"Senior Zhang Chen, can I add you on WeChat?"

"Senior is so handsome! I feel like I'm going to be melted by his smile!"

"I really envy Senior Lin Xi, who can become Senior Zhang Chen's fiancée."

"Senior! Senior! We belong to the school's dance club, and there happens to be a folk dance performance. Can you show me your face?"

"You guys will scare the seniors like this! Seniors ignore them, how about I treat seniors to dinner?"

How attractive is Zhang Chen?

It can be seen from him walking on the campus of Jiangdong University.

It is indescribable to attract bees and butterflies.

Wherever he went, a large group of young and beautiful female students came to strike up a conversation.

There are various ways.

Euphemistic, direct, pretending to be pitiful.

In short, it is a large-scale tea art performance.

to be frank.

Zhang Chen quite enjoyed the feeling of being surrounded by countless young and beautiful girls in the spotlight.


I understand everything I understand.

Even if most of the looks and figures are like that.

It is rare to see a few that are not bad.

But that feeling is really good.

"This is the normal way for villains to open up."

Zhang Chen couldn't help laughing in his heart.

"Body, appearance, family background, tsk tsk, I really can't find anyone who can fight."

Not that he is narcissistic.

This is an ironclad fact.

Don't be surprised that in an institution of higher learning like Jiangdong University, the girls in it are so snobbish and worship money.

Human nature is good or not!

Just like all men like girls with beautiful bodies and good figures.

Girls like him, what's wrong with a handsome, rich and powerful little brother like him?

Very normal!

That is to say, the son of luck will be ridiculed inexplicably.

Wherever he went, it seemed as if his mocking skills had been activated.

Anyone who doesn't (money money) will jump out and step on it and curse.

It seems that only in this way can the extraordinaryness of the son of luck be reflected, and then pave the way for future slaps.


Zhang Chen felt very satisfied, fortunately he was a villain through time travel.

Otherwise, like the son of luck?

What a pain.

Zhang Chen smiled in his heart, but on the surface he was quite elegant and easy-going.

In the face of so many enthusiastic and active seniors.

He handles everything well.

Unless they are particularly ugly, Zhang Chen doesn't mind them taking advantage of them.

"Senior, I heard that Senior Lin Xi is your girlfriend?"

A petite schoolgirl asked boldly.

The surrounding group of women pricked up their ears.

Zhang Chen smiled, "It doesn't count."

He didn't lie, his fiancee was not his girlfriend.

Besides, he is not interested in marrying Lin Xi.

"Is the senior considering finding a girlfriend?"

Another schoolgirl.

"Senior, do you mind having another girlfriend?"

A senior sister next to her asked the question very directly, and the key point was her appearance and figure, which was close to eighty percent.

"That's right! For someone as outstanding as Senior Zhang Chen, it's normal to have more girlfriends!"


What are these tiger and wolf words?

Even an old man like Zhang Chen expressed that he was about to be overwhelmed.

Surrounded by a group of school girls.

Zhang Chen felt all kinds of fragrant winds.

By chance, I happened to see someone not far away looking towards me.

Just this one.

Let Zhang Chen notice it and look up.

He happened to see a relatively ordinary face compared to him.

The latter left afterwards, and of course the flash of envy in his eyes before leaving couldn't be concealed from Zhang Chen's eyes.

"This feeling, the new son of luck? Xiao Han?"

The corners of Zhang Chen's mouth rose.

It's right to be envious, and there will be scenes that will make the latter even more envious in the future!

"Speaking of which, one of the heroines in Xiao Han's line is at Jiangdong University, right?"

There are only zero and countless times of poaching.

Only by trying it will you know how soft it is.


Zhang Chen is a man who just does what he says.


send the first

Lao Shipi is Zhang Chen, definitely not the author

Please keep your eyes open.

Chapter 70

How powerful is the system?

Zhang Chen really didn't know.

He only knows that even the plot of the plane can be corrected.

It can also integrate a new story line into it after Ye Fan's death.

Amazing skills are not enough to describe.

of course.

The most important thing.

Zhang Chen was very satisfied.

The new Son of Luck who appeared after Ye Fan's death was still the familiar one.

"Ye Fan and this Xiao Han are the protagonists in my original works."

Zhang Chen is very satisfied with the result.

He doesn't like fate being controlled by other people.

Instead, I like to control the fate of others by myself.

such as.

Kill Ye Fan.

Now I have a new goal.

The second son of luck.

Xiao Han.


Would it be unbearable to personally kill the protagonist created by oneself?


Is he that kind of person?

Can't bear it?

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