Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1714: Crazy man! Ghost crying wolf howling!

"Chen Zu!"

   In front of the palace!

  The old ghost fox trembles and the whole person trembles!

   This is not afraid!

   This is too exciting!

"the host......"

   The shattered ghost in the air is also shouting!

   As for the people in the Imperial City, this time I also recognized the coming people, and each one also showed a very excited color!

   That man!

   This is the man!

   That man has returned to Qingyun Realm!

"Huh? Golden Immortal? First-order Golden Immortal? You are the person behind Ye Qingcheng, so Ye Qingcheng also passed the unique Taoist implement to her? Oh! This young master thought that he could pass the unique Taoist implement, why? It is also a quasi-holy or ancestor, it turned out to be a low-level golden fairy! Master Ben understood that you once came to the Qingyun Realm like the incarnation of the mind, and just encountered Ye Qingcheng, and found that Ye Qingcheng has a special sword body, so it was passed to Ye Qingcheng's unique Taoist weapon, want to wait for the promotion of Qingyun Realm, through the relationship with Ye Qingcheng to seize the fortune of Qingyun Realm's promotion! With good intentions and good planning, it is a pity that it was broken by Master Ben! Which monk are you from? It’s too important to be a monk, if you’re a monk, you won’t be able to turn over the waves! Without Master Yun Yi’s shot, this young master can beat you!”

   Junior demon sneer!

   turned into a torrent of ink and crashed into Chen Zheng!

  Black lotus blooms one by one in the sky!

   Although this young man is Jin Xianxiu, the combat power at this moment actually surpassed the peak Daojun!


   "Mo Shao killed him!"

   "A golden fairy who dares to call his ancestors is just a liar to the lower realm!"

  On the demon pattern warship, a group of demon sneers disdain!



   I can't laugh in the next second!

  Because the young demon clan hasn't rushed to Chen Zheng, he suddenly turned into ashes!


   You mang flash!

   A black lotus emerges!

  Black lotus can protect the young spirit!


  Middle-aged demon man widened his eyes!


   As the teenager was stupid, he stared at Chen Zheng, and there was only one scene left in his mind, that is, the man's indifferent glance towards himself! That is, just now, my body is gone! If it weren't for the black lotus, it would be completely gone!

How could this be!

  Is this guy a first-order golden fairy?

   This guy's casual glance is so terrible!


  Gu Bu also widened his eyes, although he had seen the master's means firsthand, but the master didn't seem to be so strong at all. It was only a year at most. Has the master used his eyes to kill Jinxian to kill Daojun! How many things have the master experienced in this year and how has this combat power become so terrifying!


In front of the palace, the old ghost fox was completely relieved. Chen Zu was much stronger than a year ago. The Taishen Demon Clan who invaded the Qingyun Realm, even if they were as powerful as they said before, believe Chen Zu. Can suppress them!

   "Eliminate Black Lotus?"

  In the silence of all living beings, Chen Zheng looked at the black lotus sheltering the young demon clan **** and smiled lightly.


   Black lotus and black awn flash!

   Wrapped around the young demon clan primitive and retreated back to the demon pattern warship!


   Black Mans flashed again!

   The young demon clan actually grew a new body!

   "I... I... I have this instrument of fate, you can't kill me!"

  The young demon clan has regained its flesh, and at this moment stared at Chen Zhengyi to drink!

"Do you know that we are from Taimu Demon Realm Shenmu Cliff, Shenmu Cliff is one of the three main roads under the absolute **** of Hei Jue Patriarch in Demon Realm! Now there are some changes in Taishangtian, and the fighters of Taishangtian skyrocketed by one Great realm, at least half of the great realm against other world monks! The black ancestor is now equivalent to a half-walk ancestor, you should understand what the half-walk ancestor is!"

  Middle-aged demon man recovered, staring at Chen Zhengshen!

   It's a pity!

   Chen Zheng didn't even look at him!

"The magic weapon of destiny, the black lotus of the world is the black lotus of the world. What is the magic weapon of destiny. Of course, you are just a little power transformation of the black lotus of the world, not the body of the black lotus of the world. The power of the lotus is a bit of a brain."

  Chen Zheng looked at Hei Lian a few times and said casually.


   The young middle-aged demon boy's eyebrows are instantly locked!

"You...know the black ancestors? You are also a monk in the heavens? Which monk you are in the celestial realm? View, although the ancestors of the earth immortals don't care about the world, but since our black ancestors can sit on an equal footing with the ancestors of the earth immortals, then you should also understand what identity the black ancestors are!"

  Middle-aged strange man Shen Sheng asked again!


   is still ignored!

   "Haha! Master Tuer is here!"

   is also at this time!

   Above the sky!

   Suddenly came a loud laugh!


   I saw a violent swordmang tearing the bridge of the heavens into the blue cloud world!


  In an instant!

   The violent sword shadow turned into a man with a disheveled hair and landed above the Yinyue Imperial City!

"Huh? Sword world? Is this my way of apprenticeship? It's not bad, this sword world is a bit of a level, come and come and come to apprenticeship quickly, as long as I am a teacher, I pass you the strongest sword in the world Skill! Haha! Hahaha!"

   The man with the beaten hair did not look at anyone. He only looked down at the sword realm that enveloped the imperial city below, and then there was a burst of laughter!



  Ghost Fox Ghost!

  The face of the imperial city is sinking!

   This crazy person seems very unusual!

"Your Excellency is... a sword ancestor? Underneath is the Hongmeng Taishang Demon Domain Black Peerless Patriarch, the upper demon makes Yun Yi, I don’t know if you know the Black Peerless Patriarch? Your... No It’s okay to know. If you are here to take Ye Qingcheng, the master of Qingyun Realm, then you may be disappointed!"

  Middle-aged demon male demon made Yun Yi feel the breath of the man, his eyes flickered in horror, but his thoughts moved suddenly, and it was a worship to the figure!

"Yes, yes, Ye Qingcheng already has a master, and her master also gave her a masterpiece of Taoism. Do you want to be a master of Yeqingcheng, do you have a masterpiece of Taoism? Have you beat her master? If you can't beat it Her master, you can't be his master!"

   When the young demon clan heard it, the thoughts in his heart also moved, and his mouth shouted to the figure!

"you guys!

  The ghost bud reacted instantaneously. The two demon races deliberately provoked the separation, trying to make the master meet the strange and crazy person!

   "Who! Who is the master of my apprentice! Who dares to compete with me for apprenticeship!"

   Sure enough!

   The crazy man stared at me!



Yun Yi and the young demon clan raised their hands at the same time, pointing at Chen Zheng, and then both smiled secretly in their hearts, this golden fairy was too crazy, and he might not be able to deal with him, but Tianjiang, the mad ancestor of this madness, this madness of the sword Zu can definitely cut him!


  Crazy man's eyes fixed on Chen Zheng!

   "Cut You are the teacher of Ye Qingcheng!"

  Yunyi's thoughts moved again, Yin Xie smiled!

   "Yes! Cut this golden fairy, you are the master of Ye Qingcheng!"

  The young demon clan is also a Yinxie smile!


   cut him!

  Crazy Jianzu shot!

   must be a sword!



  The lunatic has no response!

   "This sword ancestor... Could it be that he didn't want to take Ye Qingcheng as an apprentice?"

  Yunyi frowned slightly, and Shen Sheng continued to provoke!

   "Ooooooooo! Wow wow wow!"


  Crazy people cry in the sky!



   This cry!

   Qingyun Realm shock!


  Middle-aged demon men and young demon clan, did not react at all, flesh exploded at once, exploded into blood mist!




   Almost all creatures are stupid!

   Why did this crazy man suddenly cry and howl!

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