Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1824: Because it is not enough!

Chapter 1821 Because It Is Not Qualified! (Two more)

This stuff!

I wanted to sit up from the beginning!

I just don’t know why I can’t sit up!

The thought flashed in Tai Yi's heart!


A shrine elder shouted in a deep voice!


The remaining few also shouted in a deep voice!

"Your Excellency... can break Qu Chen's heart, the method is indeed extraordinary, but you have not been able to wipe Qu Chen with your strength, and you must be very clear that I can't kill a few people like me. From top to bottom, inside and outside, only the power of arguing in this chair can meet your requirements. If you don’t want to try it, please leave the Temple of the Lord."

Yuan Zu's thick voice sounded again.


In Luo Xian's arms, the purple beast snorted softly, and secretly said that these guys wanted to use aggressive methods to deal with their masters, but they didn't know what blue broken chair could possibly deal with their masters.

The master is better to break the Dao heart of these guys. As soon as these guys fall, there will be a lot of fragments of Dao Law, and then they will swallow the Dao Law fragments left by these guys, and they will definitely rub it. Go up!

"Chen Zu..."

Zilei Beast Master yelled in a low voice.

"Cang Cang Chair, as soon as I sit up, you are afraid that you will be gone."

Chen Zheng looked at the blue cyan chair for a few times and suddenly smiled.


Hearing this sentence, Yuan Zu and others in Fengshendian's face all changed. At this moment, Yuanshen communicated in secret. Although he was shocked, he quickly shook his head in his heart. This word should be exaggerated!

"This son may be cracking the Shang Cang Chair. The seven Fengshen Pagodas were removed before this son. This method is normal! But the Shang Cang Chair is far stronger than the Feng Shen Pagoda. This son must have seen the Shang Cang Chair. The mystery in the world has seen my plan, but I don’t want to give up the majestic power of the Cang Chair!"

"It should be like this, he only has the power of Daojun, and he needs time to crack the Cang Chair!"

"Can't wait any longer, this child doesn't sit up now, so hurry up!"

After Yuanshen communicated, the six elders nodded at the same time!

"If you don't try the last three breaths, then I can only ask you to leave!"

Yuan Zu's thick and deep voice sounded again!

"you guys......"

Zilei Beast Zun frowned, no need to speculate at this moment, there is no doubt that the Cang Chair must be hiding terrible things, otherwise these guys in the temple will not be so eager to let Chen Zu sit up.


That Cang Chair must be extremely dangerous!

So Zilei Beast Master looked at Taiyi!

But Taiyi did not respond to any spirit!

At this moment Taiyi is also frowning and staring at the blue Cang Chair!

It seems to be remembering some past!

"Not at all."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently and stepped forward step by step, while Yuan Zu and others in the Fengshen Temple stared at Chen Zheng's figure at the moment. When Chen Zheng walked to the Cang Chair, he would sit up for a moment!

Their hearts are full of joy, and this kid is still sitting up, after all, this kid is still lucky!


Chen Zheng sat up!

At the moment, I sat on that ancient cyan chair!


this moment!

The bright divine light is on!

The dazzling divine light instantly tore the guardian array of the Fengshen Temple!

A divine light rose into the sky!

Instantly pierced the heavenly vault of the Quartet!



The Quartet is shocked!

The Quartet Extremity, which is more than double the size of the ordinary world, seems to be shaking Tianzhu!

"what's the situation!"

"What is this power fluctuation!"

"Who is in the robbery?"

"very scary!"

"What is this?"


The creatures in the Four Avenues exclaimed!


More than four fields!

The creatures in the front of the Heavenly Abyss outside the Fourth Avenue were also terrified, and then they looked at the Heavenly Abyss again, because the Heavenly Abyss is also shaking!

"Brother Yun!"

Above the Abyss of Heaven, there is an immortal palace invisible to the world, and at the moment, Fairy Shi Qing exclaimed!

"This is supposed to be the clever guys in the Fengshen Temple who thought that relying on that green chair could deal with Chen Zu, but they were self-defeating and clever were mistaken by cleverness! Huh! This divine light not only affected the Sifang Kingdom, but also affected the world. Realm, not to mention the world of Daqian World, even outside the Daqian World, Chaos Realm, Supreme Immortal Domain and even Taixu have been affected! Slightly cultivated creatures should feel the horror of this power now, As for those who are still alive, such as the Holy Emperor God, especially those gods, they should feel the clearest!"

Except for Fairy Shi Qing, there are no humanoid creatures in the fairy palace. There is only one metal ball, and this metal ball is Brother Yun in the mouth of Fairy Shi Qing. There is a sneer in the metal ball at the moment.

"Chen Zu... Isn't that Brother Yun's guess..."

Fairy Shi Qing listened with a sigh of relief, but soon her eyes showed curiosity again.

"It’s not that simple, I thought I already knew who he was reincarnated, but he has more than one identity, he has too many identities, and each one has a great future. Fortunately, I saw him in the cloud world and knew his Being tyrannical and terrible, even if the realm falls, it will still be unkillable. Otherwise, if I inherit that thing, if I am an enemy, I am afraid that it will only result in a very miserable end."

The metal ball whispered.

"Cloud Realm... Brother Yun's body is so strange..."

Fairy Shi Qing heard the word Yunjie, thought of something, and whispered.


Inside the most magnificent immortal hall of Fengshen Temple!


Taiyi looked at Chen Zheng sitting on the cyan chair, suddenly fainted again!

"Master Gu Ling!"

The Purple Thunder Beast was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously exclaimed, and secretly said how this Nima ancestor fainted again!


At the moment the rest!

The child who has lost his mind to faint too is too easy!

Yuan Zu and another old shrine, the Sixth Old Man, stared blankly at Chen Zheng who was sitting on the armchair.

The body trembles out of control!

"At that time... my master... has been infinitely close to the situation of the half-step era but I just sat on this upper chair... my teacher Respecting him instantly"

Yuan Zu trembling and speaking!

"You asked me why I didn't evaporate from this chair, right? Because this thing is not of sufficient level. In the strict sense, this thing is not enough to let me sit up. To put it simply, this thing corresponds to a fairy. The general's battle seat, the creatures under the general will sit up and be repulsed, but for the emperor of the Xian Dynasty, this thing is not enough."

Chen Zheng on the Cang Chair, now covered with a layer of mysterious shadows, the people in the hall can no longer see his face, and his tone of voice has also changed somewhat. Between heaven and earth, any indifference to him in front of him!


This level of Cangyi is not enough!

Yuan Zu was dumbfounded!

(End of this chapter)

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