who thought.

Did not complete the task.

Zhang Chen heard the result.

Not surprised, nodded and said: "Buy it if you buy it, let them continue to look for it."

"Good young master, if you don't find something, I will tell them not to come back!"

Zhang San heaved a sigh of relief.

He has become more and more in danger recently.

In the past, he was the most powerful bodyguard and thug around Zhang Chen.

I will tell him to do anything.

But recently he found that his sense of existence was getting weaker and weaker.

many things.

Zhang Chen can either do it himself, or hand it over to Xing Lingyun.

It directly led to Zhang San becoming a driver now.

He found that if he could not reflect his own value.

He was about to become a marginal figure like Steward Liu.

"Let them figure it out and find the best they can."

Zhang Chen was actually just trying.

Others don't know, how can he not know?

"In addition, those who stare at Xiao Han don't need to do anything. No matter where he goes or what he does, they just need to watch and record his itinerary, and don't need to do anything else."

Children of Destiny usually use the villain's various underlings to send them to death.

Quickly fight monsters and upgrade.

He didn't want to waste manpower in vain.

Even if you want to find someone to disgust Xiao Han.

That doesn't require him to make a move.

Demon Slayer is the best choice.

According to Zhang Chen's inference.

It will take some time for Xiao Han to return to 23 Jiangdong City.

during this time.

He has enough time to arrange many things.

"When Xiao Han comes back and develops normally, he should barely be able to deal with dangerous monsters."

Zhang Chen is not as embarrassed now as he was when he first time traveled.

The power gap is too great.

If it weren't for the illusory protection of luck.

He could easily crush Xiao Han to death.

"The luck protection on this son of luck is really troublesome. I wonder if we can find something to shield or offset the luck in the future?"

In order to deal with Ye Fan, Zhang Chen planned for a long time.

It's not that they are not strong enough.

Or because of luck protection.

So is Xiao Han now.

In fact, Zhang Chen really wanted to find an opportunity to try it himself.

Look at the strength he controls now.

With all his strength, can he carry the protection of luck and kill the son of luck directly?

"Take care of Xia Ruyun first, wait for Xiao Han to return to Jiangdong City, give it a try and see the result."

It is not early.

Zhang Chen returned directly to his residence.

The nightlife outside is abundant.

It can't compare to the warmth of home.


Ye Yiyi was still waiting for him at home.

"It's been a few days since I brought her back. It's time to take her to the top of the canyon and experience the fun of the game."

The corners of Zhang Chen's mouth rose.

He is not a nice guy.

Since he said that he would take good care of his sister for Ye Fan.

Then we must do what we say.


Picking a day is worse than hitting the day.

Just tonight!

Zhang Chen was slightly annoyed by Xia Ruyun's teasing just now.

So you need to play the top of the canyon to calm your mood.

Back to the villa.

Really don't say it.

Ye Yiyi was really waiting for him.

Of course, it was definitely not to wait for Zhang Chen to bring her into the game.

Instead, I made desserts for supper by myself.

Seeing Zhang Chen coming back, he looked at him with a little expectation.

"You did it?"

Zhang Chen looked at the supper brought to him by Ye Yiyi himself.


It's a little bit.

"Well, that, if it doesn't taste good, but, you don't have to eat it..."

Ye Yiyi pinched the corner of her clothes carefully.

It's so pitiful.

to be frank.

The traces of demonization on Ye Yiyi's body will appear from time to time.

Just like now.

Her skin was originally fair, but now she looks a little too pale.

Another head of originally black and beautiful hair.

It is also unlimited growth.

Plus wearing a white nightdress.

If Zhang Chen didn't know what was going on.

When the stranger sees him, he may run away in fright.

Zhang Chen took a sip.

Then under Ye Yiyi's nervous and expectant eyes.

Just drink the whole big bowl.

"It tastes good, do you want to consider becoming my full-time little cook in the future?"

Zhang Chen asked with a soft tone.

Seeing that Zhang Chen liked it, Ye Yiyi immediately showed a happy expression.

"As long as Brother Chen likes it, I will work hard!"

People who work hard really need to be rewarded.

Zhang Chen said nothing.

Pulling Ye Yiyi back to the room.

No matter how pure her thoughts were, Ye Yiyi guessed what would happen next.

If you say that when you first came to Zhang Chen's side.

She still has some hesitation and resistance.

Get in touch for a few days.

It has long been the default.

In addition, even Zhang Chen didn't know.

It was Xing Lingyun's private encouragement that made Ye Yiyi take the initiative tonight.

more than an hour later.

With the wailing from the enemy crystal.

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