The whole battle also came to an end.

A hearty battle at the top of the canyon.

The result made Zhang Chen quite satisfied.

Of course because Ye Yiyi is a novice after all.

It's the first time to enter the game duo.

There is still a lack of money in many game operations and coordination.

He can only rely on Zhang Chen, the solo king at the top of the canyon, to teach him hand in hand.

Fortunately, Ye Yiyi is smart and obedient.

She accepts what Zhang Chen teaches with an open mind, and then studies hard.

Leave time.

I believe that it will definitely keep up with the pace of Xing Lingyun in terms of game coordination and operation.

"Brother Chen, I'm sorry..."

Ye Yiyi blamed herself a little.

After losing the game, he was worried about Zhang Chen's poor game experience.

Suppressing exhaustion and apologizing.

The pitiful appearance makes people feel distressed.

So, such a good sister must make people feel distressed.

Zhang Chen gently touched her little head, "No need to apologize, just take your time in the future."

"Well! I will try my best!"

Ye Yiyi nodded heavily, and then murmured softly, "Why is what Sister Xing taught you before useless?"

The muttering was very soft.

But Zhang Chen could hear clearly.

Almost not amused.

"Your star sister taught you in private?"

Zhang Chen asked.

Ye Yiyi was taken aback, and then blushed and replied: "Yes, Sister Xing is amazing! It's a pity that I'm useless."

"Your elder sister Xing is amazing, and I also taught you how to do it."


"Of course it is true. When she entered the game for the first time, she was not as good as you. The one who was killed by me lost her armor and disarmed, and was defeated!"

Zhang Chen laughed.

Hmm, it seems a little exaggerated.

But on the whole he wasn't bragging either.

After all, it was the first time to enter the top of the canyon.

Physical and mental exhaustion consumes a lot.

Ye Yiyi soon fell into a deep sleep.

At the same time, the traces of demonization on her body slowly disappeared again.

"It seems that the fusion of her and the power of the demon in her body is coming to an end."

Zhang Chen would kindly take care of his sister for Ye Fan.

But not just because he's an old jerk.

More importantly!

Ye Fan, this younger sister, is not a vase type daughter of luck.

Anyway, she is also the younger sister of the Son of Destiny, so she naturally has her own unique features.

And this uniqueness.

Zhang Chen is now waiting for Ye Yiyi to awaken her advantage.

"It should be soon? It should be reflected when the real fusion is completed."

He was looking forward to it.

What kind of surprise Ye Yiyi will bring him.

After all, in the original story line, Ye Yiyi did not become a monster.


"It's really a cultivation method at the level of cultivating immortals. This kind of effect is amazing!"

on the system interface.

Presents Zhang Chen's current personal status information.

I don’t know, I’m scared.

Host: Zhang Chen

Identity: The eldest son of the Zhang family in Jiangdong Province

Strength: 1005 (normal average 10)

Dexterity: 1006 (normal average 10)

Physique: 1038 (average of 10 for ordinary people)

Yang Qi: 999999/999999 (Pure Yang Eucharist)

Kung Fu: Yin-Yang Jue in the Beginning (Fundamentals Consummation)

Skills: [Equipment Specialization] [Fighting Mastery] [Spiritual Power Specialization] [Driving Mastery] [Samadhi True Fire First Stage] [Jiuxiao Shenlei First Stage]

Even if you exclude exercises and skills.

Just rely on the basic attributes.

Zhang Chen felt like he was being slapped.

It is completely possible to beat monsters of ordinary dangerous level into a dizzy state.

This is pure physical strength.

Of course, the higher the level of monsters, the more difficult it is to deal purely physical damage.

But Zhang Chen has Samadhi True Fire and Jiuxiao Shenlei!

Even if it is only the power of the first entry level.

But don't forget.

Both of these are Taoism at the level of cultivating immortals.

Deal with the demons of the terrifying resurrection plane.

Isn't it within your grasp?

"System, if I do it myself, what level of monsters can I probably deal with?"

Zhang Chen was really curious.

His own estimate is not accurate, but he is looking forward to how high the evaluation system can give.

【Ding!The host is now equivalent to a dangerous elite level]

"Dangerous elite level? In other words, close to the fatal level?"

Zhang Chen is quite satisfied with the evaluation of the system.

How long has it been since he crossed over?

Full reckoning.

Less than a month!

Such a short time.

Let him grow from a rich second generation who has no power to restrain a chicken.

Become a strong man who can tear apart ordinary dangerous monsters.

This upgrade speed.

The child of luck can't compare, right?

"But there are not many opportunities for me to do it myself."

The evaluation given to him by the system is only based on his three basic attributes.

It is certainly impossible to count the exercises he practiced and other skills.

So really get your hands dirty.

Zhang Chen is confident that he can make a deadly monster kneel down and beg for mercy.

This is also one of the reasons why he dared to meet Xia Ruyun alone.

Don't say anything else.

A stack of dao talismans was thrown on the demon's face.

Just ask if you are afraid.

Except for Zhang Chen's case on the system interface.

Naturally, there is also specific information about Xing Lingyun.

At the same time, there is one more Ye Yiyi.

"Sure enough, as long as you play the duo game with me at the top of the canyon, you will be recorded by the system."

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