Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1715: Because his sword is only weaker than mine!


  Hey lotus reappears above the young demon!

  The flesh of the young demon clan has grown again!

   But the middle-aged demon clan Yun Yi has no such means. Even if he is a pinnacle Daojun, he can't reshape his body at this moment, because his Yuanshen cannot move at this moment, Yuanshen seems to be imprisoned!


   Who is this crazy man!

  Why did this crazy man suddenly cry crying wolf!

  Isn't he supposed to kill the golden fairy with a sword!


   Yunyi and other demon clan puzzled!

  Guibu, Ghost Fox and other Qingyun world monks are also full of doubts!



  Crazy person is roaring back to heaven!


   This roar!

   A sword shadow flew out of his eyebrows!


  The sword shadow soars to the sky!

   The sky cloud of Qingyun Realm will be cut open in one shot!

   "You are not him, you are not him, you are definitely not him!"


  Crazy man's eyes fixed on Chen Zheng!

   growled a few times!

   rushed to the sky again!


  What happened?

   Numerous creatures are even more cowardly!

   "I opened a heavenly gate, which leads straight to the eternal life sword realm, if you really are him, come to the eternal life sword realm to take away the secret code of the era of eras!"


   A deep roar above the sky dome!

   This roar is the roar of the lunatic!


  What is this situation!

   What heaven!

  What an eternal sword world!

  Crazy person is to whom to say this sentence!

"the host......"

  Gui Bu glanced at the light gate above the sky dome, and now looked at Chen Zheng with a low voice. He had a hunch that the strangely crazy man should have been speaking to his master.

   The mad man seemed to know the master, one of them became more mad, also because he saw the master.

   "Break the era."

  Chen reads these four words with a faint smile.

   "Mister Nephew, quickly urge the magical instrument of fate!"

   This time!

   Yun Yi thought suddenly shouted at the young demon clan!

   "Ah? I see!"

The young demon clan was stunned for a moment, and I understood it in the next moment. He secretly urged the black lotus above his head. I saw You Mang instantly enveloping the demon-patterned warship and Yun Yi, and soared up to the sky gate above the sky dome. Shoot!

this is!

   This is to **** the chance!

  Gui Bu and Ghost Fox are all sinking!

   "Be smart."

   But Chen Zheng only shook his head gently.


   Next second!

   Above the sky!

   The demon-printed warship that rushed to Tianmen was destroyed!

"Do not!"


   "Help! Help Mo Shao! Help Uncle Yun!"


   Those disciples from Shenmuya exclaimed!

   It's a pity!

   Yunyi is hard to guarantee by himself!

   "Mo master nephew save me!"

   Yun Yi Yuan Shen shouted with a trembling voice!


   The young demon clan has been scared and stupid. At this moment, his eyes widened, and there was no reaction at all. In the blink of an eye, the other people on the demon warship except the young man were all destroyed!


   disappeared completely!

   The flesh that grew out of the young demon clan was once again being annihilated by the power of the horrible kendo killing in the Tianmen. If there was not a black lotus on his head sheltering his Yuanshen, he was gone!

"For... why... how could this be... how could this be, I have a fate weapon, how could it be blocked by the Heavenly Gate left by a sword ancestor, that Guy... That guy is just Jianzu, the magic weapon of destiny is above Jianzu!"

   The young demon clan primitive shook, and now he came back to the world, shivering and shouting!

"Sword ancestor... The Na realm fell to the level of the ancestor, but Na has a sword body that is only weaker than me, and the heaven door left by Na is for me, a peerless sword between heaven and earth Cultivating and staying, how can you be a young demon, you can get in. The black lotus on your head is just a very weak force of the black lotus, and the deity of the black lotus comes in person, but it can break the force of this heavenly gate. "

  Chen Zheng said with a smile.

   "You! You guys! Who are you guys! Since you are taken in by the World Black Lotus, are you not afraid of World Black Lotus at all, you should know what the World Black Lotus is!"

   Junior demon clenched teeth to drink cold!

   "You should go to the extinct black lotus, it is not clear what I am."

  Chen Zheng shook his head.


   The young demon clan was stunned again, but this time he didn't continue to say anything, but secretly urged the black lotus above his head, and instantly saw the black mangoes lit up, to send the young demon clan forcibly!



  Chen Zheng only raised his hand!

   Just grab it!

  The boy or the black lotus broke down instantly!


   almost at the same time!

   There was a roar from the sky!

   There is a huge black shadow vaguely emerging!

   "How did you erase your extremely weak power and make you unhappy? Do you want me to go to heaven now and pull you out?"

  Chen Zheng asked lightly.


   This question!

   The huge shadow disappeared instantly!


Ghost Bu, Ghost Fox Lao, and Qingyun Realm monks opened their mouths. Among them, Guibu was the strongest, but Guibu had only become a true immortal in the past few days through the strange changes of Qingyun Realm. However, no matter whether it is a lunatic, a world-famous black lotus or something mentioned by Chen Zu, Guibu is very clear, and they are extremely far away from themselves.

   "Gui Bu welcomes his master to return!"

   came back to God, Guibu quickly greeted Chen Zheng.

   "Welcome Chen Zu to return!"

  In the imperial city, the old ghost fox also paid his respects to Chen Zheng.

   "Welcome Chen Zu to return!"

   The rest of the Qingyun world creatures also quickly shouted salute in unison.

  Chen Zheng nodded his head lightly, and pointed at Gui Bu. The broken flesh of Gui Bu instantly healed, and his body moved, and fell in front of the palace.

"Chen Zu, the abrupt change of the Qingyun Realm a few days ago, the majestic immortality fell in the sky, and the realm of the realm was soaring. Happening!"

  The old ghost fox quickly reported.

   "This is the awakening of You Jue's sword body again."

  Chen Zheng nodded lightly, lifted the sword world, and entered the palace.


  The old ghost fox was surprised for a At this time, the ghost fell and the two looked at each other and entered the palace.

   Inside the palace.

   That Yinyue throne.

   sat alone.

   That person is Ye Qingcheng.

   Only eyes closed at the moment.

   It seems that the whole person completely cut off the connection with the outside world.

   looks like a stone statue.

"the host......"

   Guibu felt it for a moment, and frowned slightly.

   "You Juejian's body awakened for the second time, and there was a key thing missing from Qingcheng. It didn't matter. Since the madman opened a heavenly gate before, I would take Qingcheng to the eternal sword world."

  Chen Zheng said softly.

   "Eternal Life Sword Realm...this...if this Qingyun Realm is promoted to the Great Thousand Worlds in the near future..."

   After listening to the ghost, there was a worried look in his eyes. With his own cultivation, it was impossible to hold the Qingyun Realm.

   "It's simple, I just let Zhengyue girl stay in Qingyun Realm."

  Chen Zheng smiled, and a fairy light flew out of his eyebrows, turning into a little girl, it was Princess Zhengyue.


  Gui Bu and the ghost fox old lady looked at it, and suddenly it was a little ignorant. Can this little girl who looks lovely, hold the Qingyun Realm?

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