Zhang Chen admitted that he really couldn't bear it.

But not for the sons of luck, but for the daughters of luck.

Cao thief's fun is understood by all men.

Especially, before the Son of Luck makes a move.

Go ahead and give him a nice hat with bright colors.

Zhang Chen walked into the teaching building.

Still so much attention along the way.

His popularity in Jiangdong University does not seem to be much worse than that of Lin Xi, the school belle.

The essential.

handsome enough!

Most of them are all kinds of school girls with bright eyes.

Almost all the way, Yingying and Yanyan followed, completely becoming a public lover.

I really don't know how many male students of Jiangdong University turned their eyes red with envy.


Find fault?

Zhang Chen is really not worried that someone will come to him to find fault.

He is not the passive and mocking physique of the son of luck.

Is it true that there will be people without eyes who will come to him to seek death?

In fact.

Indeed, no one has the guts.

Even if there are people who don't have long eyes and their brains are muddy.

Before he could make a move, he would be dealt with by Zhang Chen's bodyguards.


Although Zhang Chen let Zhang San and the others wander around the campus casually.

But their duty is to protect Zhang Chen's safety.

How could it be possible to hang out?

It's just that Zhang Chen doesn't want anyone to follow him for the time being, so he changed from the bright side to the secret protection.

"How did you come?"


Lin Xi appeared in front of Zhang Chen.

From the moment she came trotting all the way, her face was still slightly red.

You can know that she received a call from Zhang Chen.

Immediately rushed over.

"not welcome?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said casually.

It looks a lot more easy-going than before.

This made Lin Xi's originally cautious mood a little bolder.

"I didn't say that!"

After all, she is the daughter of a rich family, spoiled and spoiled.

Many personality habits cannot be reversed in a day or two.


This is not.

The little temper came again.

Zhang Chen's smile remained unchanged, but his eyes turned slightly colder.

"Well, I'm bored at home, come to school to have a look, if you don't have time, go back first."

Play petty temper with him?

I don't even look at my identity.

Zhang Chen will not spoil her.

If it weren't for the sake of Xia Yanshuang and Lin Xi's ability to go down the road and double row.

In addition, the Lin Group needs an orthodox spokesperson in the future.

It is impossible for Zhang Chen to keep Lin Xi by his side.

"I, I'm not..."

Lin Xi naturally noticed that the tone of the man in front of him had turned cold, and his little heart was beating wildly.

Now I feel aggrieved.

But immediately after seeing Zhang Chen's face, even the smile was about to disappear.

Wake up immediately.

Bei Chi bit her lips lightly, then boldly stepped forward and reached out to hold Zhang Chen's arm.


It can make a noble and proud Bai Fumei like Lin Xi bow her head.

Probably only Zhang Chen can do it.

If it were a fool like Ye Fan, he would probably just kneel and lick all the way.

"Remember your identity next time, I don't want a next time."

Zhang Chen said lightly, sounding like he didn't blame him at all.

But Lin Xi just felt a chill down her back.

Gently nodded, "I, I know! There will never be a next time!"

Education is never accomplished overnight, and Zhang Chen is quite satisfied with Lin Xi's attitude and reaction.

The two acted like no one else was 'flirting', of course no one else would know what exactly happened.

In the eyes of outsiders.

Zhang Chen and Lin Xi are a pair of golden boy and jade girl.

Handsome men and pretty women, just like a match made in heaven.

I don't know how many students of Jiangdong University I envy.

Those school girls are jealous of Lin Xi, who can find a tall, rich and handsome man like Zhang Chen.

And those juniors and seniors beat their chests and stamped their feet.

Even if they knew that Lin Xi was Zhang Chen's fiancée, they were in the same family.

But they still couldn't resist the longing in their hearts.

But the shot scramble?

Go to sleep.

Unless a fool, no one has the guts.


Zhang Chen's grades in his previous life were not good.

Naturally, it is impossible to be admitted to a super-first-class institution like Jiangdong University.

He was quite yearning before.

Now after wandering around a few times.

He found that it was the same.

Then he thought about it and realized that it might be because he was in a different position now.

Vision and views, especially ideas have been far apart.

and so.

He lost interest.

Even if he was accompanied by a campus belle of Jiangdong University, he earned all kinds of envious and jealous looks.

After sending Lin Xi away.

Zhang Chen directly asked Zhang San to drive the car over.

"How's the investigation going?"

After getting into the car, Zhang Chen asked casually.

"Master, according to your order, let's send someone to follow that kid all the way!"

Zhang San replied while driving: "Then I found out that the kid left Jiangdong University directly and went to the high-speed rail station."


Hear this result.

Zhang Chen showed a thoughtful look.

"Finally, I found out that this kid bought a ticket and went back to his hometown."

go back home?

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