Zhang Chen was still thinking about digging out Xiao Han's mother!


The author officially confirmed that Zhang Chen is old and shy! .

Chapter 84

Will Xiao Han be successfully ordered by the Demon Slayer Division?

Zhang Chen is probably [-]% to [-]% sure.

Even if Xiao Han rejected the solicitation of the Demon Killing Division in the end, it actually didn't have much impact on his plan.

He has always done things in a multi-line layout.

Only one or two lines need to be placed successfully.

Zhang Chen is sure to successfully kill Xiao Han, the son of luck.

Director Wei pondered for a moment, obviously weighing Zhang Chen's suggestion in his heart.

"Now Xiao Han is in the dark, and your Demon Slayer is in the open. It will take a lot of energy and price to kill him."

Zhang Chen said with a faint smile, "Instead of wasting time, let him come out of the darkness by himself."

"The people on my side have chased and killed him several times, will Xiao Han really be willing?"

Director Wei still thinks that Zhang Chen's suggestion is too optimistic?

Just a few days.

Zhan Mosi at least several times, forced Xiao Han into a desperate situation.

If it were him, he would have been simmering with a monstrous anger for a long time.

Sudden concessions at this time, active solicitation?

Zhang Chen smiled, "Brother Wei, did the people under your command reveal why they wanted to kill Xiao Han?"

This statement came out.

Director Wei's eyes lit up immediately, and he came to his senses.

"No! Only a very few people know about this matter!"

"The people below don't know the reason at all!"

This is also normal.

The Department of Killing Demons is the official yamen, and there are many things that don't need to be explained to the people below.

Those who dealt with Xiao Han only knew that they were dealing with a dangerous element.

Facts have proved.

Xiao Han controls the ghosts and zombies.

So need a reason?

No need at all!

Zhang Chen spread his hands, "Isn't that all?"

"What does brother mean?"

"Xiao Han doesn't know why he was hunted down by you at all, at least for the time being."

This is true.

At this time, he was in a deep mountain near Xiang County.

Xiao Han was really puzzled.

I don't understand how my identity is exposed at all?

Coupled with physical and mental exhaustion and injuries all over, it can be described as extremely miserable.

And here in Jiangdong City.

Inside the tea house.

Zhang Chen said with a smile: "If I were Xiao Han, knowing my life experience and the blood feud, how would I choose?"

heard here.

Director Wei was thoughtful, "Conceal your identity!"

"Yes, to conceal his identity, at least Xiao Han will not know his biggest secret, in fact, it has long been known by the Demon Slayer."

Zhang Chen nodded, "And at this time, if you come forward to be a peacemaker, Brother Wei, take the initiative to express your kindness."

"At the same time, he took the initiative to apologize, and then extended an olive branch to Xiao Han. How likely do you think he is to refuse?"

After listening to Zhang Chen's analysis.

Director Wei couldn't help but nodded in admiration.

But he raised a new question, "As you said, but how do you explain the fact that the Demon Slayer Division sent people to hunt down and kill Xiao Han?"


Xiao Han is not a fool, he must have doubts.

Once you know that your life experience is exposed.

Unless you're an idiot.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to throw oneself into the trap.

This is the thinking of ordinary normal people.

Zhang Chen can't tell the other party that Xiao Han is a son of luck.

Often honey is self-confident, the more you are in the dragon's pond and the tiger's den.

The more you will plunge in desperately?

"It's simple."

Zhang Chen smiled faintly, and said: "The responsibility of the Demon Slayer is to remove all hidden dangers that may endanger the safety of the people!"

"He, Xiao Han, has the ability to control ghosts and demons. Unless such a character is strictly supervised, there is a hidden danger of endangering public safety."

a few words.

Director Wei's mouth twitched again and again when he heard it.

Don't look at Zhang Chen's awe-inspiring righteousness.

But think carefully.

If you really want this excuse, the person who should be dealt with by the Demon Slayer Division most.

Not Xiao Han.

It was Zhang Chen!

But Director Wei was smart enough not to point out this kind of statement.

"This way is good!"

Director Wei complained in his heart.

Still couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "Such a reason is indeed tenable and cannot be refuted."

"How to handle this matter, I believe that Brother Wei, you will be able to handle it well."

Zhang Chen didn't want to take credit at all, and even hinted that he didn't want to get involved.

Instead, he added, "I believe that as long as this Xiao Han is not stupid, he should know that it is a wise choice to agree to be recruited by the Demon Slayer."

"Isn't it?"

Director Wei agreed deeply, "Indeed! If you follow your suggestion, brother."

"This Xiao Han should be moved."

"In this way, you will have more opportunities to choose whether you really use it as a chess piece to cultivate it, or look for an opportunity to kill it."

Zhang Chen said with a smile: "It's better than wasting time by catching mice like this."

"Haha! One word awakened the dreamer, brother Zhang, you really helped my brother and me a lot!"

Director Wei laughed loudly, and the haze of many days was swept away.

Although it is just a private discussion with Zhang Chen on how to deal with Xiao Han.

The plan has just been discussed and has not yet been implemented.

But who is Director Wei?

After some analysis by Zhang Chen, he secretly calculated it with himself.

Indeed, the program has been found to have a high success rate.

"Small matter, Brother Wei is too polite."

Zhang Chen smiled faintly, as if he really had no interest in this matter.

Only for the sake of personal friendship in private, will I make suggestions.

Director Wei shook his head, "If this Xiao Han Zhao'an can be successfully controlled this time, it will indeed be a great favor to me!"

The words of gratitude are not like polite words.

The reason behind this.

Zhang Chen naturally understood.

Because the person behind Director Wei is the same as Xing Lingyun!

Also ten years ago!

Participated in the operation that killed Xiao Han's parents.

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