Chapter 278 : A nation cannot be without a savior! Wonderful Huasheng vine statue! (please customize)

This scene constantly stimulated the emotions of the people of Allah.

Seeing this scene, many Arakuo people had a mighty emotion in their hearts, and they urgently needed to vent to the outside world.

At this moment, almost all of the subjects let out crazy cries.

: “This is Alat, the savior of our country of Ara, those stupid high-level people don’t understand the true strength of the savior at all.”: “The savior Alat is the future and hope of all our people, I must not watch anyone bully Savior.”: “Savior deserves a higher level of life, and can’t be exploited by anyone, and no one has this qualification.”

: “From this moment on. No matter who wants to deal with Alat, I will charge in front of Alat and use my own flesh and blood to open up a future road for Alat.”: “This is the savior of our Arakuo. , I will always remember your name, Alat!” At this moment, Alat completely became a god in the hearts of many people.

No one else can replace Alat, the one in their hearts.

Alat is numerous – high-rises come together.

Haradon said with an ugly face: “We must not allow Arat to climb on our heads.” “Otherwise, the sovereignty of this country will be gone from us.” “At that time all of us will be in Arat’s eyes. slave.”

“We are the ones who rule this country, and anyone can only obey our master, even if he is the savior of this country.”

“We must take swift measures to force Arat to surrender all the Savior’s authority, and we must let the Savior be completely in our hands.” When hearing this, many high-level officials present were silent.

Their best option at this time is to not make any comments.

Because there is one person who will stand firmly against Haradon.

Sure enough, I saw August standing up slowly and said, “Stupid guy, it’s this time, you are still insisting on the so-called authority, the rights in your hands are given to you by the people, That’s not your private property.” “This country is under your governance, and its national strength continues to decline, and you have long lost the right to occupy this position.” “Arat is the savior of our country, Arat has Rights lead our country to a brighter future.”

Then, Augustus slowly raised his right hand and said, “I propose to remove O’Haden from the position of chief. The removal ceremony will be officially held tomorrow after Alat’s return. At that time, the recall voting ceremony will be held among all the people. Under the watchful eye.” “Everyone, do it for yourself.”

Then, Augustus turned away without hesitation, and cast a last disgusting look at Haradon.

After Augustus left, Haradon shouted angrily: “What qualifications does this guy have to hold a so-called dismissal? He is just a mere minister of state.” “I want to remove him, you guys. Who is willing to take his place?” However, everyone below was silent.

At this moment, the words that Augustus once said kept circling in their heads.

They also suddenly realized that the country could still function normally without Haradon.

But without Arat, the country would have long since perished.

It’s clear who is more important.

Then, a minister stood up and said, “Chief, wait until the end of tomorrow to discuss everything!” Then, the person stood up and left.

All the ministers stood up and spoke out, expressing their attitude.

“Master Chief, it’s better that we don’t do anything until things are completely clarified.” “Master Chief, I need to prepare for the savior’s return ceremony.”

“I need to properly settle all the relatives of the savior, the chief lord forgives the sins.” After a while, only Haradon was left in the two halls of consciousness.

Haradon’s face was pale, his body slumped on the seat, and in the end, he kept muttering: “It’s over, it’s completely over.”

The rest of the countries also successfully settled the catfish fort.

The sixth round of endless trials is completely over.

All top-ranked countries received corresponding rewards.

Beautiful country, I saw within the territory, a huge statue suddenly vacated.

The surface of the statue exudes a very bright brilliance.

0.. Seeking Flowers 0. Beautiful Country won the fourth place in the sixth round of trials this time.

And because of his unique fighting style, Lord Pei also received a spectacle from the beautiful country.

[The world-famous wonder – Huasheng rattan statue! 】

[The founding powerhouse ended the war of division and completely established one of the best powers in the world. Now, this powerhouse has begun to recover…] Looking at this spectacle, Te Xiaopu’s face was completely happy flower.

Trump and many high-level officials are watching the vision of the statue of Hua Shengteng on the spot.

And this scene was also broadcast live by major media that had already been prepared for a long time.

All the citizens of the beautiful country were watching the grand occasion in front of them.

: “Is this the spectacle of our beautiful country? It’s really outstanding.”

: “That’s great, now the spectacle in our hands has also appeared. It should be able to easily eliminate those green smoke in the air, right?”: “That’s right, we don’t need to rely on Daxia’s breath to live at all. We can totally deal with these green smog on our own.”

: “Hahaha, I didn’t expect that this wasteful chief, Te Xiaopu, would still have a glorious scene today.”: “Yes, this golf-loving chief adult finally had a moment of brilliance.”

At this moment, Trump pointed to the huge statue in front of him and said, “No one knows wonder better than me. The appearance of the Washington statue is the greatest affirmation of my work.” “Since our team led the beautiful country From the beginning, the forms of all walks of life are constantly improving, far from being comparable to the black skin of the previous session.” “Now, I have to explain everything clearly to everyone. Skin left me a mess.” “In fact, since I took office, I have been solving the mess that guy left me.” “Now everything has begun to improve, and no one knows how to run the country better than me.” Many of Trump’s loyal intellectuals were caught up in a spree.

“That’s right, the chief’s ability to govern is the first person in the entire history of beautiful national power. He has cleaned up all the messes left by the previous chief, and everything will get better.” Seven.

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