
Even if he heard that Zhang Chen was sarcastic.

Director Wei couldn't help but get angry, and even tried to make excuses and said: "Brother, I'm going to put down my old face tonight, and I want to ask you for help."

"Not interested in."

Zhang Chen directly refused.

Director Wei was stunned, "I haven't said anything yet..."

"The thing about Xiao Han is that you, the Demon Slayer, didn't kill the weeds and eradicate the roots, so I won't intervene here."

Zhang Chen was firm.

Director Wei had no choice but to say: "Brother, the person next to you was also..."

"Director Wei, you drank too much."

In fact, the meaning is obvious.

Zhan Mosi wanted Zhang Chen to come forward and Xing Lingyun to do it.

The reason is also very simple.

One of the three Yan Luo-level powerhouses who teamed up to kill Xiao Han's parents back then.

It is Star Listening Rhyme.

So to a certain extent, Zhang Chen can't stay out of the matter now.

Once Xiao Han becomes a climate, he will definitely seek revenge.

But Zhang Chen is not someone else, he can be moved by just a few words.

"I think it's better to ask the headquarters of the Demon Killing Division to come forward. Xiao Han is just a mere person, but it's not for outsiders to worry about it."

Demon Slayer is not that weak.

It can even be said to be very strong!

Powerful beyond many people's expectations.


Director Wei was helpless, with a bitter expression on his face, "Oh, to tell you the truth, brother, this matter is very troublesome!"


"There are actually differences of opinion at the headquarters regarding what happened back then."

To be honest, why did Xiao Han survive?

Even if it slips through the net.

It's been ten years, and no one has discovered it.

If it's luck, it's a coincidence.

Even fools don't believe it.

Zhang Chen knew that someone secretly and deliberately concealed Xiao Han's life experience.

Cover his whereabouts and identity for him.

Moreover, the person who helped him had a high status in the Demon Slayer Division.

This is also an advantage of the son of luck.

Don't ask if it's reasonable.

The existence of the son of luck itself is unreasonable.

"So, only the people below you can handle it by yourself?"

Zhang Chen smiled.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

This sentence is absolutely correct.

Director Wei also admitted, "The above means that they will not interfere, but Xiao Han must be eliminated, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

The old way.

The real strong players in the early stage will have various seemingly reasonable reasons.

Choose to let go and turn a blind eye.

Then the son of luck happily fights monsters and upgrades.

Become strong step by step.

In the end, those strong men who could crush the Son of Destiny with one finger were dumbfounded.

Wait until you react.

It's too late.

Zhang Chen can calm down.

Director Wei couldn't.

He also saw that Zhang Chen was determined.

Actually come before.

Director Wei knew that he wanted Xing Lingyun to kill Xiao Han.


So he stepped back.

"Brother, I also know to embarrass you, or else."

Director Wei hesitated, "Could you lend me some pills and Taoist symbols?"

After speaking, I realized that such a request is not good.

Quickly changed, "Ahem, sell, are you selling me some pills and Taoist symbols?"

"Brother Zhang, don't worry, I didn't take it for nothing, you can tell me how much you need!"

The box of pills and Dao Fu that Zhang Chen gave him before.

Director Wei specially found someone to try.

The result was a surprise for him.

Do not!

It was shocking!

That effect!

too exaggerated!

With those things, the people of the Demon Slaying Division are even more powerful!

That's why he opened his mouth.

Even coming tonight, his purpose is actually to get some Dao talismans and elixir from Zhang Chen.


TodayChapter 1.

Chapter 76

Zhang Chen got the dao talisman and elixir that he could get his hands on.

Those are all produced by the system!

The so-called system product must be a high-quality product.

This statement is absolutely not deceiving.


It's just primary pills and primary Taoist symbols.

But that's all at the level of cultivating immortals.

And the level of cultivating immortals is more than a step higher than the plane of horror recovery.

The dimensionality reduction attack naturally shocked Demon Slayer ~ Si as a heavenly being.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Oh?"

"Brother Zhang, the medicine pills and Dao talismans you gave me before, to be honest, they really-made me amazed!"

Director Wei became emotional.

Can he not be moved?

A qi and blood pill!

It can make the people under his hands full of blood when they are exhausted-resurrection!

If it is when fighting monsters to the death.

This is a lifesaver!

And that antidote pill!

The Demon Killing Division let the Lin family secretly develop it for ten years!

No results were developed.

One pill from Zhang Chen solved everything.

Director Wei asked someone to try it himself, after being eroded by the devilish energy.

Swallowing the detoxification pill can save him.

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