A group of Jiangdong University students around were secretly watching.

As for what the old professor above is talking about.

Feel sorry!

Few people really listened carefully.

"Hey, let me just say that the news I got is all right?"

In a corner at the back of the classroom.

Several students were whispering to each other.

One of them smiled triumphantly.

"Old Xiao, what are you thinking? You don't even look at the school belle?"

It turned out that these people.

It was Xiao Han and several other people in the same dormitory.

This group of people is at the age of youth, so they naturally have the idea of ​​pursuing beautiful things.

Xiao Han looked up when he heard the words.

There was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

It is undeniable that Lin Xi can become the school belle of Jiangdong University.

But it's not just blown out.

That beauty is indeed overwhelming.

But after Xiao Han finished reading it, he bowed his head again.


"I'll go, Old Xiao, this isn't like you."

Xu Lin had a weird expression but didn't think much about it.

I mistakenly thought that Xiao Han didn't sleep well last night.

So not in good spirits.

Then he and a few others began to secretly comment on who in the classroom is in good shape.

And so and so is really cool to wear today.

Everyone knows the fun of boys.

Xiao Han didn't get involved.

He is now full of thoughts about how to take revenge.

"I don't have any power now, and the chance of revenge is too slim!"

Xiao Han has self-knowledge.

Compared with Ye Fan, Xiao Han is obviously a little smarter.

After all, he had died once.

"But the hatred of killing one's father and one's mother is irreconcilable. I must find a way to make myself stronger as soon as possible!"

Xiao Han has seen with his own eyes how powerful the person who kills the magic division is.

I have also seen supernatural phenomena that ordinary people would never know.

So he already had plans and plans in his mind.

"I was kept in the dark before, but now, I can completely emulate the people who killed the magic division!"

Xiao Han subconsciously wrote and drew in the textbook.

In the end, he quickly closed the book and looked around, no one noticed.

It was a relief.

He looked up at the back of the school flower in front of him.

Xiao Han quickly told himself secretly, "Xiao Han! Now is not the time to think about these things!"

"You haven't reported your revenge, how can you have the right to consider your children's personal relationship?"

Have to admit.

Children of luck are usually more confident.

Xiao Han and Lin Xi had no contact at all, but they were so confident.

Of course, he also heard that Jiangdong University's school girl already has a fiancé.

But the fiance is nothing more.

Xiao Han laughed.

Don't talk about your fiancé these days, so what if you're married?

As long as he is strong enough, he can also grab it.

"Old Xiao, get out of class is not over yet, where are you going?"

Xu Lin saw that Xiao Han was about to sneak away halfway, so he asked quickly.

Xiao Han casually found an excuse and left the classroom.

Attend class?


How could he care about it now.


"Master, do you really not need us to follow?"

Parking lot of Kodong University.

Zhang Chen let the third child and the others wander casually by themselves.

And he was going to do two laps by himself.

As for whether there is any danger.

Zhang Chen is really not worried.

Don't look at Jiangdong University coming in and out casually, but there are naturally related yamen secretly protecting it.

If so, it can be dangerous.

That's not what people like Zhang San are capable of handling.


Is Zhang Chen weak now?

He just didn't move much.

Really gotta do it.

It can slap ordinary monsters to death with a single slap!

Even if you meet a dangerous monster.

Are those dao talismans on him decorations?

Zhang Chen strolled around the campus.

From time to time, some female students passing by could be seen blushing and passing by him.

There are also some courageous ones who directly approached to ask for WeChat.

Zhang Chen couldn't help feeling that he had nowhere to release his charm.


Most of them have average looks and figures.

I don't know if he has a higher vision now, or just bad luck.

I didn't see anything pleasing to the eye along the way.

"in school?"

It was only then that Zhang Chen remembered that he had a fiancée who was a school girl.

Just made a phone call.

"Yes, yes, what's the matter?"

From Lin Xi's voice, it could be heard that she had no status in front of Zhang Chen.

"¨々 I'm bored, come to the school for a walk."

Zhang Chen said casually.

Anyway, he is also a junior at Jiangdong University.

Although I haven't had a few days of class.

"You came to school? Well, then shall I come to you now?"

Lin Xi asked in surprise and excitement.

I didn't even pay attention to the sound, it was a little louder.

Let other students around the classroom hear it directly.

Immediately, her face flushed slightly, and she continued to ask against the strange eyes of her best friend, "You, where are you?"

Lin Xi never thought that she would be so looking forward to hearing Zhang Chen's voice.

It was obviously annoying before, but now I just can't control it.

Even in full view, against the eyes of everyone.

Zhang Chen explained his position.

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