what does this mean?

The people in the Demon Slayer Division are actually facing the danger of being backlashed by the accompanying monsters anytime and anywhere.

As long as there is detoxification pill!

It can be suppressed!

Even if it treats the symptoms but not the root cause, it is still a life-saving medicine!

And those dao talismans.

What kind of lightning talisman, exorcism talisman, magic suppression talisman and so on.

They are all sharp weapons against monsters!

The Magic Killing Division has been established for 20 years.

It's not that there are no masters behind the scenes to study some of the lost Taoism of Huaxia Kingdom.

But the results were slow.

Even if some pills and dao talismans were made.

Compared to those provided by Zhang Chen.


Not far!

It's not that Magic Slayer's technical level is poor.

The key level is far behind.

The plane of horror recovery is more than one step away from the plane of cultivating immortals?

The elementary medicine pill and elementary Taoist talisman in Zhang Chen's hand.

Those are all at the level of cultivating immortals, and they are placed on the plane of horror recovery.

Proper high-end goods.

Could it be that Zhang Chen sent the things to Director Wei because he thought there was too much money?

of course not!

He has long since taken this opportunity!

A hole was dug.

Just wait for Zhan Mosi to jump in.

With Zhang Chen's family background, plus the strength and background he deliberately revealed.

The Demon Killing Division had no choice but to find out.

In addition to win over and curry favor.

There is no other way.

Tough demand?

How about trying to be the son of luck?

Or ordinary people?

The Demon Killing Division has long said nothing, and 'invited' people to the Demon Killing Division.

Then understand it with reason and move it with emotion.

Ultimately forcing others to hand over good things to share.

If he is obedient and obedient, he might be absorbed into the Demon Slayer Division and be treated as one of his own.


It's hard to say whether we can see the sun the next day.

It's a pity about Zhang Chen's identity.

Let the Demon Slayer helpless.

Director Wei also mentioned it with a wry smile, while playing the emotional card.

"Brother Zhang, there is nothing I can do here."

Those above chose to wait and see and not interfere.

He also hinted that the people below should deal with Xiao Han.

However, the people in his hands were not strong enough and failed twice.

Lost troops and lost generals.

What do you want him to do?

I can only come to ask Zhang Chen.

"Okay, since Brother Wei has spoken, I still have to give him some face."

Zhang Chen answered very straightforwardly, but he didn't wait for Director Wei to show a smile.

next sentence.

Directly freeze the expression on Director Wei's face.

"I don't make a difference either. Qixue Pill and Jiedu Pill are 200 million."

Director Wei: "???!!!"

Zhang Chen continued, "The price of Dao Talisman is also the same, 200 million apiece."

"Forget it, for the sake of our friendship, I'll give you a [-]% discount."

It's not that Zhang Chen has a dark heart.

His elixirs and dao talismans also need to be purchased from the system store.

Primary pills and primary Dao talismans are bought once for 1 contribution point.

And 1 contribution point can only be exchanged for 100 million cash.

He doubled the cost price and sold it.

Is there something wrong?

He has a lot of money, but he is not doing charity.

The corner of Director Wei's mouth twitched, and he didn't say a single note for a long time.

"What? Don't you think it's expensive?"

Zhang Chen raised his eyebrows.

He deliberately frowned and asked, then shook his head, "If Brother Wei thinks the price is inappropriate, then just pretend I didn't say anything."

The price is not right?

Is this more than inappropriate?

It's just a money grab, okay?

Director Wei almost spat out a mouthful of old blood on the spot.

The muscles on the face are twitching.

"Brother Zhang, are you serious?"

"Brother Wei thinks I'm joking?"

Zhang Chen raised his eyebrows, "What's the use of those things, I think you have already tried it, so I won't say more."

"The Lin family has spent hundreds of billions on research for ten years. Is there any result?"

Director Wei: "..."

"Or do you think the things I have are cheap?"

Can't refute.

But this price.

How could the Demon Killing Division get it out.

Even if the Demon Slayer has a high status and great influence.

But it is a Yamen after all.

Funds are limited!

Even a little tight.

Otherwise, Zhang Chen sponsored 3000 million funds.

I won't be polite, so I gladly accept it.

But now count.

With that small amount of money at Zhang Chen's place, is it only enough to buy thirty pills?

Or thirty Taoist symbols?

"Well, can't it be cheaper?"

Elder Wei Si blushed.

It's a pity that I have no money in my pocket.

Zhang Chen smiled, "[-]% off, this is already a friendship price."

So bullying!

[-]% off?

Even [-]% off can't afford it!

Do not!

Even [-]% off!

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