such as.

Let Xia Yanshuang sink down and smoke one.

This is another kind of fun.

After everything is over.

Zhang Chen patted his thigh, and Xia Yanshuang obeyed after hesitating for a while.

"Devil Killer, I will watch and deal with it."

If it is said that Xia Yanshuang doesn't know what department the Demon Killing Division is.

That's obviously not possible.

Hearing Zhang Chen's promise, Xia Yanshuang remained silent.

She has paid so much.

So this promise is nothing.

Zhang Chen also knew it, so he continued with a smile: "An antidote, I can only say that those researchers under your Lin's Pharmaceutical can all be dismissed."

This sentence.

Xia Yanshuang was left speechless.

Lin Xi will become what she is now.

Get to the bottom of it.

It is the new drug developed by Lin's Pharmaceuticals.

Of course this is true for outsiders.

But for Xia Yanshuang who knew the inside story.

She actually knew who Lin's pharmaceutical research was for.

"It has nothing to do with them, and the development has not been successful. They have been fired and there is no manpower in a short time."

Xia Yanshuang also complained in her heart, but her rationality told her not to blame those people.

In fact, I really want to complain.

Also blame Zhang Chen and Ye Fan!

One is indirect and one is direct!


Ye Fan is dead, can Xia Yanshuang still pursue it?

As for complaining about Zhang Chen?

Xia Yanshuang directly gave up this idea.

"In a short time, I can guarantee that she will be fine with me."

Zhang Chen raised his head and raised his eyebrows.

The meaning is clear.

With Lin Xi's current state, he can use the primary magic-suppressing talisman to seal the person first.

It's like the ancient Maoshan Taoist priests who sealed and suppressed the zombies who turned into corpses.

In fact, it is a truth.

To some extent.

Lin Xi is now equivalent to a zombie.

It's just that because he just turned into a demonized corpse, he hasn't yet shown any changes similar to zombies.

Hearing this, Xia Yanshuang couldn't help asking: "You said just now that there is a way to save Xiaoxi?"

Isn't she paying so much to save her daughter?

Even if Xia Yanshuang is not Lin Xi's biological mother, but her aunt.

But for the past ten years, Xia Yanshuang has indeed raised Lin Xi as her daughter.

"There is no way, of course, whether it will be successful or not, I can't guarantee it."

Zhang Chen talking nonsense?

of course not.

He did have a way to try to rescue Lin Xi.

such as.

Qianyuan mirror!

It can restore Ye Yiyi's human appearance and sanity, and naturally there is hope for Lin Xi to recover.

But the current situation.

Zhang Chen didn't dare to make a promise.

"Is there a chance, about [-]% to [-]%."

Zhang Chen estimated in his heart and gave a vague and general answer.

Whether the Qianyuan mirror can be used depends on Ye Yiyi.

He is confident that he can get Ye Yiyi into his pocket in the shortest possible time.

Then let Ye Yiyi take action.

Anyway, Qian Yuanjing has recognized Ye Yiyi as the master.

Xia Yanshuang didn't know this, and when she heard the answer, her face was somewhat excited.

"[-]% to [-]%? As long as there is [-]% hope, I will not give up!"

"I really love my daughter."

Zhang Chen raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile.

Mixed with a hint of ridicule.

After all, Xia Yanshuang is not Lin Xi's biological mother, even if she dies.

There seems to be no problem.

Xia Yanshuang didn't make a sound.

She can see it now.

The man in front of him is a complete devil.

But even if she is a devil, she has no other choice now.

She has paid so much, and she has no turning back.

"Zhang Chen, you must save Xiaoxi! As long as you can save Xiaoxi, I, I can promise you anything!"

Xia Yanshuang is definitely a smart woman.

But by no means a casual woman.

If it wasn't for Zhang Chen taking advantage of her weaknesses and weaknesses.

Use Lin Xi as a bargaining chip and a threat.

It's easy to get her body.

But if Xia Yanshuang is to be willing to do things for him?

Difficulty is not small.

Zhang Chen laughed when he heard the words, patted the pair of giant pandas, and sighed that they are indeed called national treasures.

"Since you speak, I can agree."

However, this tone let Xia Yanshuang know that it was not that simple.

as predicted.

Zhang Chen said with a smile: "Do one thing for me, as long as it is done, I will do my best to rescue Lin Xi."

"what do you want?"

Xia Yanshuang bit her cherry lips with white teeth.

Subconsciously want to refuse.

But in the end, it was found that she didn't have any bargaining capital.

In addition, Xia Yanshuang is also a woman.

The most precious first time was obtained by the man in front of him.

Naturally, there was a different emotion.

What does Zhang Chen want?

That's not easy.

"Lin Group."


Xia Yanshuang had envisioned various possibilities.

For example, let her obey orders, or even make other more excessive demands.

Xia Yanshuang even wondered if Zhang Chen would suggest that she and Lin Xi be together...

But I didn't expect what Zhang Chen wanted!

It turned out to be the entire Lin Group? !

Zhang Chen saw the surprise on Xia Yanshuang's face.

Said lightly: "I want the Lin Group."

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