Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1819: I'll take a look

Chapter 1816 I will take a look (second more)


Fengshen Tower flashes!

The upper secret method urged by Ji Yun was swallowed instantly!

She lost!


"No matter how stubborn, you lose!"

"The gap between cultivation and cultivation is too large, even if the mysterious method and the burning source can't make up, but Ji Yun is still a legend today!"

With a whisper, those creatures who were eager to move around at the moment looked at Ji Yun, who was still stubbornly standing even if the source was exhausted, and suddenly felt a little regretful.

If you give her a little more time, her future achievements are absolutely limitless, and may become one of the top five in the Quartet. It's a pity that today's opponents are too tyrannical, Feng Temple Quchen, and the ninth state Taoist ancestors are still too tyranny for her.

"What you have done is not in the right way. This seat can completely wipe out you on behalf of the elders of your clan, but how can you and my grandson also have the same blood flow, all descended from the blood of the king of the Jiren, this seat does not kill you, this The seat suppresses you in the Fengshen Tower, and let you out after a thousand years!"

Qu Chen was indifferent and merciless, and with a wave, the Fengshen Tower flew above Ji Yun!

The monks of various avenues watching from a distance saw this scene, and their faces changed again. If the secret road was taken to the temple of Ji Yun, the secret method of cultivation could not be guaranteed!

Let Fengshen Temple get this secret law against the heavens, Fengshendian does not know how strong it will become!


It's a bit weird!

Can't you force the secrets of Ji Yun's cultivation with the means of the Jijia strong!

Instead, the strong members of the Ji family were sealed by Ji Yun to the palace of the Ji family's king!

It's really weird to think at the moment!

"Chen Zu!"

On the hill dozens of miles away, the voice of Purple Thunder Sword Venerable was so low that it shouted to the extreme! Although he is a Taoist ancestor, he can only be regarded as a low-level at the level of Taoist ancestors, but he is so keen on observing and observing that he knows that Chen Zu should come for the Ji Ji's Miss Ji Yun!


Miss Ji Yun will be taken away by Feng Shen Tower!

Don't Chen Zu do it yet?

"Master, save the younger sister, the younger sister is so pitiful, the source is burned out and she will be imprisoned for thousands of years!"

In Luo Xian's arms, the purple little animal whined again!

"It's better to exchange blood if the source is burnt out."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


Luo Xian several people showed doubtful color.


It was at Feng Shen Tower that flew over Ji Yun's head, a moment when a divine light hit, suddenly there was a figure next to Ji Yun!

"Chen Zu!"

Several people here were surprised, because Chen Zheng didn't feel the departure at all!

"This is some kind of time and space secret..."

Taiyi Xiao's face showed surprise. Before Shendu in the cloud, he had sensed Chen Zheng's body, and he was scared. I thought it was just a physical horror to an unimaginable level, but now seeing this secret method, he was frightened again.

This mystery seems to be the same as Brother Chen's body, and it has already surpassed... the level of Hongmeng heaven and earth!


"A...young man!"

"Dao Jun? A second-order Dao Jun? Who is he? What is he going to do? Is it impossible for him to save Ji Yun? Is he crazy?"

On the United Front ships on all avenues, the monks also noticed Chen Zheng instantly, and they could not do it without attention, because Fengshen Tower and Ji Yun were the focus of Donghuang Mountain, and there was one more person suddenly at the focus, which must be the focus!

"Dao Jun? Huh!"

Qu Chen glanced at Chen Zheng, sneering with great disdain!


Fengshen Pagoda suddenly shocked towards the bottom is a cover!

"It's over!"

"This young man is so impulsive that he will be suppressed!"

"I don't know which son he is, it's over today, and may even cause trouble to the Zongmen family!"

The monks of each avenue shook their heads and whispered!


Only shook his head and whispered!

Eyes widened one by one!


What did you see!

That kid!

Raise your hand easily!

Just stretched out a finger!

One finger up to heaven!

This finger actually blocked the Fengshen Tower under the cover!


Gu Lili can carry Ding's claim!

It is said that there is a supernatural power!

Can lift up the gods to suppress a world!

This **** tower is definitely a level with the gods that suppress the world in the Quartet!

And now!

A Daojun who suddenly appeared!

Hold the Fengshen Tower with one hand!


Not one-handed!

It should be a single finger against the Fengshen Tower!

I am obedient!

This is too strong!

"what are you!"

Qu Chen frowned, secretly urged the secret method, urged Fengshen Tower to press down, but no matter how to urge Fengshen Tower, Fengshen Tower could not be pressed down!

"Master... so handsome!"

On the hill dozens of miles away, the purple little animal shouted with both eyes flashing!


The united battleships on all avenues in the sky glanced downwards, and the strongest one was a Purple Thunder Beast Venerable. The rest was basically negligible, and I suddenly remembered it. It seemed that the Daojun kid was on this hill before, just a glance Sweeped, never minded! Just now I thought that the ancestors on the hill were a sect of a certain sect, and took the juniors to see the excitement. Now it seems that it is not the same thing!

That Daozu doesn't seem to be an elder, that Daozu seems to be a servant of the Daojun young man!

"This young man... his physical body is not right, his physical body is not simple, his physical body seems to be an indelible physical body, but mana is indeed second-level Taoist mana! He... is it a body? Can't fix it?"

Someone noticed the extraordinary body of Chen Zheng, his mouth was exclaimed!


Everyone stared at Chen Zheng again!

The eyes of those Taoist ancestors flashed!

Found this at the moment!

But one eyebrow is still locked!

Because even the invincible Taoist mana can’t stand against Fengshen Tower with one finger!


Still weird!



The stubborn Ji Yun kneels down on the ground!

This kneeling is not kneeling!

It's not kneel down!

This kneeling is kneeling Chen Zheng!

"What do you mean?"

"This...Miss Ji knows him?"

"Isn't... he is one of Miss Ji's teachers, the teacher who taught Miss Ji the secret method?"

In an instant, the thoughts of those looming creatures flashed quickly, staring at Chen Zheng's eyes, and there was some looming!

"What are you, do you know this seat is...!"



When Qu Chen snorted again!

Chen Zheng's single-finger wave of the hand against Fengshen Pagoda waved at will!

Feng Shen Pagoda hit Qu Chen with a bang!

Qu Chen was directly blasted!

More than being blasted!

Its flesh was directly bombarded into blood mist!


The creatures on the United Front ships on each avenue were stunned instantly!


What is this situation!

Isn't Fengshen Tower a magic weapon brought by Qu Chen!

Why can the young man control the Fengshen Tower!

And with a wave of the seal tower, Qu Chen flew away!

"I'll take a look at This Daozu need not be nervous."

Everyone is in doubt!

Chen Zheng smiled slightly!


This laugh!

I saw this laugh!

The monks of various avenues suddenly took a breath!

Evil gate!

Good evil door!

The young man seemed to smile elegantly!

But how does it feel like you are going to kill!

(End of this chapter)

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