He rushed towards Zhang Chen directly.

"Oh? You are quite courageous."

Zhang Chen smiled.

Of course, it is reasonable to take him as a target.

After all, this entire community is within a radius of one kilometer.

He was probably the only one alive.

The seat is a ghost, if you don't look for him, who can you look for?

"Brother Chen, be careful!"

Ye Yiyi exclaimed!

Although her personality makes her weak and kind.

But at this time, subconsciously, her hair grew wildly.

In the blink of an eye, the whole room is covered!

That picture!

It was even scarier than the three ghosts that were jumping at Zhang Chen in front of him.

Her eyes 23 were instantly like a deep abyss, as black as ink!


that moment!

The devilish energy emanating from Ye Yiyi's body was extremely powerful.

Obviously, it has exceeded the fatal level.

Faintly approaching the horror level!

"Yiyi, stop."

Seeing that the three newly born ghosts were about to be torn apart by Ye Yiyi's countless hair.

Zhang Chen spoke quickly.

That is the voice.

It made Ye Yiyi calm down, and then her face turned red.

In an instant, he returned to the soft and weak look just now.

"Brother Chen, don't you want to kill them?"

Ye Yiyi looked at the three ghosts who were bound by the strands of hair transformed by her devilish energy.

Probably because he didn't understand why Zhang Chen asked her to stop.

Zhang Chen shook his head, then said with a smile: "Hey, how can I let you do this kind of beating and killing?"

He touched the little girl's head.

For any reason, Ye Yiyi would not doubt it at all.

Even useful and happy.

Those eyes smiled into a pair of crescent moons, and they seemed to enjoy Zhang Chen's favor.

"Well, I listen to Brother Chen."


Zhang Chen didn't feel any guilt at all.

Villain, can't you bear it?

As for Xing Lingyun, she gave someone a blank look.

Naturally, she could see that Zhang Chen had other plans.

It's just that she doesn't want Ye Yiyi to know.

as predicted.

Zhang Chen is now looking at the three ghosts subdued by Ye Yiyi with great interest.

There was also a tsk sound in his mouth.

"These are also three poor people."

Cat crying and mouse fake mercy?

But who knows.

Anyway, people who know will not hate him.

"It stands to reason that with the way you are now, killing you is easy."

Zhang Chen touched his chin.

The three fierce ghosts in front of them still vaguely retain a little bit of wisdom from their previous lives.

But more of it is because of strong resentment and fear that lead to distorted thinking.

How is it possible to have a normal conversation?

"It's a pity, such things as eliminating demons and defending the way are the responsibility of the Demon Slayer Division."

Zhang Chen shrugged, "Yiyi, see if you can control them."

Ye Yiyi is almost obedient to Zhang Chen now.

Blind worship is also good.

Ye Fan had no relatives after his death, so he pinned his hopes on Zhang Chen.

In short.

What Zhang Chen said.

Ye Yiyi will basically not hesitate or object.

"Well, I'll try!"

As soon as Zhang Chen finished speaking, Ye Yiyi started to try.

She also knew that Zhang Chen took her out on purpose tonight.

I want to train her well.

In the little girl's heart, she always wanted to find a chance to prove that she was not free-spirited.

It is valuable to be able to stay by Zhang Chen's side.

"Don't worry, take your time."

Zhang Chen gave some encouragement.


Ye Yiyi began to try the power of ghosts in her body.

Really don't say it.

Very defiant!

After several attempts, it was really easy to appease and control the three ghosts in front of him.

after success.

Ye Yiyi's little face was flushed red with excitement and excitement.

"Brother Chen, you succeeded!"

Zhang Chen said with a smile: "Yiyi is really smart!"

"The other two are treated the same."

"it is good!"


The two demons, who were originally cruel and bloodthirsty, became well-behaved.

inside the room.

Zhang Chen sat on the chair and looked at the five figures sitting in front of him.

"This ability is really not to be underestimated."

Ye Yiyi's power is obviously related to the ghost on her body.

At this moment, judge according to the results of the experiment.

Zhang Chen probably already guessed Ye Yiyi's demonization.

Where did that strange power come from?

"Qianyuan Realm? To some extent, they are indeed very similar."


Qianyuan Realm!

The ghosts and creatures that Ye Yiyi displayed at this moment were different from those of other monsters.

In this piece of ghost.

She can control all monsters whose strength is lower than hers!

The effect is amazing!

Quite an exaggeration!

like now.

It doesn't matter if it's the pair of zombies and ghosts who are doing evil and killing people in this neighborhood.

Or just born three little ghosts.

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