Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1775: Because this rule is set by Chen Zu!

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Nothing happened with Thunder Mowen Youth!

Chen Zheng and Mo Ling are still intact!

Chen Zheng didn't even look at the young people here!


The demon chuckled and looked away, looking towards Soul Valley!

"you guys!"

Seeing this scene, the Thunder Moire Youth looked instantly blue, and the Thunder Moire surging on his face seemed to be ready to sacrifice some powerful magic weapon!



This moment!

Soul Valley in the mist!

Something came out!

"Those ghosts!"

"Aren't they able to leave Soul Valley? Isn't it clearly written on that town monument? These ghosts in Soul Valley must not leave Soul Valley, otherwise they will be subject to capital punishment! These ghosts have not been chased out before, why are they out now!"

"These ghosts!"

The Thunderbolt Youth and the other young people looked ashamed!

A town monument stands in front of Soul Valley. The town monument clearly states that the ghost in Soul Valley must not leave Soul Valley! Several of them have been explored by Zhenbei before, and they are left by the unpredictable power, and a little bit before they entered the Soul Valley, they encountered the terrible means of ghosts and sucked the source, but once they escaped from the Soul Valley, those ghosts would not Dare to chase it out!

Why do these ghosts come out now, and they still carry a ghost parade!

"What are you going to do, you women have broken the rules, are you not afraid of that town monument? We have explored that town monument, at least it is the means of the ninth realm ancestor, even if we are in person Can't undo this town monument! Are you women, are you not afraid that the one who knows you cross the border!"


Thunder Mageweave youth growls!



There was only a sweet laugh in the ghost chair!

Those Soul Girls who carried the sedan chair just glanced towards the Thunder Moire Youth with a sly look, instead of looking here, but all looked at Chen Zheng!

"You... you women, are you in love with this golden fairy? If so, then you can play him as you like, we will never control it!"

Thunderbolt Youth noticed this, and his eyes flashed with joy. These women were so powerful that they practiced secret techniques that specifically absorbed mana to absorb their roots. A few of them could not crush these women. Fighting with these women did not take any advantage at all.


These women stared at the golden fairy boy!

fair enough!

That kid deserves it too!

There must be a powerful Soul Girl in the ghost chair!

It may even be the owner of Soul Valley!

That kid will become a loess in three breaths!


There was another smirk in the sedan chair. It was also at this moment that the sedan chair stopped. At this moment, a gusty wind blew and lifted the curtain of the sedan chair. I saw a woman in white walking down.


When the demon saw the woman in white, her small face was pale, and her eyes showed fear!

"This woman!"

"How could it be so beautiful!"


Several disciples of the Heaven Smiting Demon Sect were still dumbfounded by the Thunderbolt Youth, but the next moment they shook their heads sharply to wake themselves up! This woman is terrible. Although this woman is not a Taoist ancestor, the general Taoist ancestors are not necessarily the opponents of this woman. This woman has devoured the mystery of the root of mana, and has definitely been trained to deal with the general Taoist ancestors!

"Fortunately, it's not dealing with us. It's because of the golden fairy of that human race. The demon is scared and stupid. That kid is about to die!"

"This woman should be the owner of Soul Valley that we haven't seen before. She would have disappeared if we were in Soul Valley before, but she didn't do it before, just let the Soul Girl absorb our mana and origin, then only One possibility is that this woman is afraid of our Heaven Smiting Devil Sect and is afraid of our elders! So we are safe, she dare not take the cruel hand, how can we save our lives!"

"But... why did she dare to walk out of Soul Valley against the ban on that town's stele?"

At this moment several people secretly communicated with Yuanshen.

"Maybe there is something good in the golden fairy boy. Let this woman risk the death penalty of the power left by the town monument, and also get the things in the boy boy! But this is not important anymore. Make sure that her goal is not us. Although we can’t figure it out, we can’t win Soul Valley, but as long as we wait for the last day of the World Extermination Act, our mission will be considered completed even if we fail. Zong!"

The Thunderbolt Young Yuanshen sneered.

"Giggle!" It was also at this moment that the sweet laughter sounded again, and the beautiful woman in white who came down from the nether-flower chair, a very beautiful but strange hand stretched out to the demon there!


Deserve it!


Little demon!

this moment!

Thunder Mowen young people sneered in their hearts!

"Don't, don't touch me, this baby is still young, this baby is too difficult!"

The demon retreated while shouting!


The sweet laughter sounded again, but it wasn't the woman in white, but the soul girl who just lifted the ghost flower sedan just now!


On the side of the Thunderbolt Youth, one of the Heaven Smiting Demon Sect disciples couldn't help laughing, and several others also showed unbridled colors! In their eyes, they are absolutely safe, and the woman in white dare not really kill them!



I saw that the woman in white raised her hands up and grabbed it, and the disciple of the Heaven Smiting Demon Sect, who just laughed out loud, was destroyed!


What happened?

What's wrong with this woman!

How dare she really kill the disciples of Heaven Smiting Demons!



The unscrupulous colors on the faces of the young people of Thunder Mowen disappeared, all of them were gloomy faces staring at the woman in white, but the woman in white didn't look at it at all, even when he just wiped out the laughter of the heavenly demons A glance here, just raised a hand!

"You dare to kill the disciples of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect!"

Thunder Mageweave youth growls!


This time!

The woman in white looked over!

Raise your hand!

It was a slap in the hand!

The wind is blowing!

The flesh of the young Thunderbolt youth is gone!

Although Yuanshen remains, Yuanshen is also on the verge of collapse!

"You!" Thunder Mowen Youth growled again: "It's a good species, but you're dead, our Heaven Smiting Devil Sect will not kill you, and the power that left the town monument in front of Soul Valley will also kill you. The power of that level absolutely does not allow anyone to provoke his authority!"

"Giggle!" The woman in white smiled smirkly, and she glanced at the town monument in front of Soul Valley. She raised her hand and pointed at the town monument: "Young man, do you say this thing, this thing was what Chen Zu used to stay Next, do you know who Chen Zu is?"

"Chen Zu? I don't know!"

Thunder Mowen Youth frowned and responded coldly!

"Meet Chen Zu!"


All the soul girls around Huajiao looked awake at the moment. They respected Chen Zheng with respect and respect!


Chen Zu!

That kid is Chen Zu in the mouth of a woman in white!

The Thunderbolt young people shuddered!

The woman in white chuckles and then gently shakes her head: "Young man, this town monument is an agreement between us and Chen Zu, you don't understand it, it's just that you don't know who Chen Zu is, then you can only You're out of luck."

"You dare not kill me!"

Thunder Mage Youth stares at the woman in white!


This stare!

His Yuanshen was shaking again!


Will to die!

The people around him are also dying together!

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