what? !

Lin Hongyang was really scared!

Not only did the visitor know his identity, but he even knew what he was thinking?

This is impossible!


No matter how smart Lin Hongyang was, he would never have thought that Zhang Chen knew everything.


The person who appeared in front of Lin Hongyang was Zhang Chen.

But not himself.

It's a paper puppet.

Anyway, this thing is a one-time thing, plus a lot of lottery draws.

It's very easy to use.

As for the demons outside.

Leave it to Xing Lingyun to solve it.


no one knows.

As Zhang Chen opened his mouth, he revealed the secret.

The atmosphere in the room also immediately became quiet.

Zhang Chen didn't urge him, he believed that since Lin Hongyang was a smart person.

You should know how to choose.

as predicted.

About 1 minute of silence.

Lin Hongyang finally took the initiative to speak, "You! What exactly do you want?"

"Haha, Lin is always a smart person, there is no such thing as a free lunch."

Zhang Chen smiled, and then became serious, "It's very simple! After you take power in the Lin family, hand over 70% of the Lin family's shares!"

This statement came out.

A sharp edge flashed across Lin Hongyang's eyes!

He didn't flatly refuse.

Even if he can't agree.

But at this moment, he found his familiar rhythm and battlefield.


Then he is an expert.

"Your appetite is too high? And what conditions can you pay?"

pay what?

Zhang Chen can't tell the truth, can he?

So he sneered and said, "If I can let you easily get the shares held by Lin Youwei and Lin Shoucheng?"

In a word.

Lin Hongyang gasped.

Lin Youwei!

Lin Shoucheng!

Speaking of which, the three of them are still brothers!

Of course it matters...


"You can do it?"

Lin Hongyang was very surprised.

"The shares in their hands add up to 22%. With these shares, if Lin Dahai suddenly dies of a serious illness, how sure are you that you can take over the Lin Group?"

Zhang Chen has already finished drawing the pie.

Started to flicker continuously.

Really don't say it.

One set of rhetoric is full of loopholes.

However, Lin Hongyang was bluffed.

This is also Zhang Chen's control over the humanity and weaknesses of different characters.

For Lin Hongyang.

What is the greatest wish in this life?


Then he took the Lin Group into his own hands.

Zhang Chen pinched his seven inches.

"There is a [-]% chance!"

After thinking carefully, Lin Hongyang replied.

"Fifty percent? Too low!"

"There is one more person in the Lin family."

"Xia Yanbing?"

Zhang Chen deliberately mentioned this name, and immediately saw blood in Lin Hongyang's eyes.

Then he smiled and said, "Oh no, it should be Xia Yanshuang, the sister of your wife Xia Yanbing."

"Xia Yanshuang, don't worry, as long as Lin Haihai dies, you can tell her the truth."

What Zhang Chen said was categorical.

Lin Hongyang hesitated for a moment.

Because he couldn't see the motive of the man in front of him.

In order to get the Lin Group?

If you really have such great ability, why choose him?

It seems to be able to see the doubts in Lin Hongyang's mind.

Zhang Chen said lightly: "Up above, there needs to be an obedient person to control the Lin family."

Just a word.

It made Lin Hongyang realize suddenly.

"Your Excellency is the Demon Slayer..."

"It doesn't matter who I am."

Zhang Chen interrupted directly.

But it's also the default.

Did he admit it?


"¨々 I'm reckless, okay! I can cooperate with you."

Lin Hongyang is indeed a smart person.

So I chose the decision that is most in line with my own interests.

"Smart choice!"

Zhang Chen nodded lightly, and it seemed that he was superior to others everywhere.

Then he got up and left a word.

"We are waiting for your performance. As long as your performance satisfies the higher-ups, you can forget the past for what you have done before."

This is equivalent to drawing another big cake for Lin Hongyang.

It implies that as long as he is obedient and sensible, all the shady things he has done have been done.

All can be written off.

This definitely moved Lin Hongyang's heart.

For ten years, his hands were indeed not clean.

Flick together, plus draw big cakes.

Zhang Chen easily fooled Lin Hongyang.

Things went even better than he had imagined.

"You're really a fool, no wonder you were hated by your own father back then."

Zhang Chen really didn't know how to evaluate.

Of course, fortunately, Lin Hongyang's brain is not working well.

Otherwise, it takes a little more effort.

after leaving.

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