Ye Yiyi is the daughter of luck.

It's not Lin Xi's kind of vase.

Although Zhang Chen is old-fashioned, it's not just because of that reason that he accepts Ye Yiyi.

Xing Lingyun frowned slightly, then understood.

"You want her to control that power?"

Zhang Chen nodded.

Xing Lingyun pondered.

After a while, she looked up, "I can't guarantee that I can control it."

"Try it, I don't care if it succeeds."

Zhang Chen thought to himself.

How could it fail?

Ye Yiyi is the daughter of luck.

And from the very beginning, he has been planning for this stage.

It can be said that the Qianyuan Mirror was in Ye Yiyi's hands, but it was actually the result of his single-handed promotion.

The only miscalculation.

Qianyuan Mirror is not under his direct control.

"Okay, I'll try."

Xing Lingyun agreed, she knew what Zhang Chen meant.

Train Ye Yiyi into a demon slayer!

Or cultivate into a powerful monster like her!

Anyway, in many cases, the boundary between Demon Slayer and Demon is very blurred.

And now.

Ye Yiyi has the power of a demon in her body.

As long as it can be controlled, it doesn't seem strange to become a demon slayer?

That's the difference.

The demon slayer is to borrow and control the power of other demons.

It is similar to signing a contract with a demon, or forming a check and balance by some means.

And once Ye Yiyi successfully controls the power in her body.

The source of her strength lies in herself!

"I believe you will be the most suitable teacher."

Zhang Chen handed Ye Yiyi to Xing Lingyun.

To some extent, the fate of the two women is somewhat similar.

They were all forced to become monsters.

But now he wants to appear in front of the world as a human being.

Only rely on Zhang Chen.

things behind.

He wasn't worried.

Ye Yiyi, a daughter of luck, will definitely bring him unexpected benefits.

the other side.

Early in the morning.

Zhang Chen's house welcomed the guests.

Xia Yanshuang rushed over early in the morning.

Apparently, the worried woman was eager, and she seemed to have stayed up all night.

It doesn't need much explanation.

Zhang Chen brought Xia Yanshuang to the guest room of the villa.

When he saw Lin Xi lying on the bed without moving, a bright yellow Dao talisman was still stuck to his chest.

Xia Yanshuang was immediately dumbfounded.

Zhang Chen didn't bother to explain.

Throw part of the screen data monitored by the hospital last night to Xia Yanshuang.

Let her take a good look at it for herself.

Sure enough, after Xia Yanshuang watched the images captured by the hospital surveillance last night.

Straight to the ground.

"Why, how could it be?! Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi, she now..."

What is the use of the bright yellow Dao Talisman on Lin Xi's chest?

Xia Yanshuang now understood.

She didn't bother to wonder where Zhang Chen got these things and learned these skills.

Looking at myself as a daughter who has been raised for ten years.

Just lay there.

It is completely unimaginable that those slender hands can tear an adult into pieces!

"Actually, it's not completely hopeless. There is still a way to save it."

Zhang Chen said lightly.

Next up!

Xia Yanshuang's reaction made Zhang Chen a little amusing.

Actually came directly to him.

Biting her cherry lips lightly, she began to take the initiative...

Zhang Chen sighed.

In fact, he really didn't mean that just now.

However, it seems that he does not want to refuse.


Today's second chapter with more than 5000 words

The chapter in the morning was locked in, depressed

It’s so hard to write, if you let it go for a while, it will be shut down.

Chapter 61

Zhang Chen didn't have good intentions to save Lin Xi.

It's not about humanitarianism.

Don't talk to him about humanity.

At the beginning of human beings, nature is inherently evil.

Zhang Chen believes in this.

As for what kind of person you will become in the end, it is related to the environment in which you grow up in your life.

Zhang Chen opened his mouth to save Lin Xi's life.

Of course he has his intentions!

His goal!

It's the entire Lin Group!


Zhang Chen has a big appetite, Xia Yanshuang alone can't satisfy him.

What he wants is the entire Lin Group!

It is the hundreds of billions of assets of the Lin Group!

Of course, there is another reason, and it is also to take this opportunity to test the bottom line of the Demon Slayer.

at the moment.

Xia Yanshuang obviously misunderstood what Zhang Chen meant.

But a misunderstanding is a misunderstanding.

Why should he refuse?

after an hour.

Zhang Chen suddenly wanted to smoke a cigarette, although he didn't smoke before crossing.

But there is such an impulse.

"Forget it, smoking is bad for your health."

Zhang Chen thought about it but shook his head and gave up that idea.

It's just that he doesn't smoke, so he can change it in another way.

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