Zhang Chen immediately knew what Xiao Han wanted to do.

When he saw Xiao Han at Jiangdong University before, he asked Zhang San to send someone to watch him.

"Sure enough, as I expected, he should have been reborn. Do you want to get that thing when you go back to your hometown now?"

The new main story line is the result of the fusion with Ye Fan's previous main story line.

So on the basis of the original.

Certainly something has changed.

Zhang Chen is now confirming what has changed.

And which aspects are still the same as he remembers.

At least Xiao Han's movements.

Still in his expectation.

"Master, do you want someone to kill that kid on the way?!"

Zhang San's tone was a bit gloomy, he held the steering wheel with one hand, and wiped his neck with the other hand.

to be frank.

Zhang Chen was very moved by this proposal.


Shaking his head, "Just let people stare at you."

If you can do it directly, why is it so troublesome?

How straightforward it can be.

Zhang Chen didn't need to work so hard at the beginning, and calculated Ye Fan in various ways.

In the end, he was driven into a desperate situation!

Under various calculations and layouts, Ye Fan, the son of luck, was truly killed.

"Fortunately, after learning about the plane correction from the system, I took a step ahead."

The corners of Zhang Chen's mouth rose.

He could completely guess what Xiao Han wanted to do when he returned home suddenly this time.

But Xiao Han would never think of it.

before he goes back.

Zhang Chen had already sent someone to Xiao Han's hometown first!


Just last night!

"Keeping all possibilities in your own hands can at least prevent many accidents."

Xiao Han's story line is revenge.

And Xiao Han's biggest golden finger cards are only two.

His life experience, or in other words, he has half of the demon blood in his body.

Then there is the contract sheepskin scroll left by Xiao Han's mother.

The general story development is similar to Ye Fan's previous experience.

They all get golden fingers, all kinds of adventures, and then their strength gradually improves.

It's a very old-fashioned route to become a strong one in the end.

Ye Fan's golden finger is the Qianyuan Mirror passed down from his ancestors.

Now it has fallen into Ye Yiyi's hands.

And Ye Yiyi has almost been taken down by Zhang Chen, and can be pulled into the double row on the top of the canyon at any time.

Xiao Han's side.

Zhang Chen touched his chin.

"I don't know if we can successfully find that sheepskin scroll first."

Xiao Han's golden finger is the sheepskin scroll.

To talk about the effect.

It is similar to the Qianyuan mirror handed down by Ye Fan's ancestors.

The difference is that the Qianyuan mirror is the ultimate Taoist tool for suppressing and sealing demons.

And that sheepskin scroll is a contract.

Those who get that contract can easily sign contracts with some powerful monsters.

"In the original storyline, Xiao Han was killed and reborn in his first life. Because he had the memory of his previous life and knew a lot of secrets, he returned to his hometown and found the hidden contract scroll."

According to the memories in Zhang Chen's mind.

And now Xiao Han's movements can be judged.

"If the contract scroll is gone, it will cut off at least half of Xiao Han's luck."

Zhang Chen sat in the car, closed his eyes and began to think.

If we look at the experience of dealing with Ye Fan back then.

It is not so difficult to take away the treasure or golden finger of the child of luck.

He sent someone to go to Xiao Han's hometown one step ahead.

Also just an attempt.

Whether successful or not.

What if it succeeds?

dont you agree?

"Xiao Han's strength, apart from the powerful monsters signed through the contract scroll, is also the hidden power of his own blood."

In the original plot.

Xiao Han's first life was (cdac), why would he be easily killed by the people who killed the magic division?

The reason is that Xiao Han didn't know the truth until he was dying in his first life.

Not to mention the contract scroll, even the part of the gene and power that belonged to the demon in his body.

The huge and incomparable potential has not been stimulated.

Deadly suffocated.

So the beginning of the main story is to start from Xiao Han's rebirth and return to a year ago.

"Calculating the time, it will take at least ten days for Xiao Han to return to his hometown this time before he can return to Jiangdong."

Zhang Chen already had a rough plan.

They all killed a child of luck.

Wouldn't it be familiar to kill the second one?

a phone call.

The other party answered in seconds.

"Brother Zhang, what's the matter?"

Zhang Chen cut to the chase, "I met someone at Jiangdong University."


Probably did not understand the purpose of Zhang Chen's call.

Inside the Jiangdong branch building of the Devil Slayer Division.

Director Wei's face revealed a trace of puzzlement.

Of course, the friendship between him and Zhang Chen is very good now.

And he also understood Zhang Chen's personality.

It is absolutely impossible to make this call for no reason.

"Who did Brother Zhang see?"

"There is a student who misses my fiancée desperately."

Zhang Chen smiled.

No matter how you listen, you can't hear the slightest bit of anger and dissatisfaction.

It's more like a family routine.

But who is Director Wei?

Naturally, it was impossible to believe that Zhang Chen would do this for such a small matter.

Just call him.

"This student, is there a problem with his identity?"

Look, it's the pros.

Zhang Chen said lightly: "So I asked someone to investigate the identity of this person."

"And then I found something very interesting."

Director Wei was keenly aware of the crux of the problem.

But still very puzzled: "Which aspect?"

"This kid is an orphan."

Zhang Chen's voice sounded calm, but the next sentence made Director Wei unable to sit still.

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