The video that Director Wei saw.

It turned out to be passed on by Lin Hongyang's subordinates.

It can only be said that he can remain anonymous for ten years.

After having nothing, they can still accumulate such manpower and power.

Lin Hongyang is indeed a capable person.

Lin Hongyang nodded in satisfaction when he heard that the people under his command did everything seamlessly.

"Boss, why don't we do it ourselves?"

The person who can see Lin Hongyang's true face is naturally his confidant.

And what appeared in front of him at this moment was his right-hand man who had followed him for ten years.

He couldn't help but ask the question in his heart.

These people actually don't understand many of their boss's practices.

It's just that they are all people who have received Lin Hongyang's kindness.

Moreover, Lin Hongyang has treated them well in the past ten years.

Do it yourself?

Lin Hongyang frowned.

Ten years ago, the days when everything hadn't even started came to mind involuntarily.

He is the happiest in his life!

It is also the sweetest time.

him at the time.

High-spirited, powerful in the business world.

The family background is top-notch, and the wife is beautiful and moving.

The daughter is so cute and cute.

No matter how you look at it.

They are all winners in life.

But everything has changed.

Since that day.

"Not yet!"

Lin Hongyang waved his hand, indicating that he was tired.

The confidants immediately retreated.

Only Lin Hongyang was left alone in the office.

No one around.

Lin Hongyang got up and went to the French window.

Looking at the bustling Koto City outside the window.

once Upon a time.

He didn't need to be as anonymous as he was now, hiding in the cabin like a sewer rat.

"Bing'er, I promised you that I will take care of our daughter'¨."

These words can be regarded as talking to himself, "But she is not my daughter! No!"

Lin Hongyang's face showed tenderness for a while, and was replaced by hatred for a while.

Think of those experiences you have suffered.

Lin Hongyang's eyes were full of strong resentment and hatred.

"For your sake, I won't kill her myself!"

Why not do it yourself?

Lin Hongyang's subordinates were puzzled, but the reason was simple.

Because of Xia Yanbing, because of Lin Hongyang's once beloved wife.

"After being demonized, he can turn back into a human. It seems that the old thing really succeeded!"

Few people know what Lin's Pharmaceutical is secretly developing.

But Lin Hongyang knew it.

Because of this plan.

It started more than ten years ago.

At the beginning, he was still the executive president of the Lin Group.

He endured everything big and small.

This is why in the past year, he was able to find the research bases of Lin's Pharmaceuticals with his eyes closed.

"As long as the ambition of the old man goes bankrupt, it is enough to make him beyond redemption!"

Lin Hongyang used to respect and admire his father very much.

But now he hated Lin Dahai so much.

That is the deep-rooted hatred that every man can't let go.

after all!

There are so many women in the world!

With the status of the old man of the Lin family, what kind of woman can't be found?

Why do you want to do something that is not as good as a beast?

"Devil Killer will definitely force the Lin family to hand over things, when the time comes..."

A sneer appeared on Lin Hongyang's face.

All he has to do is watch the fire from the other side.

Although it is strange, the Lin family began to work hard to squeeze into the top giants more than ten years ago.

Now finally have a chance.

Why do you hide it?

But he doesn't care!

What he has to do is to destroy the entire Lin family!

Then he took Lin's group and took back everything that once belonged to him.

puff puff!


There was a slight sound outside the door.

Lin Hongyang suddenly became alert!

But he didn't wait for him to speak.

The door was pushed open.

Then I saw a strange face and walked in.

"who are you?!"

Lin Hongyang's hairs stood on end.

No one here knows about him!

And the other party can find here so quickly.

He also quickly solved a few of his subordinates outside.

Such skills!

Lin Hongyang frowned.

The person who came didn't look murderous in the slightest.

After walking in, he pulled out a chair and sat down very rudely.

Looking up at Lin Hongyang, his voice was low and hoarse.

"No need to wait, the two demons you prepared have been dealt with."

As soon as the visitor opened his mouth, Lin Hongyang trembled all over.


His real hole cards are not those confidantes.

It was a few devils controlled by the transformation of demon flesh and blood.

This is his biggest hole card and combat power.

Who would have thought!

Lin Hongyang is obviously a person who has experienced great storms.

After the initial shock and panic, calm down immediately.

"What is your purpose for coming here? Tell me clearly!"


The visitor laughed, "Lin Hongyang, you are indeed a smart person."

"who are you?!"

"Does it matter who I am? The important thing is that I can fulfill your ten-year wish and make your wish come true."

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