Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1711: It has its pride



   A voice came from the stone egg!

  Xingcha on Chen Huang, Ji Yuwei and others, the Valkyrie Pagoda and the Jade Pagoda Master, and the Wanshou God Ape all blinked. It seemed like a full hiccup!


  The stone egg turned into You Mang, and it suddenly fell into Chen Zheng's pocket!

   "This little thing has swallowed the will of many Epoch overlords, when will it pop out of the stone egg, and will this little thing pop out as the Epoch Overlord?"

  The little doll inside the lotus seeds frowned and asked.


Chen Zheng smiled and glanced at the ancient slate suspended in front of him, and everyone just felt that the world and earth suddenly changed suddenly. This was originally the deepest part of Tianyuan, but it turned into a cosmic galaxy at this moment, and there was also a supernatural wonder. Context!

   "Today, when I saw the great reincarnation chess game, it was also an opportunity for I waited. I stripped the first major reincarnation and came out, how much you can understand depends on your own fortune."

  Chen Zheng's emptiness sounded.


Chen Huang, Heavenly Dragon Emperor, Ji Yuwei, Ominous Beast, Longevity God Ape, and others were all stunned. The next moment they all looked very solemn, looking at the divine veins in the cosmic galaxy one by one. One by one fainted.

   In the end, only Valkyrie, Mo Xin, Jing Nu and Longevity God Ape remained.

   "This... I can't do monkey anymore."

   After a moment, Longevity Ape sighed and fainted.

   "This girl has merged your drop of real blood within nine days of being abandoned, as if you can understand the complete first major cycle of reincarnation?"

   Little Doll's gaze moved to stare at the Valkyrie. Mo Xin could hold it, she was not surprised at all. After all, she was watching Chen Zheng cultivating Mo Xin along the way, and the Valkyrie was different. I hadn’t seen the Valkyrie before, and the Valkyrie seems to be able to understand the complete The context of the Great Reincarnation made her slightly uncomfortable. Because the complete reincarnation vein is the real detachment vein, and it can also be called the bridge of detachment.

   As the future tyrant of the Hongmeng universe, the little creature was born to destroy the world and to end everything. Strictly speaking, all creatures between heaven and earth are the objects she wants to end.

   Well now, there is another girl who has a chance to get rid of in the future, which makes the little doll of the chemical industry uncomfortable. But it is impossible to kill this girl right now. This girl merges the real blood of Chen Zheng and this fellow. It is also one of Chen Zheng's disciples. He is still bound by Chen Zheng.

Oh shit!

   First there is Yan Luo!

   There will be arrogance afterwards!

   Now there is a girl with that qualification!


   More than this girl!

   Many of the little girls I have seen along the way with Chen Zheng can impact the era of hegemony. If you go further in the future, such as little girls like Mo Xin, there is a chance to jump out of the Hongmeng universe in the future!


   This is still a little girl!

In addition to the little girl, Chen Zheng has also pointed out a lot of little fart children, such as the little inflammation of the gods tribe of the lucky world, that little fart child has chaotic eyes, and is one of the 13 **** candidates !

  Rely on!

   The more I think, the more unhappy!

The little doll made the thought more and more uncomfortable, his thoughts flashed over and over again, and finally he could only sigh. He could not get rid of the shackles of Chen Zheng, even if he had already branded the first complete complete reincarnation, and even began to brand the second complete complete. Reincarnation, his hands and feet can't be displayed at all!

   Is it!

   Lao Tzu, the future robbery owner, can only follow Chen Zheng to see the heavens and the world!

   Lao Tzu was born to destroy the world!

After a while, Mo Xin couldn't hold it anymore. Although the blood of the whole world was very special, although she also absorbed the small part of the strength left by the real blood of No. 0, it was still too weak to be maintained until now. It is not easy.

  The time passed by one minute and one second, and finally the Valkyrie and Jing Nu almost passed out one after another.


   The stargazing scene of the universe galaxy is broken!

   "Are you ready to let the two girls of Yanluo and Tianjiao come to understand the second major cycle of reincarnation, after all, those two girls are detached bodies, and finally hope to be detached!"

  The little baby doll swept across the dizzy person and fixed his eyes on Chen Zheng.

   "You take a couple of Zhengyue girls to enlighten the second complete complete reincarnation in the Taoist map."

  Chen Zheng smiled.

"Oh shit!"

   The little doll made a sloppy sentence, but he flew into Chen Zhengyuan God and took the creatures from Chen Zhengyuan God to the second complete complete reincarnation in the world of Taoism.

   Although uncomfortable!

   But there is a chance to inscribe the context of the second major cycle!

   She still won't miss it!

"The master is so strong, he can freely strip the first complete complete samsara context. Even if it is a creature that has surpassed the first major samsara, only a few can do it! If the master's mana is restored, if the master's mana is also reached Beyond the state of the first major reincarnation, you can certainly crush the transcendental creatures of the same level! By the way, I have seen Saint Hongtian mentioned by the phantom of the Unknown Temple before, and this guy is probably the creator's great annihilation One of the creators who fell during the war was reincarnated and rebuilt. After seeing this guy in the future, we still need to keep our eyes open."

   At this moment a mechanical sound sounded, it was the spirit of Macross Roulette.

   "Sheng Hongtian? Early on, I was the golden mana, and the progress of the cantilever was only sixty-two. I did not expect this mana to return to its peak, and I forcibly opened the cosmic barrier by the cantilever."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently and said that the seven colors of God's light in his eyebrows shot out, sweeping across Tianyuan, not only across Tianyuan, but also across the Eight Wastelands in a flash, then his brow wrinkled, and shook his head again. Earth, Hongmeng’s spare tire, so much so that the universe cantilever has grown by two points. Is this because Hongmeng’s fellow abandoned this place.”

   "Ah? Two points? What two points?"

  The spirit of Macross Roulette asked, its extraterrestrial magic weapon itself is actually older than many transcendental beings. Of course, it knows the universe cantilever, but it is only limited to some superficial cognition.

"It seems that only the pure world of Thousand Thousands can make the cantilever of the universe grow a little bit more, but many of the worlds of Thousand Thousands have been destroyed or degraded, and now the dark sky and the heaven are pure and complete, but these two big worlds If the Universe Cantilever is to be completely unsealed, I'm afraid it's still a lot worse... Um? This breath is... Hum!"

  Chen Zheng whispered, looked away from Tianyuan, and then snorted!

   "That... what happened?"

Macross Roulette Ling whispered and asked in a low Hongmeng Lord Na Du should know the existence of the universe cantilever, and also know that I want to return to the top through the universe cantilever. Although the duo is sleeping, However, I still transferred all the backhands that I once laid down to the sky. I wanted to use this method to stop me from going to the sky. "

  Chen Zheng chuckled.

   "This... can this stop the master?"

   Macross Roulette asked again in a low voice.

   "It used to be, but it's useless now, then it's OK to return to the peak in a short time."

  Chen Zheng said lightly.

   "Then... Is it possible for the Hongmeng Tribulator to attack Chen Zu's people to threaten Chen Zu?"

   asked the roulette wheel after thinking for a while.

   "The guys under that guy will, but that guy shouldn't be."

  Chen Zheng's eyes came back.

   "Ah? Why? Isn't this the easiest way to deal with the owner?"

   Macross is very curious.

"That fellow is extremely proud, that fellow wants to be the first person in the past and the future of the Hongmeng universe, and wants to be the first person in detachment, so the proud of that fellow does not allow it to do such a thing. Of course, this is just my opinion, maybe that fellow The sky is driving me crazy, but it’s useless if I’m crazy. It’s a big deal to restart Hongmeng again, or I’ll try to pinch a Hongmeng universe.

  Chen Zheng said with a smile.

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