Nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand and nine hundred and ninety-nine points of yang energy!

It's so arrogant!


He now has 488 physical points!

It means recovering 488 points of yang energy per second!

Calculate like this.

Come to a fierce solo mid-lane battle with Star Rhyme Canyon.

It is equivalent to losing 512 Yang Qi points per second.

There is no problem at least for half an hour!

This battle!

After Zhang Chen crossed over, the battle situation was the most anxious.

It is also the most suspenseful battle.

Fortunately, in the end.

Zhang Chen fully fired and let go of his hands and feet completely.

There was a quick kill round without any reservations!

In the end, it was risky and dangerous, and we won.

"It really deserves to be a horror class, as expected, that aspect is a bit scary!"

How long has it been since Zhang Chen felt tired?

But at the same time tired, I feel refreshed!

"Don't be so risky next time!"

Xing Lingyun felt distressed when she saw Zhang Chen's tired expression.

Sure enough, she is a daughter-in-law, and she knows how to feel sorry for others.

This is what Zhang Chen likes.

He is very traditional, and he just likes gentle and virtuous girls.

Although girls are occasionally a bit willful is a swap.

But like Lin Xi's character who is proud and lofty in his bones.

He really can't like it.

Zhang Chen smiled, "I said before, it's not that easy to win against me."

Xing Lingyun couldn't help but give someone a blank look.

But I have to admit that she lost again tonight.

Jokes are jokes.

Zhang Chen checked the system panel afterwards.

He feels a little bit of pressure now.

"If it wasn't for killing Ye Fan and getting the gift bag reward, which allowed me to upgrade to the Pure Yang Eucharist, wouldn't I be a gentleman tonight?"

Looking back, I was a little scared.

At this moment, for the first time, he began to face it squarely.

"It seems that the stronger the monster is, the more exaggerated the consumption of Yang Qi."

As the original author, he didn't know this?

I really can't blame him!

After all, for some special reason, in his original plane.

Most of the protagonists are gentlemen.

At least he was forced to be a gentleman.

So at the end of the original comic story, that kid Ye Fan couldn't eat his meat.

Do not!

Didn't even have a sip of the soup.

From beginning to end, I was forced to be a gentleman.

So who can know that there is such a secret and difference in it?

Zhang Chen was lucky: "Fortunately, fortunately!"

"But in this way, won't we have to pick several targets in the future, and we will be delayed again?"

in the system repository.

Zhang Chen casually took out a Qi and Blood Pill and threw it into his mouth.

In the past, he had a high physique, so there was almost no need to worry about his recovery ability.

But now he has to consider relying on pills to maintain at certain critical moments?

"It's not a problem to always rely on pills."

Zhang Chen frowned.

A primary qi and blood pill can only restore 1000 yang qi!

Even a high-level qi and blood pill can only restore 10000 yang qi.

It seems like a drop in the bucket.

It can't meet Zhang Chen's current needs at all.

But don't forget!

Besides him, who could have such a huge yang energy support?

Ordinary people have an average of 100 Yang Qi points!

Even those of the Demon Slayer, because of some special reasons.

Yang Qi can rarely break through ten thousand!

"The more advanced ones are still not available for purchase?"

Zhang Chen looked around the system store.

Many things that look advanced are gray for the time being.

Tried and can't buy it.

"Sure enough, there are still restrictions. Do we need to wait for the next upgrade?"

Zhang Chen searched for a long time, and finally found what he wanted...

[Pure Yang Immortal Physique: You need 10 contribution points to redeem it]

Zhang Chen: "..."

Sorry for disturbing you!

10 million contribution points?

Not to mention it's not available for purchase right now.

Even if you can buy it.

Where did he get 10 contribution points?

You must know that 100 million cash can be exchanged for 1 contribution point.

"Just one exercise, actually need 1000 billion?"

Zhang Chen suddenly felt a headache.

Open the gift bag twice before to get the innate pure yang body and pure yang holy body.

He really didn't think he was lucky.

Take a look now.

The system is so considerate!

[Innate Pure Yang Body: 100 Contribution Points are required to redeem it]

[Pure Yang Eucharist: 1000 contribution points are required to redeem it]

Zhang Chen found the reward he had received before in the system store.

After reading the value.

Once again, he sighed that he was a little lucky.

"Pure Yang Immortal Physique seems to have no chance for the time being, is there no other suitable one?"

Zhang Chen searched again.

He really found it.

[Absolute Beginning Yin-Yang Jue Basics: 500 Contribution Points are required to redeem]

"This is simply perfect for my current situation!"

Zhang Chen's eyes lit up.

Although it is only a basic article, it is equivalent to an introductory stage.

However, after carefully reading the introduction of Yin-Yang Art of Absolute Beginning.

Zhang Chen's heart beat immediately!

Because this Absolute Beginning Yin-Yang Jue is a piece of Immortal Cultivation Technique!

Is it strange that immortal cultivation techniques appear in the plane of horror recovery?

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