, and it is actually hooked with Yin Fei. I don’t know if it’s thick!"

"This matter has something to do with Concubine Yin. We must catch this kid, and ask the emperor to deal with it personally!"


You mang flash!

Seven or Eight Shadows appeared!

These are ghost repairs. After staring at the woman in white, they noticed the existence of Chen Zheng. Seeing that Chen is a human monk, these ghost repairs have exposed their fierce fangs!


Just rushed!

These ghost repairs are all destroyed!

"..." The woman in white froze for a moment, then stared at Chen Zheng suddenly, and she stepped back involuntarily. At this moment, the pupil was full of fear!

"When did a ghost appear as an emperor."

Chen Zheng smiled and asked the woman in white.

"This...this starts with the big changes in the world a few months ago. The little girl was originally just an ordinary ghost family. A few months ago, a **** came to the gods from outside the sky. Huang was born a ghost emperor. Since he swallowed the Japanese, he has ruled the ghosts and deserted them in just a few days. He also expelled all the human monks. As for the little girl... The little girl awakened a special spiritual constitution. The people under the swallowing ghost emperor captured Yan Gucheng and said that they asked the little girl to hold an ancient ceremony with the swallowing ghost emperor...the little girl was... The big witch sacrifice under the swallowing ghost emperor was released... and then I met the son..."

The woman in white whispered back.

"The gods outside the heavens come to the **** wasteland, the ancient land of eight wastelands is drastically changed, and the ghost wasteland has born a swallowing ghost emperor...Since the ancient ritual that the swallowing ghost emperor wants to hold with you, how could his great witch sacrifice secretly be released about you?"

Chen Zheng curiously said.

"This... the Great Witch Offering may not be a ghost race, but a human race monk who has practiced the mystery of the ghost path. Maybe he knew the plan of the swallowing ghost emperor, so he secretly released the little girl. Right son, The little girl is named Yin Xiaodie, and the son is called the little girl Little Butterfly."

The woman in white thought a little and responded.

"Little Butterfly? I thought you called Xiao Qian."

Chen Zheng seemed to laugh.


The woman in white showed a suspicious look, and the original batch of hair exuded to cover her face. At this moment, her hair didn't know what power was turned away a lot, and most of her face was exposed. In terms of appearance, she was indeed considered to be an alluring country.

"Your physique is indeed a bit special. It is one of the top physiques in ghost cultivation. It's just that the secret method you practiced is out of the temple. I will tell you a secret method."

Chen Zheng looked at the woman in white and glanced at the light.


The woman in white was stunned again, and then showed a look of surprise, full of disbelief, looking at Chen Zheng. Because at this moment she had a secret method in the Yuanshen, that secret method turned out to be the supreme secret method that had been passed on for more than two thousand years.


How can this be!

The Japanese Emperor Swallowed the ghosts and did not find this secret method!

How could a mysterious Xuanxian have this secret method!

Although this human race Xuanxian is special!

"Young Master... How can there be the Nine Secret Reincarnation..."

Yin Xiaodie groaned, but couldn't help asking.

"I picked it up."

Chen Zheng answered three words.


Yin Xiaodie was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say. She didn't believe that she could pick up the supreme secret method of the ghost. This mystery was originally enshrined in the temple of the ghost race in the ancient city of Yan. Later, it was said that the temple was broken by a terrible creature, and in the face of the most powerful saints in the ghost desert, the Nine Nine Reincarnation secrets were taken away.

Could it be!

This son is related to that terrible creature!

Yin Xiaodie thought a little bit!

No more questions this time!


That terrible extreme creature is a taboo in the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands!

Especially for those gods who are scared!

Now the power of the **** shortage is the greatest!

It is said that all forces related to that terrible creature have been terrified!

"This time, let’s start with Ghost Desolation. Do you think you should go to Yan Gucheng to see the Emperor Swallow Sun, or go to Wangui Cliff to see the burial monument."

Chen Zheng asked casually.


Yin Xiaodie froze when she heard it.

She wanted to escape the ghost barren, but Chen Zheng said that she would go to Yan Gucheng and Wan Guiya as soon as she opened her mouth. Both of these places were ghost holy places, but Wan Guiya no longer existed. I just escaped from the ancient city of Yan. I really don't want to go back to the ancient city of Yan at all.


Wan Guiya is long gone, as long as the creatures in the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands should know about this matter, why did this son mention Wan Guiya, is this son not a native creature in the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands!


It is possible!

This son is probably related to that taboo!

Maybe it's time to experience the ancient land!

Although I know some things in the ancient land of Bahuang!

But I don't know the changes of the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands!

Thoughts flashed in my heart, Yin Xiaodie slightly bowed his head and said: "The son may not know that the ghost wilderness has disappeared from Wangui Cliff. It is said that it was also a terrible creature. He had been to Wangui Cliff once, and it would collapse soon. Now the only holy place in the ghost wasteland is Yan Gucheng, the son just killed Yan Gu Guiwei who hunted Fluttershy, the Emperor Swallowing the Ghost will definitely send a tyrannical ghost to repair, so Fluttershy suggested...Recommend the son Leaving the ghost barren, let's go for a tour.

"Humph! Yin Fei Yin Fei! You dare to kill the ghost guard under the seat of the Ghost Emperor! You are really brave enough! Hmm? How can there be a human race, a human race Xuan Xian, okay, Princess Yin, you are actually white face with the human race. Hook up, are you worthy of the emperor!"


Her voice has not fallen!

A shadow came in a flash!

"Ghost thousand hatreds!"

Yin Xiaodie glanced at the black shadow and exclaimed!


The shadow had just lifted the ghost claws and grabbed Chen Zheng, and the shadow claws of the shadows were shattered. The shadows of the shadows were astonished. When they wanted to say anything, their ghosts were wiped out!


Yin Xiaodie shuddered and subconsciously backed away ~ ~ keeping a distance from Chen Zheng, she was scared!

Ghost thousand feuds!

That was the next general who swallowed the ghost emperor!

Corresponding to the pinnacle of the human race!

The ghost repair of a peak ancestral realm!

Why was it suddenly gone?

This son's identity seems to be wrong!

"The killing was too heavy at that time, killing the so-called old monsters and Tianjiao, although the blood armor was given to the ominous beast, but if it is an old monster, it should be able to recognize me through the breath. Now in the ancient land of Eight Wastes, except for the Dragon Apart from a few people such as Emperor Ji Jiwei, I am afraid that few people know me."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.


Yin Xiaodie's body shook when he heard it, and the ghost body had no blood on his face, and it was extremely white at the moment!

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