Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1786: The world is extremely evil!

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Changed again!

The woman's face has changed again!

It's just that this time it takes a little longer!

Not like it suddenly changed before!

This time it took more than half a scent of incense!

That face is clear!

Still a woman!

It’s just a woman I’ve never seen before!

A woman who has never been seen by any creature!

But it seems that this face has the characteristics of the previous faces!


All sentient beings whispered, and their faces were full of doubts, what the heaven and earth in the world wanted to do!

"She was pinching her face..."

Without the illusion, the young man subconsciously said a native language.



The woman's face cracked!


This scene!

All beings tremble!

Involuntarily step back!


What is this situation!

How can I feel an inexplicable horror!

It seems that the dark sky can't maintain that face!




Cracked again!

The flesh of the woman transformed by the Dark Heaven Dao suddenly shattered!

This scene!

Let all the pupils shrink!



Is this Dark Heaven Dao deterring the world!

"It seems that you have failed, you can't really merge this drop of real blood, or let that girl inside the immortal silkworm."

Chen Zheng chuckled.



Was that face and flesh suddenly fragmented because it didn't really fuse the drop of real blood just now!

All beings heard this sentence revealing a sudden enlightenment, and at the same time they were relieved in their hearts. As long as they are not extinct, as long as they are not extinct, they and others will have a chance to live!

"Give up, it's good for you and me, your ambition is a little too big. You take advantage of it while sleeping, and want to surpass it with this drop of real blood in one fell swoop, but it is delusional delusion. When it wakes up, the first batch wants It’s your kindness to cleanse."

Chen Zheng laughed again.

"I will not give up!"

The Dark Heavenly Road forcibly maintains the integrity of the body, responding to Chen Zheng's indifference with indifference, staring at the immortal silkworm, and raising one's hand to the immortal silkworm is a catch! It was just this catch, she caught empty, and the immortal silkworm fell into the palm of Chen Zheng!

"Do you want to use the immortal silkworm to devour this drop of real blood? You could have made a mistake. I have just given you the opportunity to fuse the real blood, and you have already given enough sentiment, so don't think of capturing the immortal silkworm. "

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

The rest of the creatures opened their eyes and held their breaths at the moment. At this moment, they only felt that they were the air, but they had to keep their eyes on the situation! Because this situation has changed a little bit, it is likely to lead to the destruction of the world!

Dark Heaven!

That is the way of the dark sky!

There must be a power to destroy the world!

Can't destroy other worlds!

It's definitely not a problem to destroy a big dark sky!

"I know what can deal with you!"

Dark Heaven Road stared coldly again!

"Oh? What?"

Chen Zheng showed his curiosity.


All beings also show curiosity?


Elders such as Heaven Smiting Devil Sect Master, Taishang Elder and others also whispered at the moment!

"The world is terrible!"

The woman transformed by the Dark Heavenly Path spoke out indifferently and mercilessly!


The world is extremely evil?

What is that!

All beings blink wildly!

"Heaven and earth are extremely evil... I have only heard the saying that there is a source of all evil, but I have never heard this saying that the heaven and earth are extremely evil..."

In the Yingu Demon Hall, Yingu frowned!

"The heavens and the earth are extremely evil... What can the Dark Heavenly Dao say to deal with Chen Zu's things, which kind of creature is that era overlord? But the era overlord can only exist in Taixu, or in chaos. The place where the deity cannot be freed after entering the prison...that is!"

Yin Suwan also whispered, but was surprised when she said it!


A shadow!

Cover the sky!

It seems to be pressed down from the sky!


what is this!

All beings look up!

Just a glance, I couldn't help trembling!



A monk under the ancestral realm!

At this moment almost kneel!

"what is this!"

Although Chu Hongyi has practiced the Nine Changes of Gods and Demons, although after this period of time he practiced in the sand of time, although he is not an ancestor, he also has the ancestors' combat power, but at this moment it can't hold it!


In her eyebrows!

One thing flew out!

It was the sand of time when Chen Zheng left the small bone palace when he left the colorless sea!


A figure emerged, and this figure was easily wiped out, an enchantment sheltered the colorless sea creatures, and the terrifying sense of oppression was stopped!

"Princess Xie Qi!"

Chu Hongyi, Princess Sakura, etc. breathed a sigh of relief and bowed to the figure that came out of the sand of time. This figure is the Seven Princesses, which is equivalent to Chen Zheng's deputy, helping Chen Zheng to guide the late generations.


The rest of the monks except the monk in the colorless sea are not so lucky, basically kneel under the ancestor!



Above the sky!

The falling majestic shadow suddenly roared!


This roar!

Sentient beings spurting blood!

This roar!

Not only the ancestral realm, but even those Taoist ancestors of the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect, also tremble with their hearts, such as Kuzhen Taoist, Yin Wudao, Youxuan Evil Emperor, Chan You Emperor, Soul Valley Lord Meier, etc., can't support it at this moment!


The souls under Daozu almost kneel!


very scary!

Is this dark shadow extremely evil?

With a roar, the souls of Taoist ancestors kneeled!

Dao Zu was also terrified!

"Chen Zu should know what the terrible evil is."

Dark Heaven Road suddenly smiled at Chen Zheng!

"The authority given to you by Hongmeng Nazhuang to create these heavens is still a little bigger."

Chen Zheng said softly.


At this time!

That shadow is another roar!

Immediately after that, the shadow became real!

That face is also clear!

And when this dark creature called the heaven and earth is looked down on by the dark heavenly path!

All sentient beings are dumbfounded!


Even small bones, demons, and bone eagles are so mad at this moment!


The terrible evil in this world is exactly the same as Chen Zu!


This world is terrible and terrible!


What the **** is going on!

"Chen Zu should have suffered a loss in the world's extremely evil hands before."

The woman transformed by the dark sky is smiling again!

"I have suffered a loss, but this thing at that time made me unable to reach the level of the golden fairy level, and I was blasted from one big world to another, making me a mortal for a few days. Never mind."

Chen Zheng also smiled.

"Then let Chen Z be a mortal for a few more days today!"

The face of the woman transformed by the dark sky suddenly suddenly cold!



That day, the earth was very evil!

It was a slap that was bigger than the whole land of killing!



This slap down!

I am afraid that the big dark sky will be penetrated!

All beings are horrified!


Chen Zheng sighed softly.

"Did Chen Zu sigh!"

The woman transformed by the dark sky asked coldly.

"I basically don't use this trick. I'm afraid of hurting this trick."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.



Who is confusing?

All living beings are puzzled!

And the face of the woman transformed by the dark sky suddenly changed!


That's when the terrible palm of the world and the terrible palm of Chen Zheng's head was about to Chen Zheng suddenly threw a punch upward!



This punch is a terrible palm of heaven and earth!

A world of shock!


After the shock!

The whole dark sky cracked the vast earth!

As for the sky dome!

No longer exists at this moment!

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