Zhang Chen began to look forward to it.

"Let the third child and the others go and investigate. If there is no accident, it should be at Jiangdong University."

I don't know if it's fate or something else.

Ye Fan is a student of Jiangdong University.

Xiao Han, the new son of luck, is also a student of Jiangdong University.

Isn't this a coincidence?

Jiangdong City is Zhang Chen's territory.

And this time.

Lin Xi has gradually regained her sanity, and also has the memory of just now.

Know what you just did.

His face was flushed, and he wished he could find a crack in the ground and get in.

But at the same time, it seemed as if a door to a new world had opened in front of her.

"have a good rest."

Lin Xi thought that what happened next should be what she imagined.


But Zhang Chen left a word and left.

"Zhang Chen, you're just an idiot!"

Lin Xi was extremely wronged.

Not only wronged, but also lost.


Zhang Chen doesn't care whether Lin Xi is wronged or happy, anyway, he stays by his side only because it is still useful.

The reason for leaving.

It was because he noticed that Xing Lingyun's breakthrough was successful.

The demonic energy around him began to disappear.


Go back to your room.

Just in time to see Xing Lingyun open her eyes.

"How does it feel?"

Zhang Chen approached Lin Xi differently.

He regards Xing Lingyun as his right-hand man.

"Want to try it?"

Xing Lingyun's smile is a bit enchanting, but also mixed with a hint of provocation.

I don't know if it's because she recovered from her injuries and her strength has returned to the terrifying level.

Actually took the initiative to initiate a challenge?

"Oh? You are very confident."

Zhang Chen frowned upon hearing this.

Then I looked at the time.

There is still more than an hour until dawn.


Xing Lingyun smiled coquettishly, obviously eager to try and full of confidence.

Can this be tolerated?

Zhang Chen is not a gentleman.

And he is a full-fledged male chauvinist.

and so!

"Afraid? In Zhang Chen's dictionary, there is no such word as fear!"

Want to challenge his status as the head of the family just after recovering to the terror level?

Zhang Chen really wanted to tell Xing Lingyun.

You think too much!

"It's just right, I just upgraded from the innate pure yang body to the pure yang holy body, can I still be afraid?"

Zhang Chen is full of confidence!

A fierce SOLO in the middle of the canyon will start directly!

Neither side is a gaming experience.

And for many days, the double row every day has added a strong game experience.

So fight directly at the beginning.


Zhang Chen noticed something was wrong.

Star Lingyun's combat power has increased by more than ten times!

Killed him by surprise, and almost got killed in the middle!

【Ding!Yang Qi - 1000! 】

【Ding!Yang Qi - 1000! 】

【Ding!Yang Qi - 1000! 】


"what's the situation?"

Zhang Chen watched his yang energy drop rapidly.

Somewhat confused.

It wasn't the first time he had duo with the top of Xinglingyun Canyon.

But never before has the battle been so intense!

The essential!

A thousand yang energy drops every second?

Who can stand this?

You must know that ordinary people have only 100 yang qi!

Even those people with strong yang and blood can't hold it for a second?

"If you admit defeat, sister, how about I spare you tonight?"

Zhang Chen was surprised.

It was the first time that Xing Lingyun had the upper hand, and she was quite proud.

Thinking that every time he soloed, he would be killed by the man in front of him, throwing his helmet and armor down.

Broken down.

Finally let her win back today!

While proud, Xing Lingyun was a little worried.

"My current strength is not easy to control, and it will hurt you if I continue."



Xing Lingyun was obviously worried that Zhang Chen would not be able to bear it.

That's why he suppressed his desire for exuberant yang energy, and wanted to make Zhang Chen retreat in spite of the difficulties.

Horror-level monster, to put it a bit exaggerated.

Once fully released, it can instantly kill all living people within a radius of one kilometer.

Already possessed a ghost power similar to a domain.

"I can bear it now, and I will really ignore you later!"

Xing Lingyun gritted her teeth lightly, obviously trying to endure the impulse in her heart.

As a demon.

If it is not really worried about Zhang Chen's body.

How could it be possible to be willing to terminate at this time?

However, Xing Lingyun still underestimated Zhang Chen's trump card.

"give up?"

Zhang Chen was really surprised, he didn't expect Xing Lingyun's strength to recover to the horror level.

The fighting power is so amazing!


"You underestimate me! At the top of the canyon, no one can beat me in solo!"

What happened to a thousand yang qi falling down every second?

He is full of yang!

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