"Is there still life left?"

Zhang Chen asked, not without reason.

Because it was just two days ago.

He asked the people below to throw Xiao Han's roommates in.


The conflict at the barbecue stall that night required a compensation and settlement.

Just those few ordinary students, how could it be possible to get it out.

At this time, the people under Zhang Chen gave Xu Lin and others a way out.

Do a favor!

After that.

Compensation and settlement payments were written off.

In name, it is to take back some important property left at home for the residents of the community in front of them.

Such as gold jewelry, real estate, passbooks and other things.

It takes courageous people to enter the community.

But actually.

This is what Zhang Chen did.

"Live 0.2 bites?"

Xing Lingyun heard the words, then shook her head, "No."

She knows a lot of things, but she doesn't object.

At least in Xing Lingyun's heart, Zhang Chen's importance is beyond doubt.

got first place!

The three came to one of the residential buildings.

"Brother Chen, the devilish energy here is so strong!"

Ye Yiyi said softly.

Ordinary people may only feel that the temperature has dropped a lot.

But Ye Yiyi could clearly see that there was a layer of black mist over the community.

The black mist of the residential building in front of him was even more intense.

"Yiyi, you can do it now."

Zhang Chen touched Ye Yiyi's small head.

The latter nodded slightly excitedly and obediently.

Next up!

The ghosts unfold!

In an instant!

The surrounding environment, even the world has changed.

And take a closer look.

In front of them, there were two more people.

Oh no.

It's a zombie and a ghost!

His face was full of astonishment and daze, and he probably didn't understand what happened.

At the same time, at the feet of the zombie and the ghost, lay three horrible corpses.

It was as if it had been eaten by a wild animal.

These three corpses are exactly the three roommates in Xiao Han's dormitory.

"Sorry to bother you two."

Zhang Chen spoke very politely, but Ye Yiyi was not polite when he started.

Under the shadow of ghosts, the ghosts and zombies didn't even have a chance to resist.

He knelt down on the ground with a plop.

The difference in strength is too big, it is completely crushing.

It also confirmed the judgment of Zhang Chen and Xing Lingyun.

Ye Yiyi, this ghost, really defies the sky.

And this time.

Zhang Chen saw the remaining souls on the three corpses under the influence of Ye Yiyi's ghost.

It turned into a ghost on the spot, and got out of the corpse with a hideous face.

"Xiao Han, I hope you will like this gift I prepared for you."

Zhang Chen is looking forward to it, after Xiao Han returns to Jiangdong City.

How will he deal with the three good brothers in the same dormitory who used to get along day and night.


TodayChapter 1.

Chapter 78

The previous chapter was closed

It has been modified now, if you haven't seen it, you can go back and look at it


His eyes were sharp on the spot!

Do not hesitate!

Just and dignified to eliminate demons and defend the way, and eliminate harm for the people?

Or are you thinking about your old classmates, and you can't bear to do it?

to be frank.

Zhang Chen is looking forward to that day.

Then let's see how Xiao Han will choose.

"According to Xiao Han's original character setting and personality, hehe!"

Zhang Chen couldn't help but sneered.

Doesn't he understand the characters he created himself?

"No accident, they will let them live."


The protagonist of Destiny, the Son of Destiny is really that kind of justice incarnate?

Give me a break!

The protagonists in many film and television dramas and literary works are hard to describe.

Once the halo of the glorious image of the child of luck is removed.

It's simply more disgusting than many villains.

That is to say, the protagonists described by very few literary masters are the kind of righteousness for the country and the people.

Xiao Han?

Zhang Chen shook his head, he created and understood by himself.

"Brother Chen, do you want to kill them?"

Watching Xu Lin and the other two students turn into ghosts in front of his eyes.

Ye Yiyi asked timidly.

The voice is very soft and the tone is very soft.

No one would have thought of such a beautiful and delicate girl.

It turned out to be a deadly monster!

Even awakened the extremely powerful ghost power against the sky.

Zhang Chen was looking at the three ghosts who had just been born in front of him with great interest.

These three ghosts apparently suffered unimaginable torture, fear and despair before they died.

After his death, the demonic energy in the whole community was also influenced by Ye Yiyi's ghost.

Transformed directly into a ghost.

Like that!




as soon as it appears.

Apart from anything else, he smelled the breath of a living person.

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