It was sent by Director Wei's special messenger early in the morning.

I have to say that the other party is very good at life.

"Me, my brother..."

"Ye Fan resisted arrest last night and was executed on the spot."

Zhang Chen said lightly.

It looked as if he was talking about an insignificant stranger.

Ye Yiyi saw it in the investigation report in her hand.

Although what happened last night is just a few simple sentences.

But it did mention that her brother Ye Fan resisted arrest and was shot dead on the spot.

"It's human nature that you can't accept it."

Zhang Chen suddenly showed the gentle attitude of a caring big brother.

Ye Yiyifang's heart trembled.

Then she shook her head, "I, I don't believe it, but..."

"It's understandable, but facts are facts. No one would have thought of Ye Fan's true face before this."

Zhang Chen sighed, "Even your own sister, who is dependent on each other, can be his tool."

"Such an inhuman animal is not worthy to be your relative!"

every word.

It's like a heavy hammer.

Hit Ye Yiyi's heart hard.

Her memory stayed in her own home a few days ago.

It was the day when Zhang Chen let Xing Lingyun make a move and stunned her.

What happened after that.

Ye Yiyi didn't know at all.

It can only be known from the investigation and case conclusion report from the Jiangdong City Patrol House.

She wanted to be suspicious, but looked at the information in her hand.

Ye Yiyi found that she couldn't doubt it.

It records all the things her brother Ye Fan has done!


Take her own sister as an experimental product!

How does it feel to be betrayed by the person you trust the most?

And the only relative?

Ye Yiyi was facing such a situation at the moment.

Zhang Chen saw that Ye Yiyi had absorbed and digested the matter a little.

So he said at the right time: "These are indeed difficult for you to accept. If you want to vent, you don't need to suppress your feelings."

Zhang Chen is very considerate.

When people are most vulnerable, their defenses are also most likely to be taken advantage of by others.

like now.

Ye Yiyi's three outlooks on life are all based on the information in her hand.

Completely collapse.

And what Zhang Chen has to do, (cdac) is to take advantage of the situation.

He can be cold and indifferent to Lin Xi, and even call her back and forth.

But for Ye Yiyi, it's a different way.

no way.

Daughter of luck, it's worth spending some thought.

After Zhang Chen finished speaking.

Ye Yiyi finally couldn't suppress the grievance in her heart.

burst into tears.

The next thing is actually very simple.

Zhang Chen gave a wave of comfort.

Of course it's just comfort, not one step closer.

More haste less speed.

According to his plan, it will not take a few days.

Ye Yiyi will be completely in his pocket.

Why rush now?

Even if he wants to, he can take it now.

But Zhang Chen likes to be more perfect.

after an hour.

Watching Ye Yiyi fall asleep soundly in her arms.

The corners of Zhang Chen's mouth couldn't help but rise.

"Sure enough, the little girl is easy to deceive."

In fact, there are many flaws in many things, and careful scrutiny will reveal many doubts.

But Ye Yiyi is just an ordinary 19-year-old girl.

Although Bingxue is smart, how could he have imagined that the world would be so sinister?

Of course the most important point.

Zhang Chen is handsome enough!

Not only handsome!

Domineering yet gentle.

Such a strong drop creates a strong attraction.

Dealing with a simple-minded girl like Ye Yiyi is easy.

Sanguan follows the five senses.

In this world, good-looking people have an advantage.

Even a girl like Ye Yiyi with a very upright outlook cannot escape this theorem.

"You successfully tricked me into another one."

After Ye Yiyi cried and fell asleep.

Xing Lingyun appeared in the study.

Looking at Ye Yiyi in Zhang Chen's arms, she couldn't help giving someone a blank look.

Zhang Chen can fool anyone, except Xing Lingyun.

Of course, Xing Lingyun also thinks Ye Fan should die!

"How can this be called a lie?"

Zhang Chen smiled, "Even if it is, it's a white lie."

"What you said makes sense, sister, I really can't find a reason to refute it."

Xing Lingyun smiled charmingly, and then her expression became a little serious, "What are you going to do with her?"

This her, of course, refers to Ye Yiyi.

Zhang Chen asked with a smile: "Killed?"

"Are you willing?"

Xing Lingyun glanced at Zhang Chen coquettishly, obviously not believing it.

She still doesn't know who the man in front of her is?

Thinking about the last few nights...

Pretty face was slightly red.

"I really can't bear it. Although Ye Fan deserves to die, Ye Yiyi is innocent. I am a kind-hearted person."

Zhang Chen shrugged, "So I reluctantly took her in."

Xing Lingyun has an expression that has long expected you to be like this.

"That thing on her is very special. As long as the thing is still there, she should be fine."

In terms of demons.

In fact, Zhang Chen doesn't necessarily know more than Xing Lingyun.

As one of the top ten halls of Yama with the strongest combat power in the past, the ceiling level.

Xing Lingyun is definitely an expert in demons.

Now that she has become a demon herself, she has a deeper understanding of demon energy.

Zhang Chen knew what she wanted to say.

"Since it cannot be completely eliminated, why not make good use of it?"

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