But then he got up and stood up, leaving a word.

"Think carefully about whether you want to be my woman."

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, he directly opened the classroom door, regardless of Xia Ruyun's reaction.

Anyway, tonight he had gotten the result he wanted.

Will Xia Ruyun agree?

He really wasn't worried.

Because he believed that Xia Ruyun would definitely give in!

Don't ask him why he is so confident.

"That thing is too important to her, she will definitely bow to me."

Zhang Chen muttered silently in his heart.

He could indeed take Xia Ruyun down tonight.

During this period of time, Tiantian and Xinglingyun rehearsed in pairs on the top of the canyon.

The effect is not generally good.

Combining the effects of the basic chapter of the Yin-Yang Jue in the early days, it directly allowed him to be a human being.

Possesses a power equivalent to that of a demon.

Not to mention that he also controls the power of Samadhi True Fire and Jiuxiao Shenlei.

Take out any kind.

It can make the monsters of the horror level stay away.

It is not too difficult to force a deadly female ghost.

After Zhang Chen left.

Xia Ruyun subconsciously wanted to block it.

It's not that he was reluctant to leave Zhang Chen.

But Zhang Chen's words just now had a great impact on her.

"He, how could he know that secret?"

The expression on Xia Ruyun's beautiful face is unpredictable.

How many years, how many years she has been looking for that thing!

Never found it.

Even Xia Ruyun was once desperate and decided to give up.

That's why she spends her time at Jiangdong University.

Who would have thought.

Xia Ruyun has been at Jiangdong University for more than 100 years!

Watching the establishment of Jiangdong University with my own eyes, I have experienced countless ups and downs.

Zhang Chen's conditions are not offensive to Xia Ruyun.

Such a handsome young lady, of course Xia Ruyun will have a good impression, but compared to the good impression.

What she cared more about was the information that Zhang Chen deliberately revealed at the end.

"If you can really find it, what if you promise him?"

Xia Ruyun struggled in her heart for a long time, she is not the kind of woman who is indecisive and has no opinion.

I have already made a decision in my heart.

After making a decision.

She looked at the fifteen students in the classroom.

Sighing softly, "It's time to let you go."

It is true that Xia Ruyun is an evil spirit, but she doesn't have too many intentions of harming others.


It's not that she hasn't killed people before, but she usually kills those hypocrites who are automatically sent to the door to seek death.

There are also those fools who want to eliminate demons and defend the way.

As for these ordinary students, she is really not interested.

A wave of hands.

All I saw was that the Dao Talismans on those students were shattered and turned into ashes.

"Smelly brother, do you really think these things can suppress me?"

Xia Ruyun chuckled, and without those Dao talismans, those students walked out of the classroom in a daze.

Since they are not restrained, Xia Ruyun will naturally let them go.

It won't be long before the fifteen students lying in the hospital will return to normal.

Of course, it is impossible to keep the memory of being forced to go to class by Xia Ruyun.


Zhang Chen smiled, and was quite satisfied with what he had gained tonight.

As one of the heroines in Xiao Han's story line.

Xia Ruyun is quite durable no matter in appearance, figure or strength.

The key lies in the original storyline.

Xiao Han was a weak chicken in the early stage, even if half of the demon blood in his body was awakened.

And the contract scroll left to him by his mother.

Still weak and useless.

It's enough to meet a normal-level kid or monster.

Every time Xia Ruyun appeared to save people.

It can be said!

There is no Xia Ruyun.

Xiao Han died at least seven or eight times in the early stage of the story.

"Sure enough, Thief Cao really can't stop having fun."

As if aftertaste.

Zhang Chen smiled proudly.

Although he hadn't completely captured Xia Ruyun tonight, he knew it was coming soon.

After all, he knows what Xia Ruyun needs most.

In the development of the original story, Xiao Han also made Xia Ruyun agree to protect him on that condition.

And this time.

Zhang San, who was in charge of driving, received a call.

It was the men who were sent to Xiang County before calling.

"Master, according to your order, the old house of Xiao Han's family has been bought."


The second one is sent.

Chapter 73

Xiao Han's old house!

This is a crucial turning point in the main line of the original story.

That is, Xiao Han after his rebirth.

A turning point that really changed one's destiny.

"Huh? They didn't find anything?"

Zhang Chen did arrange manpower to go to Xiang County in advance.

I want to try and dare before Xiao Han goes back.

Take the contract scroll back first.

That's a good thing.

To a certain extent, it does not belong to the Qianyuan mirror handed down by Ye Fan's family.

Almost all demons and ghosts below the horror level can be forcibly contracted.

Even if you encounter a terrifying monster.

There is also a certain chance to conclude a contract.

It can be regarded as Xiao Han's golden finger in the true sense.

"Master, they searched for several days, but they couldn't find the thing you mentioned, Master."

Zhang San said awkwardly.

The people who arranged to go to Xiang County were all recommended by Zhang San.

He is considered to be a person who is qualified in all aspects of skill, courage, and loyalty.

It is Zhang San's brother.

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