Immediately said: "Brother Zhang, that's enough! That's enough! Let the younger brothers and sisters take over their supernatural powers!"

"You really don't need it anymore?"

Zhang Chen asked with a smile.

Director Wei was about to cry.

Shaking his head directly, "That's enough! I already know the strength of my siblings!"

"Yun'er, that's it."

Xing Lingyun withdrew her magic energy, making it impossible to imagine her identity.

Director Wei showed bitterness.

He was just skeptical before.

It's almost certain now.

But what if he was convinced?

Turn your face?

Well, he admits to being timid.

"So the siblings are actually?"

Sure enough, Director Wei couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked.

Anyway, he has some status, and he has many sources of information.

Plus many doubts before the combination.

Zhang Chen gave a half-smile and glanced at Director Wei.

Answering the wrong question, he said, "Isn't my Yun'er the Demon Slaying Envoy of your Jiangdong branch?"

Director Wei: "..."

This is clearly telling him.

If he really wants to expose the matter, Zhang Chen may not necessarily face trouble.

But you, Wei Bai, are the person in charge of the Jiangdong branch of the Demon Slayer Division.

That will definitely be held accountable by the higher-ups and even become a blame man.


Does Director Wei have a choice?


He did not.

"Of course, to thank brother Wei for doing me such a big favor."

Zhang Chen is well aware of the ways of the world, while revealing a tough attitude.

Don't forget to promise benefits.

Put the gift box prepared earlier on the table.

"Things are worthless, small things made by myself, I hope Brother Wei will not dislike them."

Director Wei is also a fine person.

How is it possible to believe the so-called self-produced small objects?


You, the son and grandson of the Zhang family in Jiangdong, would it be so shabby to make a move?

But really open it up.

Director Wei took a sharp breath!

What appeared in front of my eyes turned out to be!


Second more.

Chapter 69



There are also a few things that look like Taoist artifacts.

Not much.

But everything is priceless!


At least from Director Wei's point of view.

The contents of this box are priceless!

"Brother Zhang, you are too polite!"

Director Wei changed his face in a second and said with a smile.

As for whether the people around Zhang Chen are monsters or humans.

Is it important?

Not important at all!

Not everyone who kills magic believes that people who are not of our race must have different hearts.

I can't wait to drive out all the monsters in the world.

He, Wei Bai, is also human.


As long as no one is killed.


As long as he doesn't make too much noise, he can control the situation.

It doesn't seem to matter.

At last.

Director Wei sent them off in person, his attitude and smile made his subordinates look dumbfounded.

Everyone is at a loss.

"what's the situation?"

"Huh? Isn't that the young master of the Zhang family?"

"That's no problem, our director and the eldest son of the Zhang family are old friends!"

"Yeah, the young master of this family is not as bad as it is said outside. He is obviously a good person, humble and polite, and he is generous!"

"It seems that Young Master Zhang donated a lot of things to our Jiangdong branch again this time."

At first a group of people felt strange.

Who can let Director Wei see him off in person.

Wait until you see who it is.

All said it was normal.

Not to mention Director Wei, even they have a good impression of the Zhang family's youngest.

He is a good man!

The key, be generous!

And soon.

They knew why Director Wei was in such a good mood.

After they saw those pills, dao talismans and magic tools.

The opinion of Zhang Chen in his heart was raised again.

"Young Master Zhang is too polite!"

"Good man!"

"Who said that the second generation of the rich family's children are domineering and arrogant?"

"It's all rumors!"

"Perhaps this is the real son of the aristocratic family, character, it doesn't matter what it is!"

no way.

Although they have special identities, who doesn't like a generous and easy-going benefactor like Zhang Chen?

And what Zhang Chen sent this time is more than the previous 3000 million sponsorship.

Tens of millions of various vehicles made them irresistible.

They can see money as dung!

You can also travel by public transportation or even your own legs.


Can you refuse the Qi and Blood Pill sent by Zhang Chen?

Or can you refuse the detoxification pill?

Or various Taoist symbols and instruments?

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