Zhang Chen waved to Ye Yiyi.

The latter hesitated for a moment, but finally approached and stepped forward.

Although she was wearing loose pajamas, it was still difficult to conceal the girl's exquisite figure.

"Brother Chen, what happened to Uncle Liu?"

Ye Yiyi saw Liu Butler and others fainted on the ground, and obviously sensed that something was going on.


She is no longer of an ordinary physique now, since that night.

Ye Yiyi is not actually a human being, but more inclined towards the demon side.

But with the protection of Qianyuan Mirror, she can maintain her sanity.

It can also show people in human appearance at ordinary times.

Zhang Chen smiled and pulled Ye Yiyi into his arms.

The little girl struggled subconsciously, but then blushed and acquiesced.

"They're fine, they'll wake up tomorrow."

If Zhang Chen hadn't made a move, Steward Liu and the others would surely have died.

If you die, you will turn into a ghost or a zombie.

But right now, it's really no big deal.

"Really? That's great!"

Ye Yiyi is a kind girl, so she was relieved to hear Zhang Chen's explanation.

Then asked in a low voice: "Yes, is it because of me?"

It turned out to be just now.

Ye Yiyi woke up from her sleep.

Then I found that my hair grew wildly, almost covering the whole room!

Even her hands and ten nails turned into sharp blades!

Ye Yiyi's face turned pale with fright.

Zhang Chen naturally saw Ye Yiyi's current appearance.


Really don't say it!

The usual Ye Yiyi is a weak, delicate and innocent girl.

Make people feel protective.

But after being demonized, it becomes extraordinarily stunning and enchanting.

"Have you grown up?"

Zhang Chen's face was a little weird, he didn't expect such a good thing to be demonized?

It seemed to feel Zhang Chen's eyes.

Ye Yiyi's originally pale face turned red.

Oh no.

More than just eyes.

Zhang Chen is definitely not the kind of hypocrite who pretends to be polite.

He is a person who usually does it when he thinks about it.

"It has indeed grown up."

Ye Yiyi's face turned redder.

She is 19 years old anyway!

I still understand a lot of things!

But for some reason, Ye Yiyi found that she didn't have much resentment or resistance when facing Zhang Chen's excessive actions.

Just shy and uncomfortable.

The corners of Zhang Chen's mouth rose.

He brought Ye Yiyi back, of course he didn't think that he couldn't help her.

Only a fool would do that.

Now he's experimenting a little bit.

The result satisfied him.

"Sure enough, among all the original heroines, the one with the gentlest temper and the best coaxing."

Zhang Chen smiled in his heart.

Kill Ye Fan and bring Ye Yiyi back.

Although this approach of taking advantage of the situation is a bit despicable.

But it cannot be denied.

good results.

Today's Ye Yiyi is unaccompanied, and has just lost her only relative.

The key lies in Zhang Chen's flickering.

Successfully made Ye Yiyi believe that her brother Ye Fan is a despicable and shameless villain.

And she didn't even let her sister go.

Then, while she was in a state of confusion, he forced his way into her heart.

And most importantly!

Ye Yiyi now knows the changes in her body.

With her personality, she was rather timid.

Now that she knows that she has become a monster, how does the world view her?

A combination of factors.

As a result, Ye Yiyi easily regarded Zhang Chen as the only person he could rely on and get close to.

This is also one of the reasons why Ye Yiyi did not refuse Zhang Chen's overbearing request to move her into a villa.

And then is now.

Ye Yiyi was affected by the magic energy emanating from Xing Lingyun's breakthrough to become a terror level.

The body is once again demonized.

Fortunately, this time she retained her sanity because of the Qianyuan Mirror.

But it also tore open her inner wound again.

Let her know what she really is.

As such.

Zhang Chen had a smug smile on his face, "It seems to be almost done."

He is confident now as long as he wants.

Ye Yiyi will obediently go back to the room with him and open the top of the canyon together.

Play the game for the first time.

Heart to heart.

But Zhang Chen is not in a hurry, after all, what happened tonight cannot be hidden.

There will be a follow-up soon.

"Hey, go back to your room and sleep first."

Rubbing Ye Yiyi's little head, Zhang Chen's voice was very gentle.

To deal with different women, Zhang Chen naturally used different methods.

"Well, I listen to Brother Chen."

Ye Yiyi nodded submissively, quite well-behaved.

This is not Lin Xi's pretended cuteness.

She has such a temperament, and now she is more dependent on Zhang Chen due to various reasons.

It seemed that he was worried that his refusal just now would make Zhang Chen angry.

Ye Yiyi hesitated, and boldly kissed Zhang Chen on the cheek quickly.

Then he ran all the way back to the room.

His face flushed and his heart beat faster.

She is 19 years old, and she is not a real little girl.

In fact, many things have already been acquiesced in the heart.


"This girl."

Zhang Chen touched the cheek that had just been attacked for no reason.

Hehe smiled.

"If Ye Fan is still alive, will he be pissed off?"

Zhang Chen felt a little regretful, shouldn't he kill Ye Fan so early.

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