Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1635: Give you 10 interest times

This son!

I am afraid that is the taboo itself!

Yin Xiaodie's heart was trembling again, and she never dared to ask any more at this moment. Although she was called Yin Fei, in fact, before the promotion of the Eight Wastelands ancient land, it was just a common ghost family in the ghost desert, the so-called Yin Fei. However, he was forcibly captured in the ancient city of Yan, imprisoned in the palace, and even the Emperor Ghost Emperor Sunton had never seen it!

So in fact, except for the changes in her physique, her mentality has not changed much from the previous ordinary ghost race! When she thought of this one as a taboo in front of her, and when she thought of the horror legends she heard, she felt that she couldn't even move!



To the southeast of ghost wild!

There was a loud noise!


next moment!

A blood flew into the sky!

Soon afterwards, I saw another gloomy sky!

Blood gas is intertwined with Youmang!

A horror roar could be heard faintly!

"This blood is a bit familiar."

Chen Zheng glanced softly.

"That direction is the direction of the ancient battlefield of Ghost Desolation. Before I escaped, I heard the Great Witch Sacrifice say that it should be the swallowing ghost emperor and Shenhuang, or the swallowing ghost emperor turned to Shenhuang and wanted to take the daughter of the ominous beast! The beast is related to the taboo. It is said that he once followed the taboo, and the daughter of the ominous beast went to the ancient battlefield three days ago, as if to take an ancient weapon to break the border or something!"

Yin Xiaodie said quickly.

"Daughter of Ominous Beast, can this guy also have a daughter?"

Chen Zheng couldn't help but smile.

"The Ominous Beast seems to have been given something by a female evil spirit beast that fell from the outside of the territory. Later, the evil evil beast left the ancient wasteland and left a daughter to the male evil beast."

Yin Xiaodie whispered that she heard Chen Zheng's tone, and she was 100% sure of Chen Zheng's identity. She was extremely cautious at this moment and was afraid to say the wrong thing.

"Isn't this the case, then don't go to the ancient city of Yan first, go to the ancient battlefield of ghosts and deserts first."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"Yes! Fluttershy leads the son!"

Yin Xiaodie nodded immediately, turned into a faint mang to lead the way ahead.

After an incense stick time.

Ghost battlefield.

The eyes are a huge pit.

The huge pit was filled with bones.

Outside of the huge pit at the moment, all the shadows are hanging, all of them are ghost races, and they were all staring at the life and death fights in the huge pit, but Chen Zheng and Yin Xiaodie suddenly arrived, and these ghost race ghost pupils stared at them. !

"that is not"

"Concubine Yin? Isn't this Concubine Yin? Concubine Yin is not in the ancient city of Yan, how could he be with a humanoid kid?"

"What's the situation with Yin Fei?"

A glance, these ghost families were stunned.

"Hum! Your dad can't take this one hundred swords. Your little girl can support twenty swords is already the limit. Even if you have the blood of the evil **** beast, you can continue to burn the power of the source and you can't escape! The little girl does not really want to kill you, this seat just wants to catch you alive and lead your father out! There is also the meaning of the great emperor and the gods and gods, and it is not to destroy your family of evil omen, as long as you submit, Then you will naturally survive!"


Among the bone pits!

A horror knife crossed!


Instant blood gas!

It was a ghost race, with a disheveled hair holding a soul-eating long knife, and his breath was far above the ancestor at that moment, and the ghost pupil stared at a **** beast indifferently!

"Subjugation? Miss Ben surrenders to you, Gole Gobi! The gods and gods of Dog Day, if they didn't get any extraterrestrial artifacts, without my father's shot, Miss Ben can tear up those guys on Dog Day! To kill to kill Anyway, Miss Ben will be afraid of death!"

The blood-colored beast mouth uttered a human voice, but it was a woman's voice, but it was extremely grumpy!

"Is it so grumpy?"

Chen Zheng smiled.

"This rumored beast can't control this Miss Hongyue"

Yin Xiaodie whispered back.


What is the situation?

Why is Princess Yin like this to a human race kid?

How is it like a maidservant?

The ghost race outside the bone-bone giant pit heard the conversation between Chen Zheng and Yin Xiaodie, and his brows were locked up instantly!

"Don't surrender? Huh! You don't know what this little girl is thinking in your heart, are you thinking that the one your father followed back to the ancient land? Oh! It's not that this seat looks down on that so-called taboo, Even if he appears in front of this seat now, this seat can kill him with one knife! My ghost sword of the mixed world, Yan Tutian, one knife is enough to kill the saints in the world, that so-called taboo is spread by some old things, that is Because the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands was the weakest at present, and now the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands has returned to its peak, he dares to return to death without a doubt!"


The ghost race holding the soul-eating sword in the bone pit showed great disdain!

Seems to see through that scarlet beast!

The Scarlet Beast is silent!

But those blood pupils are even more fierce!

"Haha! Don't think about it, the times have changed. The myths of the past and the legends of the past have been swept away in history. Not to mention the myth is to be broken. The so-called taboo myth no longer exists in this era! If you surrender now, you will still be able to avoid the pain of peeling the flesh. The ghost knife of this world will not easily let go after drinking blood!"

The ghost race holding a long sword saw the Scarlet Beast silent, and laughed again at this moment!


Yin Xiaodie kept silent.


At this time!

Chen Zheng stepped out in one step!

Falling between the Scarlet Beast and the ghost family claiming to be the ghost of the mixed world!


what's the situation!

In an instant!

The creatures inside and outside this bone-bone giant pit are stunned!

"This human race kid"

"He wouldn't be the girl who wanted to save the evil beast"

"He seems to be Xuanxian Xiuxiu, is he looking for death?"

The ghosts outside the huge pit sounded indifferently.

"Human Xuanxian Xuanxian Haha! Hahaha!" The mixed-world ghost knife stared at Chen Zheng, and suddenly there was a burst of laughter: "Your humanoid kid didn't escape the ghost desert, but actually came to the ancient battlefield, and came down to save this. Girl, is your kid too much from the villain books from the other side of the sky, seeing himself as the protagonist of the villain book? Hmm? You, a human kid, are you treating yourself as a young emperor?"

"Give you ten breaths of time and show the strongest knife."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


What is this?

What is giving you ten interest time!

This kid has a problem!

A group of ghosts were stunned for a while, and then they all showed their sarcasm. They secretly said that this kid is probably the one who reads most of the villains, and regarded himself as the young Saint Emperor in the villain's book!

It is not terrible for young people to dream!

The scary thing is that you can't tell the difference between reality and illusion!

court death!

This kid is just looking for death!

"You can't help me, you should run away."

The Scarlet Beast looked at Chen Zheng's back. At this moment, full of doubts, he thought about it and said something.

"There is still six interest time."

Chen Zheng ignored the others and only smiled to remind the ghost ghost knife.

"court death!"


The ghost of the mixed world is furious!

What stinky fish rotten shrimp!

What a ants waste!

Dare to run in front of yourself to provoke yourself!


A knife!

Horror and ghost burst out!


"poor guy!"

"However, a human race can be killed by Master Ghost Knife, which is the greatest honor of this kid in his life!"

A crowd of ghosts sneered!


The blood-colored strange animal's face sank, and after a burst of blood gas, it was necessary to forcefully remove Chen Zheng, but to her surprise, her blood gas had no effect!


And just in the next second!

Just listen to the loud and loud sound of iron!


Next second!

The soul-eating long sword in the hand of the ghost of the mixed world is cracked!



Inch broken!

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