Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1818: Burn out the source!

Chapter 1815 Burning Out the Source! (One more)

"Secret of Heaven...Huh? How do you feel a bit familiar? This seems to be... this is...!"

Taiyi glanced at Donghuang Mountain shrouded in divine light, frowning on her small face, as if remembering some past.




At this time!

Within one hundred miles outside of Donghuang Mountain!

Warships came across!

"All of them come from other Taoisms, they should come to see the excitement, right or not, they want to find out what is happening! The Eastern Emperor Territory is twice as large as the Southern Celestial Territory. Including Ji Family! Now the situation of Ji Family does not know whether it is an internal fight or an invasion of foreign enemies, Chen Zu we..."

The Purple Thunder Beast Lord swept across the warships in the sky and lowered his voice.


At this time!

There was another loud noise in Donghuang Mountain!

A figure was blasted out!

"Nosey plumage!"

"That's... Qu Zu!"

"Qu Zu who sealed the temple!"


"Feng Shen Dian...acted to Ji Family, shouldn't it? Isn't Feng Shen Dian and Ji Family in-law relationship... Isn't Qu Zu's daughter the main room of Ji Ren Wang... ....."

Zilei Beast looked suspiciously.

"An old man actually wears a neon plumage, and this old man is not ashamed!"

Taiyi glanced and snorted softly.

"Does this old man like women's clothing?"

The purple beast blinked.

"Nosey plumage... is really strange."

Luo Xian whispered.


In an instant!

The light that shrouded Donghuang Mountain suddenly burst!

"Humph! Little girl, you're going to use my secret method for a second, and it's just vain resistance against me! Ji Yun ah Ji Yun, how my grandson is also your second brother, how can you also be the same father, you learn After returning from the mysterious law, I made my grandson severely wounded, not to mention the seal, and sealed the Ji Wang's Ren Wang Dian, trapping all of Ji Ji's parents and others in the Ren Wang Dian. Are you a girl enchanted! You girl, afraid It is controlled by a certain god, and some **** wants to borrow you to reproduce the world! You are now a chess piece of the gods, and the Quartet can’t accommodate you. You must either self-cultivate yourself or get out of the Quartet now. Never again, don’t come back forever, otherwise don’t blame this seat for cruelty!"

Qu Zu, who was dressed in a plumage, was standing in the air at the moment, overlooking the East Huangshan Mountain!

"Mystery of God!"

"Shangqi chess pieces!"

"This... the huge phantom that appeared on the sky dome of the Eastern Emperor Territory before was the celestial phenomenon caused by Miss Ji's urging the secret method?"

On the onlookers, the monk was shocked, and thoughts flashed in his mind.


There was no voice response in Donghuang Mountain, only Shenguang responded, and within a blink of an eye, and seeing that Shenguang enveloped Donghuang Mountain, people outside could not spy!

"Huh! Don't give up yet, right? Then this seat will come to a great righteousness to exterminate your parents, and you will abandon you personally!"

Qu Zu's face was cold, and turned into a fairy light. He suddenly fell into the Eastern Huangshan Mountain shrouded by the divine light. Then the divine light surged, and the thunderous loud noises rang again and again. There is no doubt that it is a fighting method!


"That Ji Yun wasn't even the ancestor of the Dao a month ago. What the **** is the secret method of cultivation, and he could even fight the Qu Zu!"

"Although Qu Zu is not the strongest temple, it can be ranked in the top five, not to mention that Qu Zu also wore a neon plumage, which is a very special fairy garment. The monk wears it and is immune to the same order and the same. Under the order, all mysteries, whether it’s the mystery of the immortal technique or the skill of sword tactics, are immune to all attacks! It stands to reason that Qu Zu should have won the Jijia girl long ago, why was it bombed before, Why does it feel like Jijia girl can last for a while?"

Feeling the fluctuations of the avenues that came out of the light of Donghuang Mountain, the monks of each avenue showed surprise, because they had heard Ji Ji’s Ji Yun more or less, not because of their arrogance, but because they were very talented. general.

The reason why Ji Yun is known is because Ji Yun was sent by Ji's parents to a place that can be said to be mortal, but Ji Yun came back alive.

"Is the mysterious law of heaven really like that?...If I can get the mysterious law of heaven..."

Many people are secretly thinking at the moment, and some of the most arrogant creatures are eager to move at this moment, thinking of directly taking Ji Yun away. Although it will offend the Fengshen Temple, the Fengshen Temple will be subordinate to the four major domains and the Tianshou family no matter how strong it is, so the Fengshen Temple is not so terrible.

And if you take this opportunity to take Ji Yun away, as long as you get the secret method of Ji Yun's cultivation, then...Can you go further? Although everyone in the Quartet has regarded God as a ruthless, unscrupulous and terrible creature, everyone wants the power of God!


One more thing!

Take Jiyun away as long as she doesn't hurt her!

After she got the secret method, she let her go!

The Ji family should and will not catch up!

What's more, Ji Yun today sealed the strong of the Ji family in the palace of the Ji family!

The contradiction between Ji Yun and Ji Jiaqiang might not be resolved!


Do you want to do it now?

Several creatures are thinking!

"Seal Temple..."

On the hill dozens of miles away, Chen Zheng said these three words softly, remembering some past.

"The Fengshen Temple is very special in the Sifang Extremity. On the surface, it is not as good as the main family and the Tianshou family of the four major domains. However, it has been rumored a long time ago that the foundation of the Fengshen Temple is the deepest."

Zilei Beast Master whispered.



A terrible tear sounded!


There was another loud noise in Donghuang Mountain!

The light that shrouded Donghuang Mountain was broken again!


The monks of each avenue stared at it!

"You have burned the source more than once, and if you continue to burn the source, you will completely waste it!"


The ancestor of Feng Temple is sneering!

And in the cliff face of the Ji Family Ancestral Land of Donghuang Mountain!

There is a woman at this moment!

The woman looked pale!

Although the fairy clothes are already covered with blood!

But his face is still full of stubbornness!

Even if you burn down the last source, you will not admit defeat!

"After all, it is the daughter of Jiren Wang, but it's just too unwise."

"Unfortunately, if there is no one today, Ji Yun will definitely be the younger generation leader in the Quartet."

"It turns out that it is only by burning the source to fight Qu Zu, why should a little woman be so stubborn?"

The monks of all avenues shook their heads at the moment.


Several people around Chen Zheng didn't know what to say at the moment.

"Master, this young lady is so pitiful, just like being bullied every day that you haven't met your master!"

In Luo Xian's arms, the purple little animal whined.



The woman among the cliffs!

Bash your teeth!

This is the last source burned!

At this moment, a white light rushed out!

"Humph! It's not saved! You want to die to satisfy you!"

Qu Chen disdained his handy trick, a stone tower appeared in front of him!

"Feng God Tower!"

"This... this is one of the seven towers of Fengshen!"

"This thing... devours the power of God!"

Once the stone tower comes out!

The monks of all avenues exclaimed!

Those frantic monks looked at the moment and were afraid to have any distractions!

did not expect!

Qu Chen even brought a Fengshen Tower today!

(End of this chapter)

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