Of course.

Whatever it is.

There are a total of 180 million long-handed clans, which can be sorted out so easily.

It took about five full days.

That's all sorted out.

Joey stood on the bow of the leading ship, and calmly said: "Set sail!" Hurrah--the huge fleet immediately set sail.

at this time.

No one is looking for trouble on the bright side.


is the most important.

Anyone who seeks trouble at this time is an idiot.

but? …

No matter how you say it.

One thing is for sure.

Absolutely cannot be careless.


after all!

From Jianshan Island, you need to arrive at Chambord Islands for coating, and finally enter Murloc Island and return to Totland.

As for passing through the red earth continent?

Stop it!

That is simply unrealistic. Could it be that the five old stars of the world government will give you this opportunity?It's just nonsense!

By that time.

Who knows what will happen.


Honestly walking a dangerous road.

On the contrary, it is the safest path.

This is something that absolutely does not need to be questioned.

This is a super fleet of 180 million in total.

Needless to say.

The number of people is simply too large.

in particular.

When Joey left from Murloc Island, he left with 100 million murlocs and 10 mermaids.Well!

Now there are no more people who shot Joey.

The total number is already 300 million, all of them are Inhumans.

How many troops are needed to take it down?


Just this one collision.

But it has already allowed the Charlotte family to grow enough.


Growth is so fast.

As long as you show your strength, some people will naturally choose to stand immediately.

The Dragon Palace Kingdom immediately made its position.

After cutting and cutting.

It took a total of nearly four months.

Joey finally returned to Totland.

Huh—— Facing the sea breeze, Joey stood on the bow of the boat and murmured: "Everyone has come here!" ! ! "this moment.

I am also full of emotion.

Finally came back.

four months.


Be very vigilant all the time.

"Is this our future home?"

"What a big vortex?"

"I can see a lot of islands!" "Yes!" Whether it's mermaids, murlocs or long-handed people.

Everyone is discussing.

Each of them has a very strong smile.

It's finally here.

It took a full four months.

"It has been four months since we set off from Jianshan Island! After all, this dangerous route is 0...seeking flowers??...

They finally arrived at their new home.

"Brother!" Perospero and Armand had already walked out, both of them smiling excitedly.

This go.

But almost half a year.

Big Brother is finally back.

Joey smiled and said, "Wait a while for reminiscing about the past, and arrange for everyone else to reminisce about the past, Armand, how is the island already cast?" "Hehehe——"

Armand smiled gently: "Brother! Of course everything has been prepared, Hundred Arms Island of the Long Hand Clan? Jianshan Town! Giant Whale Island of the Murloc Clan? Sea Dragon Town! Atlantis of the Mermaid Clan? Huangzhen is ready."


Joey nodded solemnly and said: "Arrange people, arrange everyone well, and there must be no turmoil."

Armand said gently: "Brother! You can rest assured that I have prepared everything."


Armand has already started to get busy.

After half a year.

Armand has really grown up.

Everything is handled in just one way.

This is true in every way.

from start to finish.

Armand's growth is definitely very fast, after all the long-handed tribe, murloc tribe, and mermaid tribe have been arranged.

It has taken four days.

There are still too many people.

This is also because there are no problems in the interior of the Totland sea area.

Not jail丨I /1\ ?

This will only take longer.

... 0 Cake Island!

At this moment.

than when I left.

Now the cake island has been completely built, and the overall building is like a huge cake.


Striding on the road, Joey walked towards Cake Island step by step, and said gently: "The whole of Totland is almost finished!" Perospero said: "Brother! Totland has completed ten About six-thirds of the construction, but! Including the cake island, all the textures have been laid, and everything has been prepared according to your instructions."

Joey nodded and said: "This is very important. Although there are a lot of vortexes outside of Totland, the vortexes can still be broken through. It is best to construct a formation. Very huge."

Armand said: "Brother! We all understand what you said, so there is no relaxation in all aspects, and it is completely built according to your requirements, brother."


Joey stopped in his tracks and said softly: "Four months have passed, next! There are still almost ten months, and before the start of the World Conference, these ten months will be It will be the most troublesome time, and no one knows what will happen."

"Hoo-" He let out a deep breath.

Cling to.

Of course it is easy.


Is it really easy enough?

Do not!

Where is such an easy thing!

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