At least let this cheap uncle see his sister gain the first experience of happiness with his own eyes, right?

"Hey, I really am not a qualified villain yet, my heart is too soft."

shook his head.

On Ye Yiyi's side, he wasn't worried at all.

Anyway, the mirror of Qianyuan is on her, and she is also the daughter of luck.

There is a high probability that there will be no danger.

It might even be a blessing in disguise.

But on the other side.

Zhang Chen opened the door of one of the guest rooms.


The person living in this room is Lin Xi.

But unlike Ye Yiyi, she doesn't have the special Taoist protection of Qianyuan Mirror.

It was really affected at this moment.

"Zhang, Zhang Chen..."

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Lin Xi struggled in a daze.

However, Zhang Chen clearly saw the changes in her body.

"Sure enough, the effect of the primary detoxification pill is not that strong, is it so easy to lose its effect?"

Lin Xi once again showed symptoms of demonization.

At the same time, unlike Ye Yiyi, who is a daughter of luck, her sanity has also begun to become confused.

···Seeking flowers 0··

You don't need to ask this way.

In a few minutes at most, you will lose your mind again.

Become the demon monster who killed Ye Fan casually.

Zhang Chen doesn't like his fiancée very much, but for the time being, he is reluctant to let her fend for herself.

"Forget it, for Xia Yanshuang's sake, and in the future, the Lin Group will also need an obedient spokesperson."

Valuable people deserve a chance.

Zhang Chen reached out and lifted Lin Xi's chin.

Look at her eyes that are gradually becoming bloodthirsty and crazy.

"Want to live?"

It wasn't loud, but it was the dead of night.

Lin Xi could hear it naturally.

She doesn't have much room to think now.

The impulse in her body made her almost unable to hold on.

"Yeah! Help me! I don't want to be that monster!"

Lin Xi used to be very proud, rich, beautiful, and good in school.

She is the perfect goddess in everyone's eyes.

However, who would have thought of such a goddess.

But now wagging his tail and begging for mercy in front of Zhang Chen?

is so humble.

"Then find a way to please me, this is your only chance."

Zhang Chen took out a primary detoxification pill, the corner of his mouth raised.

Lin Xi resisted the growing urge, a tear fell from the corner of her eye.

at that moment.

She knew that her last self-esteem had been completely shattered.

Lin Xi crawled over...

It is human instinct to survive.


night starry sky.

In Jiangdong City, some people obviously couldn't sleep.

Demon Slayer Division Jiangdong Branch Building.

Changes are detected almost immediately.

"What a strong demonic energy!"

"Quick! Find out where it is!"

"At such a time!"

"This level, don't make a big deal!"

Horror-level demon energy soared into the sky, even affecting a radius of several kilometers.

........ 0

Such a large-scale emergence of magic energy.

As a special department established for monsters.

It is naturally impossible for the Demon Slayer to be ignorant.

Coupled with the special monitoring equipment, the specific location where the magic energy emerged was quickly determined.

When Director Wei saw the people below pointing out the exact location on the map.

It was silent.

"Director, should we send someone to deal with it?"

The people below asked cautiously.

In fact, they are also very confused.

that place.




Where is that one?

Director Wei shook his head directly, "What did you do in the past? Are you uncomfortable?"

The people below laughed.

They also know that things are a little difficult this time.

Director Wei rubbed his forehead, and then said: "Okay, let's observe first, if there is a follow-up..."

"Director, the demon energy over there has disappeared, and the impact is still being counted for the time being."

Someone else hurried over.

Hear the news.

Director Wei understood it all at once.

"Don't talk about what happened tonight."

The people below also guessed the result.

So I continued to go back without saying a word, what should I do.

That one seems to be untouchable.

And most importantly!

"Demon energy at the level of terror..."

Sitting alone in the office, Director Wei felt more and more headaches.

"Brother Zhang, can't you keep a low profile?"

Without any choice.

Director Wei decided that it would be better to call and ask.

The phone call came through soon.

But did not answer.

Call again, still no answer.

"Are you asleep?"

Director Wei's mouth twitched, but he thought about it.


There is such a large-scale emergence of magic energy.

To hell with sleep.

Hit again!

The phone finally got through.

"Brother Zhang, is it convenient to talk now?"

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