"In addition, for so many years, this kid has never been to the hospital, nor has he been sick once."

If it is someone else.

It may be surprising to hear such a thing.

It may also be a sigh of doubt.

But after Director Wei heard Zhang Chen's answer.

His face suddenly changed in his first reaction.


"Otherwise, what do you think? Why would I call you?"

No matter how good the physical fitness is, normal people.

It is also impossible to grow up without getting sick.

Even a small cold is normal.

But Xiao Han's personal information is completely suspicious.

Maybe he didn't even realize it himself.

But it falls into the eyes of caring people.

But it is different.

"What's the name of the student you're talking about?"

Director Wei's voice was quite serious.

It means that he has noticed the essence of the matter.

Zhang Chen smiled, "Xiao Han."

"Oh, by the way, not long ago, this kid just bought a high-speed rail ticket and went back to his hometown."

A lot of things don't need to be said too straightforwardly.

Zhang Chen said so much.

Others, he believes that the Demon Slayer will investigate clearly.

After hanging up the phone.

Just like Zhang Chen thought.

Director Wei immediately asked people to start an investigation!

Just under half an hour.

In front of him was a personal profile about Xiao Han.

From start to finish.

Very normal!

Except that I have never been sick for more than ten years since I was a child.

Even in terms of physical fitness, it is much higher than ordinary people.

It looks really normal.

But by the way!

Director Wei's face changed after reading it.

"Is it really the fish that slipped through the net?"

His face was ugly.

Adhering to the philosophy that it is better to kill one thousand by mistake than to let one go.

"Continue to investigate! Find two other people and go to Xiang County!"

Director Wei quickly arranged manpower.

At the same time, I couldn't help muttering in my heart, "I hope it's just that I think too much, and it's not the orphan I was back then."

That incident was still fresh in Director Wei's memory.

It happened in Xiang County!

In the end, Demon Slayer paid an extremely heavy price.

It even took three Yan Luos to finally kill the target.

"Ten years ago, Xiang County..."

Director Wei has a headache.

Even if it's just guesswork and suspicion right now.

But his gut told him.

Zhang Chen's phone call was definitely not aimless.

It's even more impossible to be jealous just because of rivalry.

the only explanation.

"Did Zhang Chen know what happened back then?"

This is the only reason that can be explained.

Otherwise, how to find out the identity of the other party?

Ten years ago, Zhang Chen was only in the sixth grade of primary school.

I have never even been to a remote and impoverished area like Xiang County.

It is even more impossible to know the orphan back then.

"Wait! Ten years ago!"

Director Wei's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly realized that Zhang Chen had nothing to do with the incident ten years ago.

But that doesn't mean the people around him don't know.

Who is the person next to Zhang Chen?

The person who can make Director Wei so cautious and cautious.

Only Star Listening Rhyme!

One of the ten halls of Yama who once belonged to Demon Killing Division!

The absolute powerhouse standing at the top of all Demon Slayer Pyramids.

And ten years ago!

It was the year when Xing Lingyun became a Yan Luo-level demon slayer!

at the same time!

He was also one of the three Yan Luos in the battle in Xiang County.

"This is really a sinful fate."

Director Wei rubbed his forehead.

In fact, he has already believed [-]% to [-]% in his heart now.


On the high-speed train from Jiangdong City to Xiang County.

A young man about 20 years old is sitting on the seat with his eyes closed.

He is Xiao Han who has the memory of the past after rebirth.

him at the moment.

In his mind, he was still quickly planning his revenge arrangement after this rebirth.

"As long as I get what my mother left for me, then I can control the blood that belongs to the demon in my body."

A trace of confidence appeared on Xiao Han's face.

"After I control the bloodline, I can force a contract to control a few monsters!"

"Then with this identity, contact the Demon Slayer, and then enter it!"

I have to say that Xiao Han is very smart.

Died once and was reborn.

He made no reckless clamor for revenge.

Instead, they carefully planned a clever plan to penetrate behind enemy lines and go deep into the interior.

In simple terms.

Xiao Han wants to be a Demon Slayer Envoy and Demon Slayer!

Enter the Demon Slayer Division, and come to the most dangerous place, which is the safest place.

Slowly develop under the eyes of the enemy.

Waiting for the day when he really grows up and can take revenge.

Jump back again!

If Zhang Chen hadn't discovered it in advance, who would have thought that Xiao Han would be so courageous?


Xiao Han is planning his seemingly perfect plan at this moment.

But they didn't know that Zhang Chen had revealed his identity to the Demon Killing Division.


The second one is delivered

The big chapter trembles every time it is updated, for fear of being killed

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