Chapter 277 : Did you stop making kimchi and become a dog licker? The will of death will finally come! (please customize)

In the end, one or more talents who are excellent in all aspects are selected.

They plan to completely replace Caesar, the savior, at the right time.

After hearing Martin’s words, many members of the Congress did not object in the end.

As a result, the extremely far-reaching plan B officially began to be implemented in the country where the sun never sets.

In the kimchi country camp, Liu Yaya held a green scepter, and the two pairs of green elf wings on his back kept flapping.

hum! hum!

“Green Ocean!”

The rich green brilliance continued to pour forward, and on the battlefield, the catfish fortress, which had long been scarred, was completely surrounded.

Then, fine scars began to appear on the surface of Catfish Fortress. “Roar! Roar!”

The mutilated arms of Catfish Fortress kept swinging, trying to keep the green light out.

However, at this moment, he has long lost the corresponding strength.

The green light adhered to the surface of his body, constantly creating tiny wounds.

Green blood flows down these wounds in an endless stream.

Eventually, the light in Catfish Bastion’s eyes grew dim.


With a loud roar, the body of the catfish fortress quickly fell to the ground.

Then, the green smoke continued to spread, and finally completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

Then, Liu Yaya immediately breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat that didn’t exist on his forehead.

At the same time, Liu Yaya also became the third savior to kill Catfish Fortress.

On the other hand, many people of the Kimchi Kingdom who were watching the live broadcast were suddenly boiling.

: “This is the goddess Liu Yaya, the savior of our kimchi country. The goddess is really the best.”

: “As long as the goddess Yaya is there, we don’t need to worry about safety at all. In front of the goddess, all monsters are turkeys.”: “The goddess has successfully defeated these monsters. It seems that it will not take long. We You can go back to the surface again.”

: “What are the official group of idiots doing? Didn’t they say that the green smog can be solved immediately? Why has it been delayed for so long, and there is still no movement?”

(aeah): “We can always trust the goddess Liu Yaya, but we can never trust the stupid Liu Shiming.”: “In the next election, let’s let the stupid guy Liu Shiming step down together!”

At this very moment, the Kimchi National Assembly.

Many high-level people gathered together.

Chief Liu Shiming watched Liu Yaya completely defeat the Catfish Fortress, and heaved a sigh of relief, and said, “Yaya has finally succeeded, and it seems that our Kimchi country can also be saved.” “How is the exploration in Gyeongbokgung Palace? Why? Why hasn’t there been any news yet?”

On the screen controlled by many staff members at the scene, the current state of exploration of the spectacle appeared in front of many congressmen.

I saw that a team of people from all walks of life in the Kimchi country was slowly moving forward.

In the team, all the security personnel on the periphery were injured to some extent.

Then, the staff on the scene quickly called up a special battle image and video.

After watching, the staff introduced: “In the process of advancing, the expedition has encountered these very strange aliens many times.”

Above the first picture, a woman wearing ancient clothes, with hair disheveled blocking the way, and unable to be hurt by contemporary firearms, can make a very shrill cry.

The combatants used close hand-to-hand combat to kill the woman completely.

In the second picture, I saw a strange creature about the size of an ordinary cat embedded in the mountain wall.

When the expedition team passed by, they suddenly launched an attack, and in a hurry, they directly cut off the body of one of the outer combatants.

After costing the lives of three combatants, the expedition team was finally able to move on.

In the third picture, the dense crustaceans kept invading, and in the end, under the circumstance of the security personnel, they also survived this group of terrifying invading creatures. Then, the staff introduced solemnly: “The situation inside Gyeongbokgung Palace is beyond our expectations, and the second batch of volunteer security team members have entered the wonderland.” “During this exploration process, we have lost There are ten members of the security team.” “Fortunately, there are top experts in various industries, and nothing happened.”

When he heard this, Liu Shiming frowned and said, “Sending the most elite soldiers out must not let experts in various industries be affected.” Liu Shimin, very clear, even if the various types of buildings in the Kimchi country have been affected at this moment. a devastating blow.

But as long as the corresponding experts are still around, it won’t be long before these buildings will rise from the ground.

And in the process of evacuation, the corresponding industry has already transported all their top secret materials underground.

Therefore, the Kimchi country lost only a few resources.

These losses are nothing to the wealthy Kimchi nation.

Now Liu Shimin needs to use the fastest time to deal with the green smog problem that many people in the kimchi country are most worried about.

Liu Shiming frowned and said, “Now, my approval rating is constantly declining. You should know that if I leave this position, you will not be much better.” It’s hard work, show your work efficiency.”

Allah camp.

The huge golden kobold body is constantly fighting against the catfish fortress.

Half of Catfish Fortress had been torn off, and the kobold kept making a loud growl.

The golden brilliance and sand filled the entire battlefield in the sound of his roar.

The battlefield has completely turned golden.

The scars on Catfish Bastion’s body kept spewing green blood. “The will of death will eventually come!”

The huge kobold waved the scepter directly in his hand.

A yellow radiance wraps around the surface of the scepter’s body.


With a loud roar, the body of Catfish Fortress fell to the ground.

I saw a huge pothole in his chest.

The scepter strike is so terrifying.

Then, with a whimper, the body of Catfish Fortress was completely turned into a pile of graves.

Under the invasion of yellow sand, the green smoke completely disappeared into the misty world.

After seeing this scene, the huge kobold screamed in the sky, and this scene was completely fixed in the hearts of many people of Arakuo.

Roaring yellow sand, huge golden kobold, dark yellow scepter. .

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