Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1825: Killing and wasting mana!

Chapter 1822 Killing and Other Wasted Mana! (Three more)


Purple Thunder Beast Master was going to help Taiyi who collapsed to the ground. At this moment, he stared at Chen Zheng with two eyes, wishing to kneel down on the spot and bow to the five bodies!


Chen Zu!

This is too strong!

In one sentence, the first person in the Fengshen Temple and the other six ancestors were blocked!

of course!

The premise of all this is that Chen Zu took the cyan chair without any damage. Instead, the cyan chair gave Chen Zu a terrible divine power, or that the cyan chair gave him an unwrap Part of the power!



A crack appeared on the cyan chair!


What is this situation!

People in the temple are dumbfounded!

"Is the owner too heavy, but the owner is not too heavy?"

The purple beast in Luo Xian's arms asked with a wink.

too heavy?

Do not!

This is not too heavy!

This is terrible!

That blue cyan chair couldn't bear the power released by the young man at this moment!

Not enough levels!

Just as the young man just said that the level is not enough!

Yuan Zu and the other six ancestors knew the reason after a brief consternation. Although they did not want to admit it, they had to admit it at this moment, because some young people sitting on the armchair were covered with mysterious shadows, they could kill themselves at this moment. Several people!



The blue cyan chair was broken!


A series of rebellious forces poured into Chen Zheng's body!

"Fifth-order Daojun... It's okay."

As soon as the upper chair was broken, the strange shadow that shrouded Chen Zheng disappeared. At this moment, Chen Zheng seemed to come out of the strange shadow, and the indifferent transcendence disappeared. At this moment, it seemed elegant and easy-going.

He didn't look at the dumbfounded Yuan Zu and led Luo Xian to the outside of the palace.


The door opened!



The eyes that stared at the Immortal Hall were tight!


The divine light that triggered the Quartet's absolute shock just came from the fairy hall!

and so!

Was the divine light just now related to this young man!

and also!

Yuan Zu, how are they!

The young man came out unharmed!

Do Yuan Zu and their...

The monk of the Temple of God is surprised!

"You... just killed us during that few interest hours, why didn't you kill us..."

This is the moment!

A voice came out of the Fengshen Temple!

Yuan Zu!

This is Yuan Zu's voice!

What happened?

Yuan Zu is asking this young man!

"I'm here to get mana. If you take the mana to kill you, that's a waste."

The monk of Fengshen Temple was shocked, and heard a light laughter from outside the Fengshen Temple. They woke up instantly and looked outside, where there was the figure of the young man and several others!

For a while!

Collective silence!

But the shrine of the monk of the shrine is already crying crazy!



The young man said it was a waste of mana to kill Yuan Zu!

The underlying meaning is to disdain to kill Yuan Zu!


In the immortal hall, Yuan Zu was stunned for a long time, and he looked at the broken pieces of the Cang Chair one by one, and he could only shake his head for a while.



An extra figure suddenly appeared in this fairy hall!

This is a maid!

Only this maid appeared!

Yuan Zu and others all lowered their heads as if preparing to meet the purpose of the Fa!

"The palace master said, a few of you have helped Chen Zu by chance, and reward you with seven towers of gods!"


Yuan Zu was dumbfounded!


They also want to ask!

There are seven palm-sized towers in the temple!


Yuan Zu looked at each other in disbelief!

what's going on!

How can I still be rewarded when I have lost the Feng Tower and the Cang Chair?

Chen Zu!


The messenger just called that Chen Zu!

Could it be that the first lord of the palace between heaven and earth knew the young man!


Yuan Zu and others thought of something!

One by one, there is a terrifying look!


Eastern imperial domain.


Ji family ancestors.

In front of the King Family of Ji Family.

The elders such as Ji's parents have been released, and now they are staring at Chen Zheng with their brows locked, although they were sealed in the Palace of the King of People, after all, they are the Palace of the King's own people. Although they can't get out, they may feel Some things that happened to the outside world, such as Chen Zheng's dismantling of the seven Fengshen Towers, the breaking of the ancestral heart of Quzu in the Fengshen Temple, and the fall of Quzu, etc., they are all very clear.

So even if the imprisonment has been released at this moment, all of them are in their peak state, but they dare not move and do not know what to say.

In front of this young man!

Most likely it is an god!

"Listen to Ji Yun to say that the selection of the next Quartet Envoy is about to start again."

Chen Zheng asked casually.

"This... indeed, the selection of the Sifang Envoy is about to start, it should be just three days later. It is just that the Sifang Envoy can be equal to the patriarch in the family, but it is only the status. The patriarch can inherit the title of king. With the title of king of kings, you can be protected by ancient king of kings, which is equivalent to being invincible within a certain period of time... nor invincible. It is a mysterious method that can resist the creatures at the level of the era overlord. It is invincible in the Quartet."

An elder groaned.

"Which is the Quartet Ambassador and the Patriarch, what do you think?"

Chen Zheng nodded faintly and asked again casually.


"It seems that there is no such rule..."

"This...although there is no precedent, there are no dead rules, and the rules can be changed... but the title of the Sifang Envoy will not be wasted, after all, the Sifang Envoy will also be protected by King Guyin Although the level of asylum is not as good as the title of King of Kings... Amount... Of course, if Ji Yun is interested in the titles of Sifang Envoy and King of Kings, I can all accept it without having to refer to my opinions. ..."

The elders heard this question in a daze, lowered their voices, and finally compromised when they spoke.

"That's it."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.


A group of elders responded in a hurry, to be honest, facing a young man who looked only at Dao Jun Xiuwei, he would wait for the top creatures in the Quartet to be such top-notch creatures, but it was so weird!


The thought of this young man tearing down seven Fengshen Towers!

Randomly broke the Taoist heart of the ancestor of the Temple!

Still feeling shudder!

This mysterious Chen Zu!

If it is really God!

And so high-profile!

Then I am afraid that the Quartet will have a shocking change!

"Some people don't need to say what to do with Chen Zheng thought of it a bit, and then said casually.

"Understood!" As the elder focused on his head, he pointed at the pale young man a little, and the young man and the people around him were completely abolished. The elder glanced at Ji Yun, who closed his eyes and meditated, facing Chen. He prayed aloud: "They have abolished their mana, wait for Ji Yun to wake up and let Ji Yun take care of it!"


Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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