Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1710: This gap is too big!


   The reincarnation of the main reincarnation hall of the Taishang Temple is sinking again, and several other incarnations of silence are again silent, and the color of surprise flashed in his eyes clearly! Although they are not the body, the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands is not in the world of thousands. Their volition avatar is not restricted by heaven and earth, so even if it is only volition avatar, how can it have the ninth realm of ancestors!

   So the general trend just outlined, except Heavenly Path, can be said to crush all the creatures except Taixu, but there is no threat to the guy in front of him who is facing him!

   This kid!

   Could it be that one of the top overlords in Taixu was reincarnated!

   "Great reincarnation game... Your great reincarnation game is really good, but unfortunately it is not very useful to me."

  Chen Zheng ignored anyone behind him, glanced into the Unknown Temple, and casually said to the Unknown Temple.


  Not very useful?

Xing Ying raised his eyebrows slightly and raised his eyebrows. As for the incarnation of the will of the reincarnation hall master of Taishang, he stared at Chen Zheng’s back for a moment, "The great reincarnation chess game involves the pursuit of the strongest creatures of the past era of destruction. The situation that has never been reached, whoever can penetrate the game of great reincarnation, will have the opportunity to detach. If you don’t put the game of great reincarnation in your eyes, can’t you get rid of it!"


Xingcha was silent on Chen Huang, Emperor Tianlong, Ji Yuwei, etc. They already knew that the things involved in this big reincarnation game were too far away from their current state, no wonder they just looked at the universe galaxy chessboard, and they felt unsustainable Too.


Longevity God ape uttered these two words in a low voice. It reminded me of some things that his master once mentioned. If his own master once mentioned, if there is a creature in the world that can detach, then only the master It is possible to respect the one she has followed.

"This great reincarnation chess game was created by my deity through my thoughts. At first, it only involved the first major reincarnation. Later, my deity advanced, and this great reincarnation chess game also advanced." Void Shadow in front of the Wuming Temple was silent for a moment Opening, he paused and said again: "Under my perception, the Taoist friends are indeed extraordinary. I have been here for a million years or more. Only the Taoist friends I have seen have the qualification to crack the chess game. Daoyou If you can really crack this second major reincarnation game, you can still ask Daoyou to enter the temple to play against me. It is also my request for Daoyou to help me out."

   "Have you heard it, don't just say it, don't practice it, say who won't!"

   Taishang Reincarnation Hall Lord will incarnate to drink!




   Several other avatars also opened their mouths!

   "Do you want to be free? In this case, I will help you to be free."

   Chen Zheng glanced at the phantom in front of the Temple of No Name, then smiled lightly, and stepped into and out of the Temple of No Name, the universe starry sky chessboard appeared instantly, and Chen Zheng sat in the place where the man with the golden mask just sat.


   "You, you, what happened to your face, how could you!"


   Just sat down, and in a few moments, several exclamations sounded, Taishang Reincarnation Hall Lord will avatar and several other will avatars, staring at Chen Zheng's face at this moment, his faces were filled with wonder! Chen Zheng turned his back to them just now, they only saw a back view, and only then saw Chen Zheng's true face!


Is there anything wrong?

   Chen Huang, Ji Yuwei, and Tianlong Emperor showed their doubts, why did these guys suddenly become so excited, what happened to Chen Zu's face, Chen Zu's face looked very friendly!


  The longevity **** ape also showed doubts.

   "These guys are afraid of the teacher...not right, not the teacher, but the face of the teacher."

  Wu Jinxi, the goddess of war, whispered, but when she heard the female disciple of the Wuxiang Tower on the side of the road, she was still puzzled. Why should these terrible creatures coming from the Taixu avatar voluntarily avatar, why fear the face of Chen Zu?


   is at this moment!

   Golden mask The golden mask on the man's face cracked!


   Everyone stared subconsciously!

   Then basically everything is ignorant!

   Because the man with the golden mask has the same face as Chen Zu!

   lying trough!

   What is the situation!

   Longevity **** ape widened his eyes!

   "Emperor, what's going on, how can this kid look exactly like you!"

   Taishang reincarnation hall lord will incarnate for a moment, staring at the golden mask man Shen Sheng asked!


   The golden mask man did not respond!

   "Why is it the same? Because this guy is just an imitator!"


   A voice helped the golden mask man respond!

   Inside the Temple of Unknown!

A lotus seed flew out of Chen Zhengmei's heart, and a glorious lotus flew out of the temple. There was a little doll in the lotus seed who stared at the golden mask man with cold eyes: "Taihuang, you should be aware of the gap between you and Chen Zheng today. , Do you still have a face to continue to imitate Chen Zheng?

   Silent man with golden mask!

   "Made a lotus seed!"

"Master Lord! You turned out to be a master master! You... you seem to be the legendary future master master! Damn! What the **** is going on! How could your legendary creature be in that kid's spirit? , He... who he is!"

"The imitator... The emperor is just the imitator of the kid...I don't believe this! The emperor is too emperor, the supreme emperor Taixu, the emperor Taizun once killed the prince to suppress the god, too The emperor is the top-level existence in our era overlord, how could he imitate who!"

   Taishang Reincarnation Hall Lord and several other will avatars, staring at the forged little doll!

   "Cut! It's also the Supreme Emperor of Taixu! You can't get off in half a step, you are superior to Mali Gobi!"

  The little doll is very disdainful.



   Inside the Temple of Unknown!

   The big round game begins!

  Chen Zheng is a little bit easier, and the veins in the Void Roulette are instantly connected to form a complete vein, and the dummies sitting on the other side of the board are dumbfounded!


   Next second!

   Inside the Temple of Unknown!

  The universe galaxy void chessboard all disappeared!

"It turns out that Daoyou... It's really unusual. My deity is named Sheng Hongtian. After leaving Dasheng, Daoyou should be able to see him in the future, and of course believe him. I'm also very happy to meet Daoyou."

  All the creatures outside the Nameless Temple were surprised. When the ghost came back to God, he smiled at Chen Zhengyi and shattered. The Nameless Temple also shattered, leaving only an ancient stone slab suspended in front of Chen Zheng.


  Is it possible to crack the big reincarnation chess game with just one click! could the gap be so big!


The incarnation of Taishang Reincarnation Hall Lord’s will incarnation was filled with surprise, and just about to speak, he saw a thing fly out of Chen Zheng’s pocket. It was a stone egg, and the stone egg flickered, the Taishang Reincarnation Hall Lord’s will The avatar and several other volition avatars saw this stone egg and suddenly had a very bad hunch!

   "Remind you again, your deity changed his face."

  However, Chen Zheng didn't look at them at all, only glanced at the golden mask man lightly, the next moment the egg egg flashed, the golden mask man was swallowed instantly!


   The reincarnation of the Lord of the Reincarnation Hall of the Taishang Temple and several other incarnations of the will changed drastically. They were just about to escape. You Mang flashed again, and they were swallowed by stone eggs instantly!

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