Zhang Chen put down his teacup, and said calmly, "Ask me to meet today. Is there any progress in Xiang County?"

bother you for something.

Normally, it is impossible for a department like the Demon Killing Division to have anything to do with a dude like Zhang Chen.

Even if the two have a good relationship in private.

But if you have nothing to say, ask out for a cup of tea.

Obviously not realistic.

There is only one explanation.

"Xiao Han is missing."

Director Wei also restrained his smile, and his tone became serious.

Compared with Zhang Chen who brought a new beautiful female demon by his side from time to time to ask him to ask for the identity of the yamen.

The problem on Xiao Han's side involved Director Wei.

Heartstrings for many.

"Oh? Missing?"

Zhang Chen asked knowingly, he almost got the first-hand information.

Director Wei was also aware of this and did not expose it.

Instead, he nodded with a wry smile and said, "The people on my side sent news yesterday."

Approximate process.

Zhang Chen actually knew everything.

Xiao Han's every move and whereabouts were monitored by the people Zhang Chen sent over.

Then he revealed his whereabouts to the Demon Slayer.

There is a tacit understanding between the two sides.

One is bright, one is dark.

Even the elixirs and dao talismans that Zhang Chen provided to Director Wei before.

This time also played a decisive role.


Just kill Xiao Han!

Of course Xiao Han still escaped, but at a high price.

"I see, but I can't help you with that."

Zhang Chen spread his hands, it wasn't that he was putting on airs on purpose.

In the area of ​​Xiang County, there are many deep mountains and old forests.

The mountainous terrain is already easy to hide.

In addition, Xiao Han is the son of luck, if he really wants to hide.

It was really not easy to find him.

Mountainous areas are not like cities, and there is no pervasive surveillance.

Director Wei sighed, "I know this too, but just letting him go like this always makes people feel that something big will happen after letting the tiger go back to the mountain."


He is indeed the person who sits in Jiangdong City and speaks for the Demon Slayer Division.

The vision is indeed not shallow.

If Zhang Chen didn't intervene.

As the son of luck, Xiao Han was indeed in a very short period of time.

can grow up.

Zhang Chen remained silent, acting as if this matter had little to do with him.

think carefully.

That's really it.

Who is Xiao Han?

There was no direct conflict with Zhang Chen.

Even when Xiao Han was at Jiangdong University, he had privately expressed his love for the school girl Lin Xi.

But it's just admiration, and nothing has been done.

Analyze with common sense.

There's no need for Zhang Chen to fight Xiao Han forever for such a trivial matter.

Even if!

Xiao Han has a problem with his life experience.

Among the people who killed Xiao Han's parents back then, one is now staying with Zhang Chen.

"Brother Zhang, do you think there is any good way to do this?"

Seeing that the old god Zhang Chen was there, Director Wei had no intention of intervening at all.

Finally, he couldn't help but take the initiative to ask.

I muttered even more in my heart, don't you really understand, if Xiao Han is alive?

Is it a threat to the Demon Slayer and the Jiangdong Zhang family?

But this cannot be said clearly.

After all, Zhang Chen has never directly acknowledged Xing Lingyun's identity.


Zhang Chen showed a faint expression of thinking.

Director Wei did not dare to urge, but waited patiently.


Only then did Zhang Chen speak, "It's not that there are none."

"Really? In what way?"



Director Wei suspected that he had a problem with his ears just now.

asked involuntarily.

Zhang Chen naturally knew why he had such a reaction.

With a faint smile, he explained: "Since there is no way to kill Xiao Han for the time being, I even let him run away."

"Then it's better to lure the snake out of the hole and control him within the scope of his control."

Zhang Chen had already thought about how to deal with Xiao Han.

Children of Destiny usually have the drama of surviving from a desperate situation.

The experience of Xiang County this time proved this point.

That being the case.

Then change the way.

"What does Brother Zhang's 887 mean?"

Director Wei seemed to understand something, his eyes lit up.

Zhang Chen said with a smile: "Isn't there someone in your Demon Slayer Division who regrets what happened back then?"

Mention it.

Director Wei looked embarrassed.

Fortunately, Zhang Chen didn't mention this kind of thing too much.

Instead, he continued: "Then take advantage of this reason, take the initiative to show goodwill, and find a way to recruit Xiao Han into Brother Wei."

"At that time, whether to find an opportunity to kill him, or to deal with it in other ways, is it up to you, Brother Wei, to decide?"

In fact, the method is very simple.

Zhang Chen's explanation also has many loopholes.

But it just made Director Wei fall into deep thought.

"Xiao Han, that wicked beast, will he be fooled?"

Director Wei raised his head and asked with a frown.

"As long as he is smart enough, he will be fooled."

Director Wei was a little taken aback by Zhang Chen's answer, obviously not understanding the intention of Zhang Chen's inconsistent explanation.

But only Zhang Chen knew it.

Xiao Han will definitely be fooled!

Because according to the development of the original plot, Xiao Han did enter the Division of Killing Demons in the early stage!

Then with the help of the power of Demon Slayer, he quickly improved himself.

He just advanced this development and started to arrange his own plan by the way.

If Xiao Han is killed now, wouldn't many plots and opportunities related to Xiao Han disappear?

The most important thing!

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