They can't!

With these things, it is equivalent to letting them perform missions in the field.

The survival rate has increased several times!

Who is willing to die?


Zhang Chen's level of grasping people's hearts is too high.

He completely grasped the mentality and weaknesses of Zhan Mosi's group of people.

Under the attack of sugar-coated shells again and again.

Combined with his own powerful background.

In addition, the terrifying strength deliberately displayed by Xing Lingyun.

Three-pronged approach.

Who can stand it?

After Zhang Chen left, he was not in a hurry to go back.

Instead, let Zhang San drive towards Jiangdong University.

Xing Lingyun did not follow, but went back first to follow Zhang Chen's request.

Train Ye Yiyi well.

Zhang Chen had high expectations for Ye Yiyi.

As the daughter of luck, she got the most powerful golden finger treasure from Ye Fan, the son of luck.

"That girl, the future is promising!"

Zhang Chen was going to find a suitable time.

Take Ye Yiyi to the top of the canyon to experience it.

This process is always required.

"Master, the person you asked me to investigate already has a clue."

Zhang San said while driving, "There is a student in the Archeology Department of Jiangdong University, named Xiao Han."

"Archaeology Department?"

Hear this answer.

Zhang Chen was not too surprised.

Although the two story lines merged with each other, a lot of information he originally knew was deviated.

But now it seems.

"Basically not much has changed."

Zhang Chen smiled, "Let people stare at you."

"Hey, I understand!"

Zhang San can now see the style of his young master.

So it's no surprise.

He probably guessed who his young master should deal with again.

I can't help but feel sad for this Jiangdong University student.


Sorry, he wasn't sympathetic at all.

According to his thinking, there must be a reason for his young master to deal with someone.

Just like Ye Fan before.

It's not a good thing to look at!

The results also confirmed this.

"I don't know where this Xiao Han offended the young master? Or is there another reason?"

Zhang San is curious, but he doesn't ask too much.

In addition, I don't know if it is his own illusion.

Zhang San always felt the kind of aura that Zhang Chen had exuded invisibly recently.

Make him terrified!

In the past, most of them were the domineering children of wealthy families.

But recently.

It actually made him feel like looking up from a high mountain, with a terrifying aura.

You must know that Zhang San is a top mercenary.

The strength is even stronger than ordinary soldier kings.

There are very few people who can make him feel creepy.

Zhang Chen didn't know that the bodyguards around him were oppressed by his invisible aura.

After all, what he saw was the most straightforward system data, and because he was not very good at taking action himself.

So Zhang Chen himself doesn't know how strong he is now.

In his words.

They've all become villains.

Do you still need to do it yourself?

Isn't that a price drop?

Not even the style is gone!

Anyway, if he can't do it himself, Zhang Chen will never lift a finger.

He is a villain, do he still need to do it himself?

Even if there is a fight, it will be a hearty and fierce battle at the top of the canyon.


Jiangdong University.

In one of the classrooms.

Lin Xizheng was a little lost.

Didn't even listen to what was being said in class.

"Why hasn't he contacted me'¨?"

Since she was able to return to the Lin family in a fair and honest manner.

Zhang Chen never contacted her again.

If in the past.

Lin Xi wished that Zhang Chen would not bother her.

but now.

But began to worry about gains and losses.

I didn't even hear Zhang Chen's voice for a day, even Zhang Chen's slightly disgusted and indifferent face.

It made Lin Xi uneasy and confused.

"Me, what happened to me?"

"Is it really crazy?"

Lin Xi was in a mess.

Reason told her that Zhang Chen was not a good person, even a devil.

Even if he doesn't have the bad temper of a rich man like before.

But compared to before, the current Zhang Chen is even more terrifying.

At the same time!

Lin Xi found herself deeply attracted by Zhang Chen again.

Even if she doesn't want to admit it.

inside the classroom.

It was almost full.

Even many students who did not take this course made a special trip to attend the lecture.

Is it studious?

Give me a break!

Although Jiangdong University is a well-known institution of higher learning in Huaxia, only top scholars from various places can enter.

But the reason why so many people come to this course.

There is only one reason.

Look at the school belle!


Food color surname also.

Everyone has a love of beauty, even in a place like Jiangdong University.

Lin Xi was in a daze, her eyes lost their focus.

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