Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1636: Who do you think I am?


What happened?

How come the magic weapon of Master Ghost Knife is broken!


Did not understand at all!


The ghost family is ignorant!

The ghost of the mixed world is ignorant!

The Scarlet Beast is ignorant!

Among the spectators, Yin Xiaodie was gone. She had seen Chen Zheng wipe out Guiqin Qiu without hands. Although the ghost ghost Yan Tutian was stronger than Guiqin Qiu, it might even be stronger. A big realm, but in front of this legendary taboo, is still not enough!

Not to mention!

At present, it has only broken Yan Tutian's magic weapon!

of course!

Compared with the magical power of Xuanxian, this son really has a huge contrast that ordinary people can't understand. Because of this, it will shock almost everyone!

"Wan Gui bites!"


Howling ghost knife growled!


This roar!

Thousands of ghosts appeared behind him!

Just rush towards Chen Zheng!

"It's time for ten breaths."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly, lifted his right hand casually, and only heard a clatter, the ghosts of thousands of roads broke, and the ghost body of the ghost knife of the mixed world also shattered, and then heard the very clear sound of soul breaking!

The ghost **** of the mixed world is also broken!


Not dead yet!

There are ghosts sheltering its primordial spirit!



This scene!

Already scared the ghost races outside of the white bone giant pit!


Lord Ghost Knife was destroyed by the boy!

Although not dead yet!

But it's almost the same!

Why is this kid so scary!

Isn't he just a human race Xuanxian!

"Smart people have chosen to run!"

Among the ghost races, a young ghost race shuddered and shouted, but the other ghost races heard it, but they did not dare to have any changes! It’s as strong as an adult ghost knife, almost killed by the kid in a face-to-face, if you run, I’m afraid you will be killed immediately!


Really run away?


This time it must be finished!

Unless someone can suppress that kid!



Isn't there a **** coming this time!

Why the gods are gone!

A group of ghosts suddenly thought of a little bit. At this moment, they quickly swept across the ancient battlefield and found that the gods did not come!

"Who are you, how can you, a human Xuanxian, be so against the sky! You are not Xuanxian, you are an old monster in human wasteland disguised as right? Do you dare to show your true face, is it possible that an old monster is even true? Don’t you dare to reveal your face!"

Yuanshen's ghost-knife under the maintenance of a ghost weapon, after a moment of silence, shouted at Chen Zheng for a while! He is not angry, he is afraid, he is really afraid!

In addition to fear, he was extremely unwilling, because he was a genius born in the last millennium of the ghost wilderness. This time, he seized the opportunity in the great change of the world. He thought that more than 90% of them wanted to become Taoist ancestors. Before he became a ancestor, he did not want to fall like this!

Not willing!

By what!

Your own ghost ghost knife has not wiped out the wasteland!

"I am a human race, who came to the ancient battlefield to help this little girl. Who do you think I will be?"

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

"How do I know who you are!"

The ghost of the mixed world ghost roared again!

"Human races came to rescue me. That must be knowing my father, but my father is a bad omen. His reputation has not been very good. There is nothing to do with the human waste. The old monsters of the human waste are impossible to save me. And the past two thousand For many years, my father has no connection with the human race, so you should have known my father more than 2,000 years ago. Are you the one!"

The blood-colored strange creature thought deeply, and there was a shock in the blood pupil!

"Who! Who is this kid! Hugh want to pretend to be a fooler!"

The third ghost of the ghost of the mixed world roars!

"Are you the one my father followed? Have you returned to the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands?"

The Scarlet Beast ignored the ghost knife, but looked at Chen Zheng's back and quivered. She was not afraid, she was excited!


What do you mean by the daughter of the beast?

Is this just making Xuanxu or really knowing the identity of this young man!

A group of ghost races frowning outside the huge bone pit!

At this moment they are not sure!

"The one your dad followed was no! Impossible! This kid is definitely not the one your dad followed, that person is called a taboo, that person is at least a cultivation practice above the saint, it can't be a Xuan Xian, this kid is definitely not the so-called taboo!" The ghost of the mixed-world ghost knife Yuan Shen changed, and reacted at this moment, staring at Chen Zheng with a roar, and then a face became extremely terrible: "If you are really that so-called Taboo, then you'd better get out of the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands now, the first thing that the gods of Shenhuang want to kill is you! The gods of Shenhuang hate you into their bones, they got the gods outside the heavens, Shenhuang now has a strong cross ancestor sitting You only have Xuan Xian Xiu Wei, even if you still have the fighting power above the saint, you will definitely die!"


Ghost knife of mixed life!


Next second!

Its primordial spirit turned into a gloom and swept out the bone pit!


What happened?

Lord Ghostblade seems to have escaped!

A group of ghosts dumbfounded!

"This man is running away!"

The Scarlet Beast is also shocked.

"The grade really doesn't work."

Chen Zheng shook his head lightly and swept past with a faint glance, only to hear a whimper, the ghost of the mixed ghost under the shelter of the ghost was broken, and there was a wailing cry from the ghost, which had already rushed out of the bone pit , Now fall!

"This seat!"

Among the ghosts, a ghost appeared, and the ghost glared at Chen Zheng. However, Chen Zheng only looked at it, and the ghost shut up immediately!


A group of ghosts are silent!

Also shivering!


Dare not run away at all!

Masters as strong as ghost swords cannot escape!

How could you wait for the ghost race to escape!


At this time!

The blood-colored monster flashed into a red woman, and the red woman looked like a bi-decade. She took a deep breath and swept to Chen Zheng. Respectfully respecting Chen Zhenggong was a prayer: "The ominous sign Red Moon, the daughter of the beast, meets the ancestor!"

"Red Moon Little Omen can have a daughter like It's his blessing."

Chen Zheng nodded with a smile.

"Little Omen"

The woman in red opened her mouth. She secretly said in her heart, in fact, the creatures in the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands basically did not dare to call their father a small omen, basically they called it a big omen.

And Yin Xiaodie, suspended above the huge pit, sighed in her heart at this moment. Sure enough, she guessed right. This son is really the legendary taboo. This legendary taboo has returned to the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands!

Although the cultivation level is only Xuanxian, it is still terrifying and terrifying!

"I wait"

After a moment of silence, the ghosts outside the giant pit tremble.


Only two words were spoken. The woman in red snorted coldly, hitting a blood awn, and those ghost races were swallowed by the blood awn immediately!

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