What the Charlotte family will face will be attacks from all directions. It is not that simple to delay the ten months simply through defense.

but? ? ? ? ...

There is a saying well.

Reciprocity is indecent!

I am not a passive person to be beaten.

just now.

Everything is ready.

The construction of Totland has reached its final stage.

Murloc, mermaid, long-handed, long-footed, giant, dwarf, elf, goblin, angel, ghost, small human, three-eyed, snake-headed, orc!

14 races in total!

It can be said.

On this sea, except for the fur race, all races have been incorporated into the territory of Totland, and the total number of people has exceeded several million.

such a quantity.

Already representing Totland's qualifications is enough.

Just wait until the world meeting starts!

Totland is founded.

It is a matter of course to become one of the most special countries in the world.

And in the period before the founding of the country.

It is everyone's last chance.

Take the opportunity!

Completely crush Totland.


Destroy the Charlotte family completely.

That's the most important thing of all.

And everyone.

are the most important things.

PS: The second update! 4000 word chapter!Begging to subscribe!Begging for customization!Begging for collection!Beg for flowers!Begging for a monthly pass!Begging for a reward!Guiqiu evaluation! ! !Mountain.

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"White Yang" (19336 [-])

"Ruo Water" (18896 [-])

Chapter 124: Born to be a Substitute Messenger?Honey Juice Eight Tigers Ride!

"Joy!" Joey was still discussing with his brother and sister.

I heard my mother's yelling.


Just reacted.


He was already held in his arms.


Feeling his head being rubbed against, Joey said helplessly: "Mom, are you calm? Mom said unhappily: "No way!Mom's Joey ran away for so long, Joey complained: "Mom! What did you think when you ran away for two or three years?" Lingling tilted her head and said, "Because mom is a mom!" ?i?

Don't come back to see me!

Open your mouth.

Joey found himself not knowing what to say.Is this identity suppression?


"Hee hee hee_"

Both Perospero and Armand smiled secretly.


To be able to make my eldest brother look like this.

That is, only the mother.

Joey, who was being hugged by his mother, narrowed his dead fish eyes slightly, and landed on the two of them.


The two looked stiff, turned around and left without hesitation.

And Joey said helplessly: "Mom! Let me go first, let's go back and talk, okay?"

Lingling said unhappily: "I don't want it! Mother's Lingling never listens to her mother, and her mother is very unhappy.

"Oh!" I sighed helplessly.


Who told this to be my mother, so I had no choice but to lean in my mother's arms.

after all……

With a height of only about two meters, I really looked like a child in front of Lingling, who was nearly nine meters tall. "Three seven zero" is just that.

Leaning back, Joey said in astonishment: "Mom! Why are you pregnant again?"

Lingling said boredly: "Because it's not interesting! So I extracted a person's soul and planned to have two children." Me? ..."

I am really a mouthful of mmp!

I don't know when to speak or not to speak.

how to say.

My mother's situation is obviously very weird, okay?

Others are looking for other fun.

The result is good now.

My own mother actually took childbirth as a joy.

Really are!

I don't know what to say at all.

In addition to shaking his head silently.

I don't know what to say at all.

Forget it.

Still don't say anything, and followed my mother back to the castle.

"Brother!" "Brother!" Just after entering the castle, Joey was stunned for a moment when he saw eight brats running towards him.Joey said differently: "Mom! Is the child you conceived a beast race?"

Lingling nodded and said: "Yes! Mom thinks that the blood of the Beast Race is very good, so she extracted the purest soul and gave birth to a child of the Beast Race. She patted her hand.

Walked down from mother's arms.

I don't have any other ideas.

Orcs are not orcs.

As long as it's my own brother or sister, it's fine.


It's okay to say that the younger brother is an orc.

What about my sister?


Be it Orcs or Goblins, the girls of these races are still too ugly.

If it is not necessary, it is better not to stimulate yourself like this.

Joey jumped down.


how to say.

If you do the math inside and out.

These eight children are at most four months old.


Looking at the taupe skin, almost all of them are close to 1.2 meters tall, with a tower-like physique.this moment.

He also fell into silence.

how to say?

Is the racial gap really that big?

No wonder!

Many people say that orcs are born warriors.


This is not a born fighter.

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