There is an extra sword in Xing Lingyun's hand, it is the soul-eating sword she used to kill countless monsters.

Now with her demonization, the power of this Soul Devouring Sword seems to be stronger.

After the Soul Eater Sword appeared.

Ye Yiyi obviously felt the pressure and panic.

"Sister Yun'er, I'm a little scared!"

When Xing Lingyun heard it, she immediately understood, and quickly put away the Soul Eater Sword.

"It seems that sister Yiyi's current strength is still unable to suppress the horror class."

This is said a little cautiously.

After all, Xing Lingyun is much more powerful than ordinary horror-level demons and ghosts.

Zhang Chen even doubted it, plus the Soul Eater Sword in her hand.

When encountering ordinary nightmare-level monsters, they can wrestle their arms.

When her strength returns to the nightmare level, she will really be equivalent to a little invincible existence.

Ye Yiyi blamed herself a little, lowered her head and pinched the corner of her clothes and said softly: "Yes, I'm sorry..."

The little girl obviously misunderstood.

Feel useless.

The excitement after awakening his own ghost just now.

Was also hit at the moment.

Zhang Chen hurriedly stepped forward to touch her little head and said with a smile: "What are you thinking, your strength has great potential!"


"Of course it's true. Am I going to lie to you?"

"No, no!"

"Your elder sister Yun'er is the former Yan Luo. There are not many people who can make her give such a high evaluation."

Zhang Chen's voice was very gentle, Ye Yiyi was dubious.

Xing Lingyun smiled and nodded, "Your strength is already very strong."


Ye Yiyi's power after awakening.

That is, how exaggerated is her unique ghost power?

Zhang Chen actually wanted to see it very much.

After all, in the original comic plot.

Although Ye Yiyi is the daughter of luck, she is well protected by Ye Fan, the son of luck.

There is no chance of becoming a monster at all.

Not to mention awakening ghosts.


Zhang Chen is looking forward to it.

"Master, it's the neighborhood in front of you."

Silent night.

Outside a certain community in Jiangdong City.

Several cars stopped.

Zhang Chen got out of the car and looked at the neighborhood in front of him.

There was a hint of playfulness on his face.

Zhang San said respectfully from the side: "They have been in for two days, and there is no news at all, I'm afraid it's..."

He didn't say anything after that.

But Zhang Chen knew it, and raised his hand casually to signal, "You and the others are waiting outside."

"Master? This, isn't it right?"

Seeing Zhang Chen going in, Zhang San was startled!

"Is it too dangerous for you and the two young ladies to go in? Or let us follow, in case something happens, at least we have someone to take care of us!"

The neighborhood in front of me...

It looks ordinary.

It probably looks like a residential area developed more than ten years ago.

It is very common in Koto City.

But weirdly.

At this point in time, even in the middle of the night.

Not a single light was on on any floor of the entire complex.

It was so quiet that there was no sound at all.

Gives a creepy feeling.

If you pay attention to the forums of Jiangdong City recently, there is still news.

Will know.

The community in front of me has been restless since half a month ago.

Homicides occurred one after another.

Still can't find any clues.

Not even three days ago!

Even the police officers in charge of the investigation have disappeared.

It directly became a haunted community that was jokingly called on the Internet.

Doesn't Zhang Chen know?

He just came to know.

"Where is there so much nonsense, they are all waiting outside, remember not to come in."

Zhang Chen is still afraid of being haunted?

There are two around him.


He knew the neighborhood in front of him.

"In the original comic plot, there should be two monsters who have just reached the dangerous level."

Dangerous level.

Even if there are two.

Zhang Chen can solve it alone.

But tonight he brought Ye Yiyi with him.

The purpose is simple.

Let her try it out and see how powerful the awakened ghost is.

Leave Zhang San and others outside the community.

Zhang Chen took Ye Yiyi and Xing Lingyun into the community.

The neighborhood is very quiet, even silent.

All the residential buildings are quiet, and no lights are on in any house.

This is also normal.

All the residents have fled, those who go to relatives, those who are looking for hotels.

Anyway, who would dare to live here?

"For such an obvious place, the people from the Demon Slayer Division didn't take the initiative to solve it. It really is a dungeon specially reserved for the son of luck to earn experience."


A haunted incident occurred in a residential area in Jiangdong City.

Even the investigating patrols have disappeared a few.

Zhan Mosi will definitely come forward.

But he was indifferent.

the reason is simple.

This district can be regarded as a small copy.

Originally belonged to Ye Fan, the son of luck, and prepared for him to gain experience and upgrade.


Ye Fan was already dead, but it was cheaper for Zhang Chen.

"How about it?"

There was no tension on Zhang Chen's face.

It's just a small copy, and you still know the inside story.

Xing Lingyun smiled, "Two, the strength is not high, dangerous level."

It was exactly as he remembered.

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