Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1776: Soul Tears

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"Before I was sure whether Chen Zu would return to the big dark sky, I was afraid of the big demons of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect, but I dared not kill you disciples of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect, but when Chen Zu came back, there would be no worries." Laughed, and looked slightly smirked, facing Chen Zheng with a slight blessing: "Meier met Chen Zu."

"I have grown a lot, and the grudge has gone away a lot."

Chen Zheng looked away from Soul Valley and nodded to the woman in white.

"Chen Zu's lessons for Meier in the past, Meier remembered them after so many years, I don't know if Chen Zu can teach Meier any more."

The woman in white raised her head and looked at her with a soft voice.


The soul girls kneeling on the ground heard this sentence, and they were all a little startled. The master of the valley was very serious on weekdays.


Hearing this sentence, the devil secretly lay in a trough, the woman actually asked Chen Zu to teach her, this woman could be the kind of shaking that the blue girl said!

Never mind!

Never mind!

I can't even bother to think about it for a while!

Anyway, this woman is dangerous!

Stay away from this woman!

"Lesson...You still give me tears of soul."

Chen Zheng said softly.

The woman in white didn't say anything. A thing flew out of her eyebrows. It was a drop of nothingness and transparent tears. When the demon saw this drop of tears, she stared straight at it!

If this soul tear is remembered correctly, it flew out of the land of killing the road. Everyone wants to get soul tears, but no one gets soul tears, and finally the soul tears fly into the soul valley!

Then later, Chen Zu brought a pair of siblings to the dark sky, almost walked through this world, and finally left the soul tears in the soul valley! As for the agreement with Soul Valley Ghost, I don’t know the exact situation. I just remember how long Meier and Chen Zu, the Soul Valley Master, seemed to have spent an hour in the ancient Soul Valley in Soul Valley...

The memory of the past emerged, and the demon groaned: "This tear of soul, I don’t know whose tears, there are some secrets in the dark sky, obviously beyond the level of the dark sky, such as Chen Zu went to the emperor before. The source magic fruit recovered by the mountain, for example, the giant corpse in the forbidden place at the deepest point of the dead, the soul tears in front of it belong to the creatures in this world that are basically unable to absorb the fusion. Are these things falling into the sky of the ancient times or the dark sky? The layout... when it comes to the Dark Heavenly Dao, since the Heaven Smiting Demon Mountain fell into our world, the Dark Heavenly Dao has never appeared again. It is rumored that the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect has reached a deal with the Dark Heavenly Dao."

"This tear of soul... Meier tried all kinds of methods, and only absorbed the power of one hundred millionth of the soul tear, and also the power of one hundred millionth, plus Chen Zu's original The secret method of swallowing taught, Meier has the capital to deal with the souls of the ancestors who first entered the Tao. Meier does not ask for more power to devour soul tears, Meier just wants to know who left this drop of soul tears. From the soul tears In the middle, Meier perceives a sorrow, as if the entire world is annihilated or even more than the annihilation of the whole world."

The woman in white said with emotion.

"Maybe her, maybe her."

Chen Zheng replied softly, crushing Soul Tears, and all the power of Soul Tears poured into his body. In a flash, he directly broke through, and his mana returned to the seventh-order golden fairy level!


The demon was very ignorant, not because Chen Zheng absorbed the power of Soul Tears to raise a small realm, but the eight words Chen Zheng said. Maybe it's her, maybe it's her, which refers to who and who respectively.


Soul Valley Master Meier is also very ignorant, and the other Soul Girls are also full of doubts.

"The seventh-order golden fairy mana is almost enough to deal with the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect. The demon heads of the fifth level Taoist ancestors are all known as the Great Sacred Devil. ."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"The seventh-order golden fairy mana... Chen Zu was invincible at first. The mana is as vast as the galaxy. How could it fall so badly..."

Soul Valley whispered.

"The invincible realm's mana has fallen, it's nothing more than fighting the creatures in the same invincible realm, other than that I can't think of any other situation." The demon glanced at Soul Valley Master, but it was only a glance, it Not daring to look more, for fear of sinking into the beauty of this woman. It thought for a while and looked at Chen Zhengdao: "Chen Zu said that the seventh-order golden fairy mana is enough. Is it that he wants to go directly to the land of the Dao Dao and have a big decisive battle with the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect? Is the devil head, by the way, there is Mo Yuan, what secret should be hidden in Mo Yuan?"

"Moyuan should have a higher level than the land of the Dao Dao, but when I went there, Moyuan was no longer good. It doesn't matter whether I go or not." Chen Zheng glanced toward the northwest and then said softly: " I heard a scream from a guy who didn’t run, but knew what he should do."

"That's... the direction of the Gazebo?"

The demon looked at the past and recognized Chen Zheng's direction.

"The World Demon Palace... Meier didn't dare to go to the World Demon Palace, Meier took the clan to wait for Chen Zu to kill the land."

Soul Valley Valley Master heard the words of the World Demon Palace, and his already white complexion turned even whiter. At this moment, his body shivered, and it seemed that he remembered something not so good in the past.


Chen Zheng nodded and made a move, Xingcha emerged, and Xingmang flashed away with him and the demon.


Soul Valley Valley Master sighed.

"The slave-servant asked the courageously how Chen Zu taught Gu Gu at the beginning, so that Gu Gu is still memorable!"

A courageous girl who didn't know where it came from, now opened her eyes and asked.


Hearing this question, the other Soul Girls stared at it in the past. How could the girl be so courageous? How dare you ask such questions!

"It’s not too special. Chen Zu used a massage technique to help me undo the shackles in my body, but that massage technique has an indescribable sourness. I haven’t forgotten all these years, even the afterlife. I will never forget it.

Soul Valley Lord chuckled lightly.


"Just... is this?"


The Soul Girl with her eyes flashed dull for a while, and the rest Soul Girls also dull, there is only one question in her mind at this moment!

this one?


The sisters in Soul Valley who have been gossiping for more than two thousand The truth is so, nothing happened between the owner of the valley and Chen Zu!

"It is happiness for a woman to fall in love with a man, but it is a pain to fall in love with a man who can only look at his back, even if his back cannot be seen."

Sovereign Soul Valley sighed again.


The soul girls don't know how to persuade.

"However, I like this feeling!"

Only the next moment, the Soul Valley Valley Master said another sentence, followed by a smirk.


A group of soul girls are forced!

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