Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1787: Give a vote of honor!

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The heaven and the earth are cracking!



Heaven and earth roared extremely evil!

The horror shadow that covered the sky and sun burst into the endless chaotic time and space visible to the naked eye, and disappeared in a blink of an eye!



The sky dome above has been completely destroyed. At this moment, a magnificent purple air emerged. Just a few breathing times, the sky dome of the dark sky reappeared! Only at this moment, a group of creatures were completely silent, all staring blankly at Chen Zheng!


Chen Zheng's magnificent body of the **** and demon flashed and returned to the size of an ordinary person. At this moment, he stood in the air and looked...unscathed!


Something is wrong!

It seems that the mana is disappearing!


It was a few more breathing times. Under the perception of all beings, Chen Zheng's mana disappeared. At this moment, he felt like a mortal!


The demon frowned!

Although Chen Zu punched back the terrifying world of terrible terror, it seems that the mana is still gone. This result is not good!

"Chen Zu's punch just pushed away the terrible evil in the world. It really made people feel amazed and scared. Unfortunately, Chen Zu's own mana was too weak. The ninth change of the gods and demons was already extreme. Just now With such a punch, Chen Zu lost his mana, and Chen Zu was going to be a mortal for a few days, so in the end Chen Zu still lost! In this case, then Chen Zu will still give me the immortal silkworm!"

The woman transformed by the Dark Heavenly Dao, now recovering, smiled and said that she raised a hand to Chen Zheng and grabbed the immortal silkworm!

this moment!

Small bones, demons, bone carvings, Chu Hongyi, dingdong cats and other eyebrows are locked on this side!



The forcibly maintained face and flesh of the woman transformed by the Dark Heavenly Dao suddenly became black!

Split into a black air!


Bloody flash!

The real blood engulfed by the Dark Heavenly Dao once again appeared in the eyes of the world!

this moment!

Many creatures kneeling down on the ground saw this drop of real blood and were all about to move!


No one dares to move!


The Dark Heavenly Dao, broken into black air, once again forcibly condenses into the black shadow, and wants to devour the real blood again, but no matter how to urge the power of the avenue, its black body can no longer condense, and can no longer. Swallow that drop of real blood!


Diaotiandao is another roar!

"That punch was just called Tian Tian Xing Dao, you can understand that it was specially created to kill Tian Dao, and I have practiced it for a while, but I have never really used it. This punch should come from Taixu Zhong The alien race, although that one is powerful, but it does not affect the confusing. I am different. I used up my mana in the ninth state of the demon to change the punch, I am really afraid of hurting her. You can rest assured that I kill now I can’t reach you, but some of your powers in the Dark Heavenly Path may be blown away by my punch."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


Walk for the sky!

The underlying meaning is not to replace heaven!


What is this boxing technique!

Why have never heard of it!

All beings are surprised!

"You! A good way for the sky, a good Chen Zu! I lost today, but only this time, Chen Zu, Chen Zu, you guessed a little wrong, that is, this drop of real blood was left to me, It's just that I failed to swallow! I failed to swallow not because of you, but because of the special nature of this drop of real blood. I can't swallow this drop of real blood, and the little girl in the undead silkworm wouldn't want to swallow this drop of real blood!"

Dark Heaven Road growls!

"is it."

Chen Zheng smiled mysteriously, reappeared with an undead silkworm, and then directed a trick to the real blood. The real blood flew into the undead silkworm!


The immortal silkworm instantly blooms seven colors of divine light!

Immediately turned into a girl!

"Blue girl!"

On the side of Jiuyou Senluo City, the monks such as Kuzhen Taoist and Yin Tianzong exclaimed, and they recognized it at a glance, that is, the blue treasure of Jiuyou Senluo City, who had practiced with the Guzhen Taoist before!

"I know that the girl's original soul was broken, and I just met the soul of a girl who passed through the world of Xiaoqian. Although this girl is different, I don't believe that this girl can swallow this drop of real blood! This is the power of the undead silkworm. Right, this must be the power of the immortal silkworm!"

Dark Heaven Road roars again!

"You underestimated the immortal silkworm, and it is too late to try to grab it."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.


This laugh!

Sapphire turned into immortal silkworm again!

Immediately thereafter, it turned into a seven-color divine light and fell into Chen Zhengmei's heart!


Dark Sky Dao gave Chen Zheng a deep look, and the broken black gas suddenly rose into the sky, disappeared in a blink of an eye!


What does it mean?

Has Dark Heaven completely left this world?

Will this world be ignored in the future?

There is no heaven bound!

In the future, won't the big dark natural spirits be able to freely robbery?


No way!

Does it mean that there is no catastrophe!

Without Sky Tribulation, you cannot cross the Tribulation!

Is it true that creatures in this world only grow in mana and not in realm!

The thoughts of all beings flashed through!


This is also the time!

Deep in the land of killing!

Suddenly there was a loud noise!

I saw a giant mountain flying out of the depths of the killing land!

The time to give the world no reaction will skyrocket!

Heaven Smiting Demon Mountain!

That is the Heaven Smiting Demon Mountain of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect!


Heaven Smiting Devil Sect will leave this world!


"you dare!"

"Damn it! You have hidden Xiuyue, what are you doing, Yinyou!"


Suddenly there was a scolding sound in the sky!

And the huge Heaven Smiting Demon Mountain was suddenly frozen in the air!


Just three breathing time!

That huge Heaven Smiting Devil Mountain fell again!

Fall back into the land of killing!

This scene!

The world sees dumbfounded!

It is completely unclear what the situation is!




But a moment later, in the depths of the killing road, a figure came out!

"Master Yin!"

The remaining six of the dead eight ancestors saw the headed old man, shouted subconsciously, and immediately shut up after this shout, and each body began to tremble again!

"Sevenfold Tower!"

"Another Daozu!"

"Great Sage of Heaven Smiting Demons!"

All sentient beings outside the killing land exclaimed!

Because the headed old man has a seven-story pagoda above his head!

There is no doubt that this old man is the top of the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect!

Just what he is going to do at this moment!




The old man did a A corpse was thrown in front of the killing land, the exogenous creatures in the killing land were startled, the remaining eight dead ancestors and several others appeared before The Heaven Smiting Devil Sect Taoist ancestors, clearly saw the corpses on the ground, one by one showing horror!


That is the Sect Master of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect, the elder of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect and a group of holy demons!

"The Heaven Smiting Demon Sect's yin bones meet Chen Zu. These are the bodies of the Heaven Smiting Demon Sect Master, Taishang Elder and a group of elders.

The old man stopped suddenly, put away the Seventh Avenue Tower, and paid a homage to Chen Zheng!


Cast your name!


All beings are dumbfounded!

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